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Everything posted by FREDDYFRY

  1. I know, I probably did exaggerate a bit, but I still think he needs a hand from an actual footballer/ coach… did you see Corr him trying to pass to the back 4 during a routine. Honestly we are a joke just now, Who is the other guy that takes part? The Big lad. He can’t even boot a spare ball onto the pitch. whole thing is embarrassing.
  2. I’d also add that I think it’s a tough shift for Moore on his own.. did everything today including warm up etc. Could they at least allow him a mate to come in and give him a hand?
  3. Sad fact is that is probably as good as we can play today, put simply we are just not good enough. Everyone put in a good shift and we competed well enough for most of the game and probably deserved a battling point. Unfortunately, ran out of steam not helped by the fact we had little or no options on the bench. Slight improvements probably due to playing folk in their correct position (Sula maybe exception to that).
  4. It’s very difficult to judge “success” when talking about guys in Lower leagues. Many of them as we know are bankrolled to a higher amount relative to many of their opposition. Darvel for example, even Barry Ferguson managed to get success with Kelty for God’s sake! That said of course i’m not saying we shouldn’t speak to some of those guys, no reason not to rather than the Duffy’s and Yogie’s of this world.
  5. Or that Ayr Utd game the week before recurring Nightmares about that match! Refs no any better now either!
  6. I know it’s all about discussion and opinion keep it coming.. but I would only take Duffy if it was last resort, apart from the fact he always seems he doesn’t want to be there, zero interaction with fans. I don’t think I could take another load of Saturday’s watching us going for a nil - nil draw from minute one of a game. His football actually makes you feel your eyes will bleed. Please not Jim Duffy again.
  7. I suspect like many have said, that Allan Moore will be here till end of the season. Obviously in the unlikely event that he performed a miracle and we survive he would deserve the job permanently. In fact, given some of the folk available and mentioned I’d rather have Moore than likes of Peter Grant, Yogie, McKinnon, Kenny Miller, etc. Much as I’d love some kind of proven successful manager I really can’t see how we could attract anyone with proven pedigree. Even on the premise of offering a platform to rebuild a career I don’t think we actually have that realistic platform. Who would that even be? Fantasy names: Jack Ross obviously mentioned often but that is fantasy. As is Thomson. Tommy Wright? Again very much doubt he would be interested in coming given our situation, even if we could afford him? Craig Bryson? Big gamble even if interested. kenny Sheils? what he up to these days. Certainly get headlines. Steven Naismith? Again can’t see it for all the reasons before. Also unproven. As I say absolutely no clue who is available to a club like ours or who would be interested given our current situation on and off the park. If nothing else at least it gives us some speculation to wile away the days between defeats.
  8. Genuinely gutted that he had to go, but he did, correct decision. Normally we are sacking guys who are total arses like Bomber or Chapman and are delighted they are away. Happy to have him back in some capacity in the future, not in coaching role or recruitment obviously, but a proper football man on the board would not be a bad thing. As I say though in the future perhaps not at the moment.
  9. On a positive note it will allow Diamond and Corr to see more games over the weekend and build their extensive player dossier for the new manager.
  10. Agreed, isn’t it amazing what can happen if you have a credible recruitment department?
  11. Clutching at straws here I know, but looked at our disallowed goal a few times and still see what the ref has given decision for? When I look at the Alloa winning goal especially taken in the context of disallowing ours, I thought there was a big shout for a free kick for us in the box before it breaks to Alloa player. Never a booking for Challenge which leads to the sending off. As I say all mute points now as game is in the past and probably seals our position in relegation slots even at this stage.. Depressing stuff really especially given there is little or no chance we can replace the manager with anyone who can bring us forward given the financial situation. That said I do like Allan Moore and from what I’ve heard he is uncomplicated in his approach, which would be refreshing change from Lennon’s overthinking and bizarre selections.
  12. That duet has to be the biggest failure in a long line of failures over the years. They have contributed the square root of zero and the fact is that we have went backwards at an alarming rate since they arrived. Add that the the fact we hear absolutely nothing from them… ever, not even when asked a direct question at a fans forum. Total Embarrassment!
  13. Unbelievable state of affairs, as been said by 99% of supporters both on here and official site both at the time is signing these guys and others, “why are we signing these guys?” I / we will never understand how experienced managers ever thought any of them or those currently at the club could ever be good enough. Completely mind boggling!
  14. Absolutely no idea who is available or in actual fact within any budget we have any chance of even talking to? Long list of guys from sublime to ridiculous eg Peter Grant to Jack Ross to Allan Johnston to Yogie Hughes; Jim Duffy surprisingly not mentioned and all hopefully long way away from any approach. From all accounts Allan Moore had the management style previously of basic tactics and just go out and play, which given Danny Lennon’s over thinking approach might actually do us a turn in the very short term. As I say I can’t think of a name that would be added to the names already mentioned; Gus MCPherson, Steven Naismith, Kenny Miller, Paul Hartley… honestly who the F**k knows? As I say sublime to ridiculous and as you can see almost all if not all, ridiculous! Very scary and worrying times for us long suffering Clyde fans, the rest of Scottish football who actually care must pishing themselves at the current state of affairs at this club! I am currently away for a short break so will miss the owners meeting, but it looks like it may be a feisty meeting to say the least?
  15. Couldn’t have put it better..his recruitment is well documented and the over thinking and baffling tactics and selections are the running theme on our threads for last 3 years at least.
  16. What stopped you pointing? need to point to spell check.
  17. My eyes are dry, I’ve accepted the fact that we are down, I was nearly pointing out that we escaped last 2 years and didn’t heid the warning signs
  18. Board, Recurrent team management team. Do you have any more people to add?
  19. Looks like you will be like us in last 2 years.. garbage but get out of jail card with two even worse sides below you. Just hope for your sake the board don’t just turn a blind eye to the obvious issues before it’s too late like the Clyde board.
  20. Thoroughly depressing stuff. Not worth even commenting any more on where we are at the moment ( by moment I mean last 2-3 years). Some people at the club b should be ashamed of themselves to have allowed this to happen.
  21. Aye and we always do do so well in must win games too. Even when we aren’t utter garbage like we are now. Gap stretched even more I fear
  22. Believe it or not Pars fans, that was one of our better performances! Although we were dominated for 99% of the match by a stronger and much better side, if not for the usual gifted mistake, this time by Gomis we may well have gotten a daylight robbery point, assuming the second goal wouldn’t have happened as we would not have had 11 men up the park. Still a defeat it was and we can’t complain but we are in deep deep trouble with no way out it seems
  23. I know it’s all about preference, I hate being stuck behind the goals. Although tonight I think I’ll sit as far away from the pitch as I can, maybe with an additional blindfold
  24. Yes couple dross teams but mainly he had David Goodwillie which was the difference between the dross teams and us!
  25. Absolutely agree that we will be bottom by Christmas, in fact before that. We have all seen obvious relegated sides recently; East Fife last year and Forfar the year before, it’s clear to everyone but the current Clyde board and management that we are just like those sides. All of us have also unfortunately, been witness to Clyde sides going down and I’m afraid this current squad shows all the shortcomings of the previous ones I for one have seen all to often in my decades of support. This time however, it’s been so frustrating as it’s completely avoidable if the lessons that should have been headed regarding the obvious recruitment issues over last 3 years had been learned and not repeated year on year. Shame on all of them involved from top to bottom!
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