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Everything posted by FREDDYFRY

  1. Unfortunately no evidence to expect anything other than a defeat tomorrow, take a point to at least start some green shoots but can’t see it
  2. I tend to park in the big one next to the council car park, it’s about a 5 min walk if that but it’s really easy to get out and away quickly. I found the underground one bottlenecks a bit.
  3. I assume Mr Diamond has assembled several trialists for the match which will save our season.
  4. We lost today because the team had no direction whatsoever after half time. Wee boy attitude and puts in a stupid challenge near the halfway line which gives the ref a decision to make..mental. Keeper sells 2 Lennon takes Allan off when we were just starting to get a little change by running into space. McDonald coming on against experienced defenders is like playing your half decent 14 year old son in a game of adult 5’s. We have a guy on loan from Killie and he can’t get a game ahead of Kennedy, Rodden or Nyamsi what does that say about him? Give a goalie a wage when he is no better than the average one we already have. Absolutely no presence up top. Overall it’s a losing team, no chance we can survive this year, thoroughly depressing.
  5. You assuming you’re going to have an off day, only 2-0?
  6. Sorry I meant Sir Alex, absolutely no way I would refer to Barry in any way shape or form as successful manager. Apologies for confusion
  7. Agreed; Fergie a Successful B*****d Bomber just a B*****d
  8. Let’s face it Danny won’t be sacked, he is probably very popular with the board as he is obviously a likeable and infectious character, I get that to some extent, unlike previous managers like Bomber, Chapman, Ferguson etc I also like Lennon and would love him to be successful and I think 95% of the support feel similar. Obviously financial implications will be the main driving force, we simply can’t afford to pay him and Allan Moore any pay off and then try to bring in another Manager. Hence it looks like the slide will continue till the inevitable relegation as it’s really just not happening with this squad and management team. Not that we didn’t see it coming, pity the board didn’t.
  9. That’s the problem players are now starting that should be squad players at best. Cameron being a prime example of that. He does seem to have a eye for goal, but that is only as a sub coming on later when a game has settled. No way is he either good enough or benefit of the doubt not ready to start at this level. McDonald is 100% the same.
  10. The re-signing of Lyon has to be the most baffling decision in a long line of baffling decisions. Wasn’t anywhere near good enough first time round so what made Lennon think he’d be any better a year or so later? Unbelievable. Lennon and has to be said Moore (he must have a say in signings and selections) some explaining to do. Going by the audio Danny doesn’t seem to think we are in any sort of crisis which is really concerning. Fiddling while Rome burns here! One way or another something needs to change or we are down by Christmas as I really can’t see where the next point is coming from I really don’t!
  11. Take no pleasure in it but have to agree. Danny Lennon has completely lost his way in last 2 seasons and has carried on with same old issues.
  12. Damage done yet again by mind boggling team selection, set up and tactics, game over in 20 mins. Same old etc etc … There is not a chance in this or any other world that we will not be relegated this year and only ourselves to blame for not heeding alarm bells of last 2 seasons. Poor recruitment, consistently poor team selection, same issues game after game after game and stubborn attitude that things will somehow sort itself out. Incredibly frustrating as it’s now a suicide mission every week now. Lennon has lost his way which very sad to say.
  13. It’s just one scudding after another now!
  14. Danny on the Magic mushrooms again. Honestly selections are doing my head in now, is he intentionally trying to wind the support up? Lyon’s in the squad, let alone starting? Allan not starting? One up top probably? Painfully slow in central defence and no presence up front.. at least saves me from posting this post match.
  15. Not sure what else the club could say? the charge seems to effect the Charity part of the club which is unfortunate. It does seem that there are individuals and part of the media have a real negative agenda against the club which is a concern. Further worry for me is the lack of any loan deal as it’s obvious we are going to struggle badly if we don’t address the obvious problems within the side. I really hope the issue around the accusation has not affected our ability to pay for any potential loan.
  16. Unless we get a couple of loans in key positions and it’s patently obvious where they are needed (well obvious to everyone but Lennon and Moore). This will be another painful Saturday I’m afraid.
  17. Aye but you can guarantee we will gift at least one goal at some point! no matter who we are playing
  18. Only reason this game has any relivance to me is that it’s in the middle of another horrendous run and will either mark it continuing or maybe ending it.. I checked out of this cup the day the B teams were added.. was the thin edge of the wedge and was obviously “an in “for what is going on in Lowland league now. Therefore I for one won’t be there
  19. No real feelings about the signing, other than a bit strange given we have a few other obvious and pressing problems to deal with on the park. Still.. good luck to the boy and never know, might be next Philipe Mental?
  20. Agreed.. in fact I’d like to hear the interviewer actually ask questions like that post match, or for example why he Dropped Allan couple of weeks ago? I get that it’s difficult to ask however that’s what we want to hear.
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