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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. I did say I was a jealous guy. Any room in the boot of the motor ? I don't eat much mister,...honest..
  2. Brilliant photies Stephen... I saw Carnoustie Panmure getting beat by the worst (absolutely worst in the last fifteen years) Ladeside team in pre-season. I really thought the current Beith team, even without the Dubai guy, would take five off them. Hope yez get fecked in the next round.
  3. Aye, you absolutely must re-visit lovely wee Gigha. It is a bit like Cumbrae but just without the casinos & nightclubs and all that noisy stuff. The "top" end also has some lovely walks (disappointed to read about blocked paths) if you head up toward Ardailly then cut across to the shore, there is a brilliant wee bay to shelter from the breeze and open the coffee flask. Otters posing for photies everywhere among the rocks. I am jealous.
  4. Wasn't really what I was hinting at when I posted, I just couldn't find a picture of a grumpy looking rabbi. Or tumbleweed.
  5. You'll find a wee bag of grapes over there, Ted...they've been sitting a wee while, though, so might not be in perfect condition.
  6. Ardrossan Winton Rovers just clicked today. Some result.
  7. Their name is Lugar Boswell Thistle. I don't know why it annoys me so much when people shorten club names. But it really does bother me. Pedantry United (and Sporting and Athletic) Club would suit me just fine.
  8. Which is exactly what the lad said after he got elbowed on his ear... You would never have done that...you were classier...you only hit folk below the knee.
  9. Sorry,...what ? You're playing big Dean at centre-half ? I'll reserve judgement on that until I see it for myself. He is a smashing big guy, and I hope he does well for you.
  10. Another question. I am a short person. The last time I was at your ground there was quite a decent crowd (numerically speaking) so I couldn't see a fucking thing. Have you built me a terrace yet ?
  11. Hmmm,..The lad is a smashing player but I don't know if he would really be ready for the top league. It would be great if somebody was brave enough to give him the chance rather than them just buying in players from overseas though. On the one hand I want the lad to get a big move, for his own sake, but on the other I want to see the best players staying at our level of fitba. I've only seen him about a dozen times so can't really judge either in fairness. I just hope he makes the right choice for himself rather than having his head turned by other parties. We've seen it all too often over the years.
  12. Erm,...Don't talk pish lads. Possibly...maybe...
  13. Sorry Mark, did you think the boy said he was going to play for a big team in Dubai ? He said "Feck Be**h" Ah'm gontae play fur a proper big team in Dalry.
  14. The map on the front of the jersey will probably contain the street where the offices of Glasgow & Clyde Rape Crisis Centre are located.
  15. What absolute word salad tosh. Please tell us when "Kilbrinie" (sic) were splashing the cash over, say, the last fifty years ? Go on,...give us an example. As another contributor frequently says when he is calling out an obvious pish-talker..."Be very specific". P.s. Largs Thistle mostly used their windfall on ground & infrastructure improvements, apparently, rather than big name signings. They did it the right way and nobody raised an eyebrow.
  16. Yup,...very, very, "interesting" how Google lists fixtures. Or, for most of the rest of us...Zzzz,Zzzz,Zzzz. Next time I rock up to Blair Park I'll make sure I remind them how much their fixture list excites the populace.
  17. That statement reads like they're trying to turn themselves into Thorn Athletic but are starting their "project" off by immediately bringing in capped players. Ludicrous from the outset, and can only end badly.
  18. Bollocks. Airdrie may well have been highest league ground at the time...the team in the shite MTC cage are a non-league team. Just at a rough guess, Muirkirk's excellent "new" ground will be at almost twice the altitude of the shite cage. Oh, and I don't have a particular problem with cage grounds (Bonnyton seems better on every visit) I just don't like the shitey ones. And I still have an altitude problem.
  19. ^ You didn't happen to notice if there were any interesting trialists in that game, did you ?
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