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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. He's better in front of goal when he doesn't have time to think about it. He can be very instinctive when scoring. But when he has the time to choose what to do he often hesitates.
  2. New pitch looks superb - had a walk down the other day and it's taking shape well. I saw that there a clubhouse being purchased/saved from extinction - where will it be positioned and how on earth is it going to be moved??
  3. There appears to be a problem with Xiaomi phones after the Miui 10 update. My notifications don't come through for several apps despite all the relevant permissions being selected. All I get is texts and WhatsApps displayed on the lock screen. The other issue with the Pocophone is the size of the notch which meant not all of the notification icons at the top can be displayed.
  4. You're seeing what you want to see, and what the chaps at FAC want you to be outraged by. The DCC is explaining that the police have a job to do and do it in a certain way, e.g filming and using the footage to assist in future arrests. If they didn't do it that way then the alternative is to resort to violence to achieve the arrests. In no way is he saying that's what the police want to do or that it's in any way likely to happen. I note so far on this thread that nobody at all has suggested any reasonable and practical solutions to any of the problems the police have to deal with at matches, other than to bizarrely be less heavy handed while at the same time stop simply observing offences and do something about them.
  5. I meant since we are title contenders. How many points adrift do we have to get to regain diddy status?
  6. Talbot are an exception to the rule. Over half the season played and they've only lost two matches, one of which was in the group stages of a competition they ended up winning anyway. They shouldn't be taken as an example of the health of the junior game. Even in the same league we have a club whose financial dealings with organised crime are casting doubt on their future, and another club who are having to move to a sports club next season in order to survive.
  7. I'm tempted by it but the only thing putting me off is the size. I've rarely seen a bad review but I don't really see the need for a phone over 6". My current one is 5" which is manageable with one hand and suits me fine.
  8. Any links where I can read up on this stuff? I don't really understand how to do it.
  9. So do I. I should love it as well having kids but it's awful for some reason.
  10. I can't see them increasing in price if ordered from China as we do now.
  11. If Kilwinning appear interested it's fair to say other clubs are as well. The chairman said on the junior forum several months ago that a number of clubs had been discussing it.
  12. That's not going to be any different from next year's EOS Premier and West Premier.
  13. Hughes is the agent for James McCarthy I'm sure, as well as a few other players. It's one way of legitimising yourself I suppose.
  14. I've been debating getting one for a few weeks now. I think it would be useful for notifications when your phone is in another room and for fitness tracking/maps etc. I was l looking at the Zeblaze Thor 4 but every watch I look at has at least one drawback to it that could be a deal-breaker.
  15. Is there any news from the PWG meeting on Friday?
  16. Respect the referendum result. That's about all the detail they have given.
  17. If Corbyn was going to change Labour's position he would have done it long before now. Pressure from the ground has been intense for a while and he's taken no notice.
  18. Sounds more like some Rangers fans are so fixated on the idea of Celtic fans' obsession that it's become an obsession of their own.
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