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Everything posted by FREDDYFRY

  1. Even they would be no big loss. Honestly so glad to see the back of this season, absolutely shocking and embarrassing. Massive turnaround required. Wonder if Diamond will have anything to say on the subject?
  2. We have no depth at all. That Starting 11 had a gubbing written all over it. even worse when you look at the bench, Sad state of affairs and a miracle we survived this season, still can’t believe it. No chance we would have beaten Dumbarton next week if we had to. Probably 4- 5 players players who can just about compete at this level. Lennon has a massive job to rebuild in the summer and after today there should be absolutely no temptation to re sign 95% of these imposters. That’s the only positive that can be taken from today, other than leaving Windy City Stadium of course.
  3. Check out that bench oh my God I might actually be better if I my Covid bed today
  4. Reflecting on the posts since the announcement it’s clear there are mixed feelings across the fan base on whether leaving Broadwood at this time is a positive thing or not, time will tell of course. I find it interesting to read the split on whether supporters see the stadium as their home and I wonder if it’s a generational thing? I attended my first Clyde game at Shawfield along with my late father (Bridgeton born) and older brother back in the late 60’s and have been pretty constant since and season ticket holder since then. Through leaving Shawfield (and that was devastating at the time) onto Firhill then old Douglas park. Finally then moving to Broadwood and I have to say that after the initial excitement of going there I can’t say I have ever felt at home. I tended just to see it as the place we played our games and have never, despite trying, managed to find a bond with the place. Despite some good memories and brief successes. Yes mistakes have been made on both sides but as I say maybe some of the younger supporters will feel differently given they have known nothing else. Interestingly my two season ticket holding sons have only known Broadwood as home ground are delighted to be leaving But they might have a coloured view as their late Grandad hated the place, then again he had witnessed Scottish Cup wins and International players at Shawfield so he had an excuse I suppose. my hope is that this does not cause factions and division amongst the supporters, we can’t afford that.
  5. Who cares, probably let the bigot brothers B teams play there. Welcome to it
  6. Even in short term this sounds better deal, office space a club shop that is actually open etc 3-5 year agreement . Certainly more secure than the NNL ultimatum. Sometimes opportunities have to be seized upon when they are presented be that expected or not, I for one see this as a potential positive opportunity unlike the stagnant slow death we were under at Broadwood, a situation where, as a club we were at the highest position (and that is woeful) we could ever achieve given the financial constraints and the millstone of never being able to income generate whilst a tenant of NLC.
  7. Yesss, great news. Board finally showing some Baws!!
  8. I think we have to be realistic, our budget won’t allow a squad of 15 or so McAllister standard player plus young boys. Some of the guys like for example Rumsby, Docherty or Page etc will need to be signed as back up or guys of similar ability. It would be great if all but the 3 or 4 L1 standard players we do have are replaced with players of required standard in their particular position. After last 2 years recruitment I have little confidence that will be the case. As said before I am still astounded that we signed let alone played Jones and two or 3 others (at least) this season. not as astounded that we actually stayed up… quite unbelievable given that squad.. although as ever massive thank you for Goodwillie otherwise we would be gone.
  9. It just confirms what we all already know; the full squad is made up of probably 3 good\ decent players, 5 average player and the rest utter garbage. Huge amount of work required to sort out the embarrassment that was last year’s recruitment. Starting 11 tonight consisted of several who should not be anywhere near a contract with us next year… I wait with baited breath
  10. You are not alone in that thought. Every Clyde fan feels the same. Despite shocking recruitment in the summer he managed to plug our obvious problems and get there in the end, fair play to him for that but we won’t get away with it again. Especially without David Goodwillie’s goals. The signing of McAllister, getting Cuddihy back for a few games was the difference I think. That and Splain, Docherty and Rumsby turning up and putting in good shifts.
  11. Very annoying… A decent player in any key area of the park added to the vastly improved situation would take a huge amount of pressure off us. Now we are still in this situation of looking below us and scraping draws every week, a bit of speculation might well have given us the quality to get a couple more wins and a relaxed run in and planning time for next season.
