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Everything posted by forameus

  1. True, and for what it's worth, I imagine that will be the route he ends up going down, but I'm more meaning that if they offered him that and he said no, then they would communicate that rather than making it seem like they just got bored and released him. Only way I could see him being more happy with a non-wrestling role is if he comes to the realisation that he is genuinely going to destroy himself if he keeps going. No interview points to that of course, but it would certainly make a non-competing role seem more attractive.
  2. After realising that Fallout 4 really shat the bed on quest writing, it got me thinking about some of the best quests that this had to offer. Mild spoilers for a specific sidequest, shouldn't spoil anything else, but beware in case you're early on in the game. Any other quests that jump out for all of you? Imagine the Bloody Baron line will feature heavily, as they really threw absolutely everything at that one.
  3. Probably the same story that did the rounds last week with a "source" that claimed they were "WWE HR". Promptly rubbished by WWE themselves. EDIT: In fact, the blog that originally reported it is now claiming that his source was right all along. His proof? The "Daniel Bryan released" story from 2010 on WWE.com. You know, when he was with the Nexus EDIT2: Around all these released rumours...am I the only one that thinks that WWE would never go out of their way to release him of their own accord? They may never clear him to wrestle on their promotion - and maybe they've come to that conclusion already - but they'd be mental to not at least offer him another role within the company. If he came back tomorrow, he would get the biggest pop still. He would be a massive asset within the performance center and never have to come near the ring. He could even be a GM or manager type figure (although I doubt he'd go for that). So if they offered that, and he still said no, then surely it would still not come under him being "released". Surely, they would say that they offered him a few other deals, he rejected, and wish him well in future. If they had asked that, and then just gave him a non-fanfare release, that would just seem odd to me. Or maybe I'm over-thinking it.
  4. I broke the mission before that point. They were all ready to set sail, then the scavengers attacked. I wanted to side with the robots and their mad boat, but must've killed one of them by mistake, as they all turned on me and I got the mission failed message. So I went and killed them all. f**k 'em. I'm starting to get a bit bored with the game to be honest. I've just reached the Institute, and thought I'd ballsed it up completely. I totally forgot Desmedona (think I've just sided with the Railroad) repeatedly told me to say whatever I needed to say to get into the Institute, and then told the guy in there that "nah, I'm not joining you". Had to go back and say I'd "reconsidered". Might just charge through the main quest, then a charge around the map to make sure I've found all locations, then move on. Although the world is probably the greatest I've ever seen in a game, the lack of depth in quests is quite glaring the further you go on.
  5. I'm on the opposite side. Not a huge Cena fan, but I think with the right build (of course, that's a big if) they could make it really work. Who else is there that can really go up against realistically for that proper last match feel? The Rock I can't see. Triple H has been done too many times. Lesnar has been done too many times. Orton? Maybe, but it's a bit meh. Wyatts? Too many times, and what they've already done was hardly sparkling. Sting? Would've been great, but he's done by the looks of it. One youtube channel I look at a lot suggested possibly Balor to have the Deadman vs the Demon gimmick battle. That could definitely work, and it would let Undertaker end his career on his back, as he will no doubt want to do. That would really benefit Balor, same can't be said for if Cena goes over. Maybe Owens if he doesn't get Lesnar? Short answer, there just isn't really too many credible opponents. If Cena is going to be back in time, and if he's healthy enough (which looks debatable) then it's a decent option.
  6. But even then, if that is the case (which let's face it, it is) you can still write better stories just for them. Roman Reigns they seem to just mostly be recycling Daniel Bryan's story, rather than making him the mostly silent badass that would fit him much better. And they could still make the top guys look strong and have a compelling undercard. Although McMahon can be blamed for a lot of it, surely he wouldn't go as far as refusing to hand a story to someone who has no connection to his favourites.
