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FT Media

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Posts posted by FT Media

  1. Excerpt from the herald article about Ally calling Chic an embarrassment......

    "I'll tell you, that would be bad luck - to have the worst Rangers team in history and the worst chief executive in history at the same time. That's downright bad luck.

    Seems to forget to add himself down as the worst manager in Rangers History.. Even if he is the only one!

    That's not bad luck, that's a freakin gypsy curse!

  2. Given that it put in place the changes with our Glaswegian gangsters getting punted off the board then it was fine. Prior to that they'd been looking to knock Starks down. Ironically, we got the change we needed. Yes, we aren't a stable club financially and won't be for the foreseeable future. However, we got the change that we needed. The Pars on the other hand needed such a change but didn't get one. Their gangster got away instead with swindling both the British public and Dunfermline who bought into what he said. Of all the club owners throughout Scotland, Masterton is undoubtedly the biggest c**t.

    can't do anything but agree with your statements. the little snivelling twat was too busy counting his cash and talking to cuckoos in clocks while our club is on the edge of oblivion. Pity an avalanche didn't enthrone the c*nts!

  3. Sorry, but we're the big Fife team now. Probably always would have been if we'd done a Dunfermline and spent shite-loads of money that we couldn't afford. I genuinely hope the Pars survive though as it'll be hilarious reaming their shitey wee team in cup competitions that they are lucky enough to draw us in.

    I'll refer you to a Monsieur Anelka..... had a great blueprint for your club didn't he?

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