  12. Tells a tale doesn’t it that side. Paper thin squad and as a result it’s very lightweight. Going to be a long day!
  13. As long as Danny doesn’t succumb to one of his frequent brain fades and picks pretty much last weeks side then we have small chance to sneak another draw. Big issue as ever is who we start up front, anyone bit Jones of course.
  14. My only issue with the Balitoni signing was that obviously nobody had seen him play in previous 12 months or so. If they had it was obvious he was finished. However, at the time I actually thought we were getting the player we had seen in L2 on previous occasions and was actually ok with it, but as we all know that wasn’t the case… again my point I assume no one had watched him, at least hope nobody had , if they had and still signed him that that’s a worry!
  15. Bizarrely last weeks staring 11 contained a nucleus again of a decent side. A midfield containing McAllister, Splain and Livingston is actually pretty effective. A proper CM replacement for Gomis in there would be very welcome. Cuddihy at RB strengthens what has been a huge issue all season. With Cunningham fit along with the option of Jaimieson again if, big if we could get a decent loan striker, we are back where we were 15 months ago with a team we could build on. (Obviously we can never replace with a player of Goodwillie’s level) What a wasted opportunity this and last season has been, we can’t allow it to happen again.
  16. I don’t think Griffiths was ever a predatory type who relied on huge service. Most of his goals tended to be creating space and getting an early shot away, normally very accurately. Of course that relied on his great movement and pace which he had allowed to disappear from his game. No coincidence that his goals have dried up on the last 3 years or so as his fitness has gone,
  17. If we set up even remotely like last week then it’s another 0-5. Need to have a full back at full back and Balatoni nowhere near the back 4. To much to ask Danny not to start his love child Jones but we can live in hope I suppose. A point would be an unbelievable result, either way it’s going to be a long afternoon.
  18. Beat me to it…. Was truly one of the worst experiences watching him standing arms folded saying absolutely nothing to the players all night. Totally embarrassing and not surprising behaviour from him!
  19. Aw come on, obviously it’s all opinions, but honestly, he was / is terrible even by his standards. Yes he rolled the ball into the net but he contributes absolutely nothing outwith that, literally nothing. Display’s no aggression, awareness of where to make runs and wins literally 2-3 headers every week.
  20. Is the MOM vote on official site a wind up. Either that or I need to book an eye test!!
  21. If you had seen Parry on Saturday you wouldn’t be saying that. Think it must have been his pish twin brother that turned up at the weekend. Although same could be said for whole team tbf.
  22. Depressing 24 hours I have to say.. after looking like at least stopping the rot, Danny displays his penchant to make decisions and selections like he has never seen a game of football in his life. Another Clydebank / Dumbarton first game performance. Nobody inside Broadwood except Lennon and I assume Moore would have named that starting 11 yesterday! Or made those changes when he eventually did. Changes should have been made at 20 mins! What makes it more baffling is that he exactly the same against Montrose (different personnel but same issue) slow CH at full back etc etc. Balatoni is finished, unbelievable that he is here let alone starting, 3 full backs in the squad yesterday and he persisted with Page (not page’s fault) he should have been at CH yesterday. Also didn’t help with Parry absolutely flapping at everything yesterday very strange performance from him. Gomis finished.. does next to nothing, shame as he was a player but miles off it now. Jones.. not wasting my time on him now! GTF! Utter garbage Need to again get back to players in positions. McAllister at full back hopefully a fit Cuddihy in midfield, a Splain who turns up starting. Cunningham fit but with a boot up the backside to actually be braver! Ally Love also finished in terms of anything creative but given we have absolutely nobody up front now I’d play him as a centre forward as at least he would try as be physical. Tade last 15 mins only, ever! Try that and we might get enough draws to scrape survival but I’m not confident.
  23. To me he is typical of the loans we normally get, decent ability and probably looks ok in 21’s but nowhere near good enough at this stage to help us.
  24. Even with Goodwillie that selection anyway would have seen us totally struggle.
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