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Posts posted by pipedreamer

  1. 9 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

    The average away crowd in L2 will be significantly higher than the average away crowd in the LL. Well over half the clubs in the LL have an average attendance below 200. No club in L2  has an average attendance that low.

    From experience in League Two this season, we had some larger visiting crowds in the LL, most clubs in L2 bring double figures if you’re lucky. 

  2. 6 hours ago, cowdenbeath said:

    It will be postponed because they wanted a crowd into Ibrox.

    They will play each other in their real stadiums, get a crowd and make back the money they paid to get into the LL.

    And all while claiming  they brought big crowds to the league to justify their existence. Nonsense. Shite like this was outlawed in the Scottish cup for clubs to make a few bucks, the lowland league should have forced them to either use ibrox every week or play their mini derby at their nominated home ground. 

  3. A deserved win for Kelty today. Should have been 2 or 3 up before Montrose got their equaliser. Second half Cardle and Barjonas should have scored again while DJ didn’t really have any saves to make in the goal all day. Great saves in the shootout although heart was in the mouth that Higginbotham would try another panenka!

  4. 9 minutes ago, RampantFM said:

    If you listen back to previous podcasts,  I was on the fence with the Colts proposal. I saw some positives, yes, which in hindsight, were not worth it - especially now. 

    I'll take all the blame for mentioning a TV deal, but will say that it was totally hypothetical. No one else brought that up, not George Fraser, not the league, no one, but myself. The reason I mentioned it was because I was working with the SWPL at the time and they had coverage on BBC Scotland, I thought the attraction of Rangers and Celtic may have brought a similiar type of coverage. Which we all know now was not the case. 

    The Lowland League clubs voted against the boundary change twice, however, it became crystal clear that SFA would not be dropping the issue after trying to push Brechin into the league when they were relegated from League 2. 

    I don't know what will come of this, as it's early days, but I believe it's not as simple as chucking the Colts out now with potential pyramid play-off implications.

    Mainstream TV deal was what was put forward to the clubs by the Chairman in his proposal document.  That along with a league sponsor and various other “benefits” all failed to materialise.


    In fact I would say the coverage of the league in the traditional print media has got worse as OF colts dominate coverage and everybody else gets fleeting mentions whereas before the whole piece was on the real clubs.

  5. 14 hours ago, Tenkay said:

    I'm looking at ticket options on the fanbase app, but not being familiar with the  ground they don't mean much to me.

    My question really is are you not allowed in the wee seated stand?

    All ticket options seem to be for standing only.

    I believe the lack of availability in the seated stand is due to the number of officials, press and media for the premier sports cup matches and with distancing in place it means no room for punters. Hopefully thing will be back to something more like normal from the first league game

  6. 2 hours ago, Cowden Cowboy said:

    I don’t know what you are talking about re the play offs - but in essence if one of B teams finish first in LL in 2021/22 SPFL clubs will have a strong case to refuse any other club being declared LL champions in order to enter play off to get into L2.  Further the SPFL rules re the play off only permit a club 42 play off v a club that won a League competition which has no SPFL clubs in its membership - the B teams represent clubs who are already SPFL members 

    Re the bit in bold. No it doesn’t. It only states the winner of the competition between two clubs that are not spfl members. Nothing about clubs in said league.

    Although I would argue that Celtic/Rangers B wouldn’t hold the required club license and also don’t have a ground that is license compliant, hence rangers at this moment scrambling to find any spfl club that will allow them use of the venue.


    I’ll give you the fact that if a B team wins the league then second couldn’t be put forward as they wouldn’t be “champions” and also wouldn’t be selected on “sporting merit” if you ignored the team that actually won, I worry for the SLFL clubs that this hasn’t been thought through, although unless the B teams are full of ringers they wouldn’t be any more than mid table cannon fodder anyway.

  7. 2 hours ago, The Phoenix said:

    The permitted limit for attendance is 500 Seated or 250 Standing.  

    As things stand I understand a) you can't split the numbers between the two or b) add them together to get 750. 

    Social distancing applies currently at 2m. 

    The way I read it was 500 for all seater venues and 250 for those which are not. 

  8. 1 hour ago, morley said:

    I will indulge your conspiracy theory further and say as far as I can see the pyramid rules/spfl membership criteria make no reference to the scenario of only 1 team as the rules say the team which plays club 42 in the playoff has to first have come through a HL/LL playoff. So the spfl could argue it they dont recognise Brora as a legit HL champion but recognise Kelty as a LL champion, Kelty still wouldn't be a legit entrant to the pyramid playoff as they can't be deemed a nationwide non league champion given the HL failed to put forward a legit champion in the spfl eyes. So failing the spirit of the spfl membership criteria meaning the whole pyramid agreement is void given one of the parties to the agreement has failed to fulfill their side of it........ love a conspiracy theory. I should add I do actually think the spfl board will conform both and the pyramid playoffs will go ahead.

    I suggest you read the articles sent to the lowland and highland clubs in December that Mozza posted the link to on Twitter which explicitly states that if there was only one eligible champion club from either league they would go straight to playing club 42. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Scrappydoo said:

    I really cant believe the niave petty mind set of some of the posters on here , but i thought it was just me being paranoid,

    so to clarify , yes im a player , do i want to play play football  , yes 100%

    Have i had my jag, no , has my young family No , has my team mates No so will i be forced into playing ? then i have to explain to my family that some greedy gits have decided ive to play 3 games a week to keep the numbers happy for PPG ,REALYY ?