  7. Getting the rumoured new signings in will help a little, but only if they actually use them properly. Some of the plans they could have for Nakamura are chilling in how plausible they sound. For example, he could go up against Brock Lesnar in what would essentially be a "loser dies first" match in how strong and stiff it could be. Or he could get put in a program with Stardust where JBL laughs and laughs and laughs about them both being from odd places. Mah gawd maggul! The sad thing is that even though they're massively depleted in terms of the roster, it's not that hard to fix it. I know writing a live 3 hour broadcast every single week, along with several hours of supplementary programming, and then a three hour "spectacular" every month isn't going to be the easiest to have flow perfectly all of the time, but it's just how lazy they've been. It's hard to make a spell-binding program like they have in the past, but it isn't as hard to make a solid, watchable show. And they seem massively averse to doing that, instead flitting between tired, lazy writing and absolute lunacy (and not the good kind). They've got it right only a handful of times in years, or so it seems. Is it really that hard and/or expensive to get in a team of writers who can craft something that's worth watching? Are there just too many of them? Why can a guy with a youtube channel craft a much more compelling story than a large number of "professionals"?
  8. Caught the results and a few of WWE's videos. Not really sure what the whole end "match" was all about. Was it supposed to be that one guy goes in, Roman beats him, then they move onto the next? If so, why not feed Reigns some jobbers first (the fucking Ascension were there...) before giving him Owens? It just seemed to be a normal match with loads of guys by ringside, cut short when McMahon set them all on him. Then the way the results painted the situation, it sounded like Lesnar cleared the ring, and then helped Romans up, before F5ing him. That would have been a bit better than what we got. However, Lesnar remains just so good. He doesn't really have a massive range in WWE matches, but I could watch him suplex people all day. He threw Big E like he was Rey Mysterio. Also loved Xavier Woods throughout the entire segment, cackling like a madman while beating down Reigns, then delighted like he'd seen his best pal when Lesnar showed up.
  9. My favourite Osman moment(s) were against St Mirren. Osbourne saw him coming, and in what I can only assume as a fit of jealous rage at this guy doing his job better, he went in for a crunching 50/50 that looked like it'd destroy most of Firhill. Came off worst, and ended up being taken off injured. Then didn't exactly the same thing happen the next time we played them, or am I making that up?
  10. Osman would be right up there with the players I would definitely not want to lose. We've seen how poor we can be without him, and who else do we have that can come in and do the job he does? Having said that, Osbourne did that job before him, looked pretty good, and Archie bought better. Maybe he's saving up his pennies for an even better player.
  11. I wondered why Sanctuary wasn't growing in population despite me planting loads of food. Didn't realise you needed to physically assign settlers to harvest. Now I've got absolutely hunners of food, and up to 17 people there. We all live in a nice big shack built right out in front of the house where the workshop was. Well, I say that, but all the common folk live on ground and first, and I have my own room up top. Can't do to mix with the others, and I need space for mine and Piper's Power Armour Emporium.
  12. The best thing about those screenshots is that with how Witcher 3 currently looks, you can actually see the game looking exactly like that, rather than just being marketing shite.
  13. Get the perk that lets you fast travel while over-encumbered. Go to location, get all the gear that's there, then fast travel direct to your workshop. Gets it all in one go if you've got a spare skill point.
  14. I know I'll never get the time to do it, but if I get through Fallout and Assassin's Creed (and Just Cause) then I really need to go back to the Witcher and play from the very start. I think I started a new character not too long ago before the DLC, so would be good to continue there and naturally bring in the new material. Hopefully by that point the second DLC will be close. EDIT: Actually, I've just looked for any details of DLC 2. It'll be called Blood and Wine, contain a completely new area, and it'll look like this. Scenes.
