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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. Feel sorry for Gav, started off really well then got hit big time with injuries. All the best to him sure he'll get another soon.
  2. Last season I bet no team, Hearts included relished the thought of coming to play us at Palmerston this year I bet they all can't wait their turn!
  3. Nice to see Holty, Gav and Zander there last night to watch the team, could have done with them on the park.
  4. Failings are there for all to see again, I'm not sure where or next point will come. Actually see and fear a right hiding next weekend.
  5. Ripped Holty a new one last night by all accounts!
  6. Heaven knows what this site will be like when we lose our first game!
  7. No surprise with those comments, watched the Alba highlights and it looked as though he did well. Like Lyle I'd like to think he'd look to return to us in the twilight of his career.
  8. Holt, Reilly, McShane and Durnan were playing regularly by the time they were the age that Smith and Pickard are now. Doesn't boad well for game time for these youths. Game time should be given to these youths so they can progress just like their predecessors.
  9. Really pleased for Del, fully deserved. He will be pivotal to our season. If we can get games won and then get him subbed great because as fit as he is we won't get every game out of him.
  10. Yeah but we all know neither of those are true! ;-)
  11. No far from it, in fact the complete opposite. Would like to think it was a bit of an inspirational comment, no?
  12. Russell must read this site, pleased to be proved wrong.
  13. Just say it as I see it. Did you see the last two games, if so did you see it differently?
  14. Sorry to say but watching Russell in the last two games I'd say he's past it.
  15. Agree with your last sentence but not the rest of what you say. Reilly was very much two footed which Smith certainly isn't and not sure if I've seen Aiden score with his head in any of the reserve/20 games. Reilly fell lucky in that although he'd already had game time albeit limited in a poor McPherson team in the Championship he then was part of a smaller very good squad that strolled the first Division. His and everyones confidence must have been sky high and his performances and progression came on leaps and bounds. I don't think Smith is going to be afforded this and for him I fear his game time will be limited due to so called seasoned pros being brought in due the pressure of doing well in what should be a competitive league. I just hope Fowler does give Smith the game time to improve and prove his worth.
  16. Aye they would be certainly able to stamp their authority on this league!
  17. With an open mind I'm looking forward to Saturday to see how this new team gel. Normally I would be looking for a comfortable home win and it should be the case but you never know with a local Derby and a new team. It seems such a long time since the excitement of the last competitive game.
  18. ^^^^^ This, it is a sign of the times but these guys have got to put themselves and their families first.All the best Burnsy you'll be leaving us with some great memories. Edited to say I think job permitting he'll end up at Ayr with Scally!
  19. Baird is never a 15 goal a season striker and when he's dropped or rested, oft toys out the pram an aw that.
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