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Everything posted by FREDDYFRY

  1. From what I’ve seen this year QP are comfortably the worse side from those chasing promotion. Airdrie, Montrose and Cove are far better. The rest of the sides are all much the same other than East Fife who are having a nightmare season.
  2. Take another point again today but it’s so frustrating that another 2-3 players of even some quality would turn us into a very decent side. anyone doubts Goodwillie’s attitude or how we would manage without just needed to witness his cameo today.. outstanding! Livingston also turned in another good performance. Jones, honestly beyond words how bad he is. also trialist absolutely no! Totally lost out there when he came on. QP nowhere near a promotion chasing side!
  3. 100 % agree we need bodies and remaining in L1 priority. But we also absolutely need some quality.
  4. So, you would give a player of the standard of Wylde, on the evidence of what we witnessed at Broadwood when he was, here a wage just for the sake of a body to add to numbers?
  5. I don’t disagree agree, I’ve been as critical as anyone regarding our so css as led recruitment team. However, that said on the evidence of the version of Wylde that pitched up with us and d be raging if he signed. I also get that he seemed to have a decent game last week so maybe he got his finger out of his backside and got fit, certainly did nothing of the sort with us!
  6. I agree to an extent, but would you really want Wylde and Bronski?
  7. In normal circumstances I say I was astounded that during now 2 transfer windows that the head of the “recruitment team” has said absolutely nothing! Not even the usual football club standard sound bites about players and their plans! Of course I’m not astounded after witnessing the “No!” Statement at the fans Q&A. Quite unbelievable, seems to me it’s just a freeloading employee with no track record that I can see and certainly completely failing in the job he is employed to do. He and the club have 2 weeks to prove me wrong and I’d be delighted to post an apology if I am.
  8. In fact went backwards! we can’t continue with that starting 11 for next 3-4 months, we have undoubtedly overachieved in last 6 weeks and carried the luck we don’t normally have and I am 100% looking below each week hoping EF and Dumbarton lose. Negative?? absolutely I am, we are definitely 3 players at least short of survival in L1 this year still and it worries me the the club don’t seem to recognise this. I also get that it might be difficult to get players in during a January window but should not have been an issue. Preseason “recruitment” has killed us no doubt about it.
  9. We simply need more quality in as soon as possible. We wont survive on hard work and luck alone, ironically the back four tend to do their jobs now (not saying it can’t be improved far from it) but we can probably get away with what we have for this season at the back, just only just. But… midfield and support for Goodie is the vital area we get bodies in that are better than what we have. We simply don’t keep the ball and continue to make poor choices particularly when defending opposition when they drive forward in possession. Yes, at least we get a point on the board we which is always positive I suppose.
  10. I predict he will be a big donkey naw wait a minute he’s not signed for us!
  11. He was ok, nothing more, put in one decent cross if I remember and a couple of touches, but I’d be very disappointed if we signed him. He is the typical 10 a penny player that rocks up at lower league clubs, makes up the numbers for a couple of teams then disappears. We need much, much better than that to improve our side.
  12. The talk in the stands on Saturday was that he has been offered an improved contract from Falkirk, but the forthcoming bids (2 of) to the club were well short of our valuation and were simply and quite rightly knocked back. I suppose we just hang tight until our valuation is met or otherwise. Issue of course is perhaps him being unhappy possibly but more importantly we can’t look at bringing others in till we know where we are as finance would change as would the priority of positions. Goodie ‘going though the motios’, which I don’t think he would, is still ten times the player Jones or any other player we have!
  13. To be honest I’m pretty sure the £500k was tongue in cheek. Most Clyde fans are probably of the opinion tat due to his ‘baggage’ we realistically be looking £75k. Although £100k would be nice and much nearer his worth in terms of his undoubted ability. Although we would all much rather he stayed where he was as he can’t really be replaced!
  14. It’s really serious accusation and if untrue there has still been huge damage done given the relatively wide press coverage it’s been given it could easily effect sponsorship and possible signings.
  15. Agree with above completely. I sit pretty near where the commotion with the steward seemed to take place. Also never heard the alleged comment or any “monkey chant. The shout about getting back in your box is actually pretty common towards managers at Broadwood, it seems to be a favourite comment from a couple of individuals around the stand aimed at many managers, particularly against Hartley who seems to irritate our fans.
  16. And the fact we never looked even close to scoring.. hence the disappointment and frustration. There are NO goals in the team in any consistent level.
  17. We got glimpse of the future today, without Goodwillie we simplify won’t score. We did ok today but gave away stupid goal and that was it. If the board accept less than £75k for Goodwillie them we are well and truly humped and shame on them. (And that is a steal). Also if we are looking at players the standard of Orsi in the window then the recruitment team have learned nothing!!
  18. if it’s to believed, someone on Falkirk thread is saying the offer for Goodwillie was £30k. Thankfully it was rejected, personally I’d be raging if anything less than £75k is accepted. I know it probably out prices him due to the “baggage” but personally I’d be saying £100k, that’s the price end of!
  19. If I was a player I don’t think I’d be inclined to go to a club that hold a poll to see if The fans want you. Unless it’s a financial offer I can’t refuse I suppose. I’d just stay where I was.. you know it makes sense a
  20. It is quite scary, considering how rank we are (despite recent return) that there has not been a peep from the club even to say they are actively looking or even close to signing anyone. Obviously the Goodwillie thing may be effecting things but I sincerely hope they don’t think the team have turned some kind of corner that they don’t need to vastly improve the the starting 11, not just the squad!
  21. Or the offer doesn’t meet Clyde’s valuation?
  22. This is a serious question and I am not fishing honestly; What is Falkirk’s financial situation at the moment? After pay off for Holt and the previous management team, Pay new Manager and Kenny Miller and remain full time… sign I assume 2-3 players in the window and then pay what, I would hope a proper valuation for David Goodwillie plus his wages. Would this put huge financial pressure on the club. As I say I’m not trying to wind anyone up here and if Goodwillie goes then he goes do with huge thanks from me. He has been a fantastic servant and in fact Clyde probably owe it’s very existence to him, he has been that good.
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