  15. Interesting the mixed reaction to the Rumble so far. I think it's a great thing. Of course it could all fall down and be absolutely dreadful, but it's got me far more excited for the Rumble than I would have been otherwise. Previously, presuming that Reigns would retain his title at the Rumble, you were looking at an extremely narrow field of potential winners. Had to be a heel, because they surely wouldn't be stupid enough to put Reigns up against a face, so who was there that could realistically win? Lesnar is the only one I could realistically see in that role, with a few others as big stretches. If a heel beat Reigns at RR (but then same problem, who is there to go up against him?) then it would open up slightly, but not by much. Where's the big face to go and win the Rumble? They're all injured. Now though, they seem to be going down the right track. It's fairly easy to book the match now - have Reigns enter at number 1, and go to the latter stages, but get eliminated by someone he can feud with for Wrestlemania season. Probably Triple H. Have Lesnar come in at around 25 and wreck shit. If I don't see him physically suplex someone over the top rope, I'll be raging. Then, because it's the title, have the final four be actually worth something. If you really want Reigns to look strong, have him in the final 4 with Cena, Lesnar and Owens. There's just so much potential now with this small change. Which obviously means they'll f**k it up.
  16. I'm very tempted to pare down my Sanctuary Super Shack and go build something elsewhere. So much material has gone into building it though that I don't think I'd ever find enough to make anything as good somewhere else.
  17. I went about with Classical Radio on for a while. Added a certain amount of class to the situation. But it was distracting me away from hearing the little audio cues you get in-game unfortunately. Listening to a beautiful piece of music is good, but not when you have to layer it with the sounds of screaming and gunfire because you've ran straight into a guy you didn't hear was looking for you. My soundtrack is now the regular sound of Piper having a bit of a breakdown and repeating the same line over and over again.
  18. The components yes, but she keeps the frame on. Lovers Embrace Perk: Part Deux. Oot yer Armour Piper Had a quick glance and couldn't see any option - just the general talk one. Will give it another go tonight. Annoyingly once I took all the bits off her, I couldn't put them back on with it saying she was carrying too much. Still, the base armour makes me look like less of a chauvinist for sending her out as a human shield in most cases.
  19. This. I distinctly remember thinking that I'd probably give up on it at one point as it was all just a bit meh. Give it time. I did, and it's the best game of 2015 by a massive distance, probably the best I've ever played.
  20. I went through that school yesterday (turns out food paste was a good thing), but don't remember anything super special in anywhere near it, and I'm sure I went through all the locations around there. Will need to check again tonight. I'm not sure this has reached Witcher 3 levels of greatness for me, but it's a very, very good game. Definite faults, and I can tell it'll get repetitive soon, but the sheer depth of everything else (missions excepted) is brilliant. I've got an ever-growing list of quests to do, but every time I tell myself I'll concentrate on getting that number down, I find myself either going to Sanctuary and OCD building a base, or going towards the quest location, seeing a new place I haven't discovered, and then spending hours just wandering around the map. The only thing I could suggest to make the map better is to make more interiors available, but that's a small thing. The sheer variety of locations is just brilliant. Slight side note, any way to make Piper take off Power Armour that you've told her to wear? I found an extra set out in the wasteland, so gave it to her with the aim of taking it back to Sanctuary and adding it to the collection. Can't see any way to get the frame off her now though.
  21. I thought I'd covered most of the map, but yesterday crossed a bridge in downtown and found hundreds of new places, mostly packed together, and mostly filled with raiders. And it was dark. And raining.
  22. Anyone been to the Dunwich Borers location yet?
  23. Bring a follower with you, get them and whoever you're fighting distracted with each other, then leg it. They're immortal anyway.
  24. Another thing that the Witcher absolutely nailed - spot on accents for the most part. Surely it isn't hard to just find an Irish person to do the voice acting? There's pure loads of them.
  25. I used Dogmeat until I found Strong, then kept him because of his pack-mule capabilities. Then once I got Piper she tagged along, because I was getting sick of Strong hating every time I picked a lock. I started the BoS line yesterday, and accidentally sent Piper back replaced by Danse, but he's absolutely useless. Lost him somewhere (he just disappeared when I went back up to the airship) so had a tearful reunion with Piper back at Sanctuary Hills.
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