     NO EFFING WAY just to keep some back room , ass wipes happy about PPG  , whom ever thinks going back early is a 100%  AN idiot


    players are human beings not numbers, we arent getting paid ,cant travel together , cant shower,we have families ,commitments,jobs and responsibilities 

    i asked my team mates the younger ones dont care the older ones were all a NO Way 

    it may be ok to say , oh 50% can be done , its not impossible , lets just play ,,,,you are not the ones playing you immature ,selfish cretins 

    therefore if we are forced back what stance will the league team when clubs cant field teams ? will i get banned ? will the club ?

    please stop all this Crap



    lets look forward to next season and some normality 

    Maybe football just isn’t for you?


    If my employer decides ive to go back into the office then I don’t get to say “maybe after the summer so I can have a holiday cos I don’t fancy playing 3 games in a week”


    (those same players have played 3-4 games a week for years in junior leagues to catch up.) 

  10. 8 hours ago, craigiemack said:

    Canny mind the fattys @, he replies to most of the catch up tweets. Last summer it was a joy to read all his tweets aimed at Brechin and the SPFL like they gived a shite. His patters eye bleeding stuff though. You literally lose brain cells reading it 

    To be fair I’ve seen your tweets and it gave my arse a sore head. Shire fan has dig at Kelty, I’ve not seen a club more up themselves at this level and I’ve been to East Kilbride.

  11. 8 hours ago, theoriginalhedge said:

    I heard that too which is quite incredible . Could you imagine the same scenario in the premier and them having to nominate a champion for the champions league ?   It just wouldn't happen .  But hey ho this is Scottish fitba at its best and  if that's the way it has to be then it has to be. 


    Last night's result with Brora highlights now the importance of not being club 42. 

    That is exactly what would happen, had the premiership been null and voided last season the spfl would have put forward candidate clubs for the champions league and europa league qualifiers. 

  12. 5 hours ago, Rockall said:

    Will be interesting to see how many of the current EoS applicants get knocked back after all checks have been completed. If integrity is a meaningful cornerstone of the EoS, I can see at least 2 being knocked back.

    I would be most concerned about Sauchie Juniors CFC application. 

    I believe the EoS rules only allow one club membership of their leagues (if Stirling Uni were to be relegated from the LL I believe Stirling Uni EoS would cease to play in the EoS).  Sauchie are a reserve team for the EoS side and may find themselves being knocked back on that basis.


    Don’t underestimate the application process for the EoS, it’s not a box ticking exercise and unless it’s changed they are as much interested in what your club will bring to the league, what their plans for the future are and why you want to join the league in the first place. 

  13. On 12/03/2021 at 22:41, FairWeatherFan said:

    Might have been part of Syngenta's overall plan, but they got kicked out. I think the company that run the place set up their own youth teams as a replacement.

    Was little Kerse not supposed to be developing one of the 3G pitches with a stand and changing rooms for the shire to play there pre falkirk stadium arrangement?

  14. 1 hour ago, Cyclizine said:

    Yes, a positive LFT means you have to have confirmatory PCR testing. You also can't use LFT if you've had Covid in the previous 3 months.

    With gov guidelines you can’t take a pcr test within 3 months of a positive covid test either.  I know people personally who work in care homes and were exempt from routine weekly testing for 90 days after a positive covid test.

  15. 34 minutes ago, Left Back said:

    Yes, by calling the leagues, which would require a vote, same as it did last season.  Good luck getting those votes through if no more games are played, especially in the HL.

    If either/or are null and voided there is no champion.  Show me anywhere it states one can be elected (as seems to be another of the big misconceptions being bandied about here).

    ETA rule 50 from the Highland League.  Anyone that thinks a champion can be arrived at in any other way is at it.

    “At the end of each competition the Club scoring the highest number of points will be declared the Champion Club”

    Goal difference is also covered under the same rule before people start firing in with that

    If there is no time to play out the campaign then the leagues decide how to finish, that will include how to decide a champion club. 

    Much like the SPFL deciding amongst themselves last season to cancel a playoff that they were only 50% decision on.


    There is nothing in the spfl or sfa playoff rules that states how a champion has to be decided to play in the pyramid playoff.


    Those same rules also state that the playoff can be modified by the spfl but can’t be cancelled unilaterally by one party of the agreement. The only reason the spfl got away with that shenanigan last season is the Scottish gov suspended all football indefinitely. Right now the games can take place with teams testing as per sfa/spfl rules.

  16. 8 hours ago, Left Back said:

    Who gets to amend the rules then to ensure the playoffs go ahead if either HL or LL don't have a champion?  They also have the same wording in their rules.  No person or body has arbitrary authority to make changes.

    This should all have been sorted out before the season started as there was always a chance it wouldn't get finished and it's going to lead to the same mess that happened at the end of last season.

    The rules only state a champion is provided to the playoff, they don’t detail how that champion has to be decided. The HFL could decide Brora are champions and put them forward and ditto the SLFL for Kelty.

  17. 2 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    Think ye ken fine weel that no is the answer to that and that SFA officeholders saw no problem with the entirety of the east region winding up as a tier 6 feeder to the LL, so obviously don't see the Tay Bridge boundary as in any way definitive and final.  Also interesting to note that sorting out where Brechin go if relegated, wound up boiling down to something as petty as compensation for extra travel:

    Since it shows that the LL were only looking for some relatively minor concessions before signing off on a Club 42 relegation rule change that would have moved Dundee into their catchment, and that the SPFL weren't exactly backing Brechin to the hilt if unwilling to compromise on that when their bluff was called on the cup competition participation.

    Since then and the nonsense that ensued the SPFL have been told that no change in the rules will happen and The boundary is still in place and Brechin if relegated would go to the HL. 

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