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Posts posted by Cityfan

  1. The comments from Tatters are ridiculous, it was raining this morning, yesterday and several times throughout this week and last. It isn't even a new problem as Jim McInally was moaning about it at the end of last season.

    I wonder if perhaps the new drainage system they put in a few seasons ago has worked too well and caused this problem? Whatever the reason, painful to be a laughing stock yet again for off field reasons.

  2. Any one have any experience on dealing with Hyperemesis gravidarum? My wife is almost 16 weeks and has been suffering from this since pretty early on and has been in and out of hospital getting fluids all the time. She's well past the 12 weeks stage that all of this is supposed to end which suggests she could be in it for the long haul but it's a horrible thing to sit and watch someone go through and I feel pretty useless.

  3. He's got Dark Defender running at York tomorrow. He's been boring me to tears for months about how good this one is. Won at Ayr the last time it ran at 14/1. So again, I am using the bookies money to back it tomorrow.


  4. Im at perth today my early picks are

    1430 Welcome Ben ew

    1500 The Absent Mare

    1530 Just Awake

    1600 Honourable Gent

    1630 Russian Regent

    1700 Solway Dandy

    1730 Waterlord

    Aftertimer alert, I fucking love Richard Johnson...


    The bottom one is a cashed out amount, nice lift from an £11 stake. Was on his 7/1 double yesterday at Perth as well, what a man.

    Edited to add - Good to see this thread has been resurrected :)

  5. I've always been a big fan of the theory that Jon Snow = Azor Ahai reborn and the way they handled the finale has me completely convinced that the theory is spot on.

  6. 4 pictures have leaked. I wish I hadn't looked at them - 2 are spoilers for book readers too.


    Two images are of Jon Snow - one of him after being stabbed lying on the ground dying, and the second of him with "warg eyes", presumably warging into ghost.

    There's a photo of Stannis's wife having just hanged herself.

    There's a photo of Cercei with her head shorn ready to do the walk of shame.

    In the book it ended with Jon snow dying, so the warging is a twist - though pretty much what everyone expected. Stannis's wife hasn't died in the books yet either.


    Possible Book and TV spoilers

    There's also been a leak of the "previously on Game of Thrones" clip from the finale, which features a certain someone not seen for ages in the books or the show...


  7. Been years since I watched it but I recently got a Band of Brothers/The Pacific Blu-Ray double pack for only £26, so can't wait to get stuck in again when I have time. I thought The Pacific was pretty good, obviously nowhere near the same level but still decent enough in it's own right.

  8. I thought they should have ended the episode with Tyrion being pulled away under water. Would have created a better cliffhanger esp for us non book readers who don't know who is safe.

    Loving a bit of Stannis this season. Also is the Targareyen at the wall (Aemon?) not the rightful king before Dany? Surely if he wanted he could just state his claim

    You give up your right to inheritance when you become a Maester. Aemon has already been in line for the throne before when he was young but had already become a Maester and refused due to his vows, so it passed on to his younger brother (the father of the Mad King and Dany's Granda).

  9. It crossed my mind last night that they could just be trolling book readers with all the hints towards the theory because they are being way too obvious about it. It would be interesting to know if it's so obvious that non book readers are picking up on it.

    What the show really needs to shake shit up is...

    Lady Stoneheart

    But it just doesn't look like it's gonna happen.

  10. I know there's been talk about it in spoiler tags before but is talking about the...

    R + L = J theory

    still considered a book spoiler? They were dropping hints about it left, right and centre in this episode, teasing c**ts.

  11. Finally finished season one tonight!

    :bairn:bairn:bairn:bairn I have never in my life been so emotionally involved in a game as I was in that last chapter.

    When I lost Kenny I was in bits, we had backed each other from the very start and we were close buddies despite him not getting on with others. Behind Clem, he was my priority - to see him go out as a hero was great but heart-breaking.

    Then to see a one armed Lee go solo through a gauntlet of walkers along the street, hacking them down with a meat cleaver with a haunting music in the background was so brilliantly satisying. I could see he was deteriorating in front of my eyes but his desperation to save Clem was evident.

    Then that final scene with Lee and Clem was utterly fantastic and I was welling up whilst it was happening.

    Really looking forward to season 2. I guess Clem is gonna be stuck with Omid and Krista. I wasn't keen on either of them tbh but it's all that's left.

    Oh yeah and fcuk Ben - I have no guilt in dropping him down the clock tower to his death. Useless fcuker was dead weight and had caused me and Kenny no end of problems so was happy to ditch him when I could.

    Don't waste any time, get onto season 2 ASAP, it's even better and even more gut wrenching! Thinking about it now, I still feel guilty about the huge mistakes I made.

  12. Bit of a random one, it's a Canadian sitcom starring Eugene Levy, his son and Catherine O'Hara (the mum from Home Alone) and it's pretty good, a lot better than the trailer makes it look anyway. Catherine O'Hara is hilarious and Eugene Levy is great and it's just been renewed for a 2nd season. Here's the trailer but don't let it put you off, it's quite good without being anything spectacular.

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