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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. European competitions, maybe ? We'll just tell them that we would prefer the Blue Brazil to represent us. They're not corrupt at all. They'll go for that.
  2. Fitba has changed. Can you imagine the likes of Todd Cantwell (for example) playing against those chaps in the photies above ?
  3. Not crazy at all. Neutral supporter (me) can see a game, maybe under the lights, on a Friday evening...see my own team getting humped on the Saturday, then watch another game on the Sunday afternoon. WTF are you complaining about now ?
  4. Just greenied for sharing, not the result. Thanks to all our...erm,...filmers.
  5. Oh my, this Pollok FC thread is informative.
  6. The "friendly bacteria" lady. Fucksake. I appreciate that the actress has to take work when she can, but have some self respect. They'll type-cast you as a mental person.
  7. Upset the Clyde fuckwits did you ? Good lads, carry on.
  8. Did they arrange the Saltire in the sky just for your visit ?
  9. C'mon Gerry, get those highlights posted !
  10. Oh Lordy, Bill,...you could've just said something along the lines of "Ally, shut the f**k up, there are some grown-ups talking here". Oh,...and I suspect that the Shankland chap might be at the madam as well. Mind how you go, lads.
  11. Think St. Cadocs might get past the Burgh. Based solely on respective league positions. Cup fitba, though...
  12. Polluting a club thread with his usual nonsense. No doubt he'll be back in due course. Anyway...not a bad group on balance ?
  13. And the best bit about this campaign is that General Eyebleed has been emptied ! Get your comments written doon before he re-appears under yet another username. Quick !...Blaw yer utter trumpets afore he returns !
  14. We know you do things differently in the HL, but would you not normally play your away games,...erm,...away.
  15. Erm,...I don't want to encourage mental Ally Dryhorce to respond here...but have the slightly more mature members of the United support considered the Benburb social club ? I know your game won't kick off until half five...the Bens game starts at two...but they're playing the dirty, hacking, Cumnock...erm,...people...so black & white scarves should be OK (not with me, though)... I'm sure real fitba folk like the Bens would appreciate a wee bit more money through the gate (and in the bar) rather than poxy pubs in the city that you can visit any time. If you do visit...and you really should...please don't fall out with my friend Frank or his son Paul because they are both crazy. In a good way.
  16. Wee bit arrogant back there, mateyboy...Some of us quite enjoy a day oot tae Maybole. Decent people and trying tae play fair on the park. I've run oot of popcorn...carry on.
  17. I'm just beginning to suspect you are not the troll we were looking for. I'm starting to think you are a completely different troll. Fair play. This is an awfully detailed amount of research & information for the usual trollery accounts. My apologies to the usual suspects. Carry on.
  18. Just greenied for the sentiment. I really wish that rhubarby chap had been an actual Darvel supporter rather than just...well,...you know who...at the wind up. It would've livened the place up a wee bit.
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