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Everything posted by FREDDYFRY

  1. Depressing Infuriating Embarrassing Angry Scunnered These are the polite words I’ve decided to use this week to describe my feelings about this Clyde team , squad, club and this fecken season! For final time I’ll say it… Lennon’s recruitment has totally wrecked us! Get 2022 well and truly in the bin!
  2. You would hope that having worked with him would be the very reason he goes nowhere near him!
  3. It was al very strange, I couldn’t tell if it went in or not, but the Ref and his assistant just seemed to stand confused for ages as play continued after the kick. Normally the linesman would run to halfway line straight away. He then stopped halfway to the line with his flag down at his hip. I actually thought he was giving a free kick or even an offside. All adding to the confusion.Was all very bizarre and topped a very bizarre performance from the ref and stand side assistant all night. I can only imagine the days of media coverage if this had been a game involving the bigot brothers
  4. Certainly much improved performance and signs that at least Duffy is getting us organised. That said, killed again by poor defending for first goal. As mentioned Roberts and Cudihay were really good. Roberts got us up the park really well which is refreshing. If we can possibly get a full back or 2 in and someone to support Allan (if he had a first touch, what a player he would be) we would at least have a chance in a play off, assuming we get to that stage.
  5. Also an offer on the table for Shawfield to Mr King, which was refused. That ship has since sailed unfortunately
  6. Running track nowhere near proposed pitch so no reason to have issues with view
  7. I think on the face of it it’s a very good and well prepared bid. At the end of the day looks like the decision might well be based on whether the council want purely grass roots youth football or a senior team based in the area. Or.. if the want more than just the pitch and changing areas passed over or not? Interesting times.
  8. I know it’s a massive gamble but doesn’t seem to be alternative, everything else seems to have exhausted.
  9. Aye today had the prospect of the trades description act being well and truly broken by 2 Scottish “football” teams.
  10. And after a Christmas miracle that Duffy can get shot of one or two jersey fillers and replace them with someone whose actually played football before.
  11. Any weather updates folks? It actually wouldn’t surprise me if both clubs would rather it was off, just on the off chance both can get a couple of bodies in January.
  12. Just watched… as I said yesterday Parry is finished! Definitely a free kick for the first in 99.9% of any game you ever watch, although big Sula has to be stronger and it wouldn’t have been an issue. Typical of the players we have. Not that we deserved anything yesterday, Edinburgh not great at all but better than us in every single department. A horrible performance from a Clyde team tumbling out of L1 with an alarming standard of player. Unbelievable negligence from Lennon and the board in the last 3 years.
  13. Well that was poor again. Obviously Duffy with hands tied given the abject losers that Lennon signed. So, tried Thicot in midfield.. failed he was awful. First goal; what a shambles! Firstly from ref for not giving free kick or at least stopping the game due to potential head injury, then what is Parry doing? How can a 6ft 5” keeper get chipped on his line? Honestly.. he just cannot move his feet now. Decent shot stopper but otherwise finished.. ( no doubt I’ll get stick for that statement) Other than that, not at the races against a bang average Edinburgh side who are so much better than us. Again, thoroughly depressing, Dom any changes required and no means to do it. Duffy must be wondering what he has got himself into. Impossible job it would seem
  14. My understanding from the meeting etc is that if we get the Crownpoint transfer over the line it will be ours to run completely with no interference or input from anyone else, unless we go into partnership with another body. For example the other interested party who may have placed an interest in the place? Happy to be corrected on this.
  15. Hope not putting 2+2 together and making whatever but Rob Jones was in stand today. Surely not?
  16. Ray Grant leaving the boot in? If only, that’s the biggest weakness in his game, although he has been a bit more physical than he was first time round with us I’d say and has been our most consistent player probably.
  17. I’d say Cudihay coming in at RB and if…we can get Duthie back eventually immediately the team is stronger and gives Duffy a platform to perform a miracle by signing a proper CM and hopefully an option up front. All conjecture of course but Duffy will needs to use some proper wheeling and dealing to make that happen given he’ll have huge problems moving on the three / four he’d need to get additional players in!
  18. Question for any of the brave souls who attended; Did Duffy have McLean or anyone on the bench with him today
  19. I’m sure it was mentioned that although Danny had a 2 year deal, there was a reassessment built in after one year, so I think it’s a payment till end of the season. Not sure it it’s full contract payment or some kind of agreed settlement. I assume Allan Moore will be the same? Also said there is no budget for an assistant, wonder if one of the players, McLean will step up? Same goes for new players will only happen if Duffy can move any on first.
  20. Peter Grant? Ray has actually been decent this season especially considering the dross he is surrounded with.
  21. Just always strikes me as just not wanting to be there. Everything about him just seems to ooze the air of negativity.
  22. Next time park in Council Car park. 5 min walk but get away no problem. Although after this year probably be a while before we play each other again!
  23. Aye, saw him at most home games certainly. I’m sure he will be interested but I’m afraid he’s shown absolutely zero potential in any of his previous jobs so please, no thanks.
  24. I sincerely apologise for what I may have inferred regarding this or any other volunteer, I absolutely didn’t mean to criticise this person individually and on reflection my post was disrespectful to him. My point, however clumsy in my post was more a frustration after yet another defeat and just the ongoing malaise around my club. Allan Moore has a difficult if not impossible job to do and I was mealy (poorly perhaps ) trying to point out that he had no ‘Professional’ help yesterday not even a Senior player helping. I remember John Rankin assisted a number of times while injured. I’m sure even Connor Duthie for example, not being in the squad unfortunately could have taken some of the drills for example. Just to let Moore concentrate on the preparation etc.
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