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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. What would happen if Dalkeith, or another club entered the EOS league, gained the licence then resigned and re-entered the juniors? Would the licence remain?
  2. That's the one I have as well. Got it about 5 months ago and it's been brilliant. The battery honestly lasts two days even with moderate/heavy use. Saving battery is not even a consideration now. Got it for £105 as well.
  3. Only if there's evidence to suggest clubs are interested. Which hasn't been the case.
  4. What if the clubs aren't interested? While the concept of a pyramid appears to be a big deal on this forum, I see no evidence it features at all at the upper echelons of the sport in this country.
  5. I disagree. It's up to the interested clubs to approach the SFA and ask for an amendment or extension to the pyramid. I follow junior football closely and at this stage I have no idea if there are any clubs actually willing to join any form of pyramid. Why should the SFA develop a logical pyramid when nobody has any idea if any junior clubs in the West have an appetite for it? Let the clubs decide themselves and then implement the change if the desire is there.
  6. Integration could happen if the clubs present a united front (if common ground can be found). As with everything, the clubs hold the power and not the SJFA. If a good number of top clubs approach the authorities and demand a WOS league then it will happen. The ones that are left behind will go eventually.
  7. The email is littered with errors. Have BSC Glasgow made any public comment on the authenticity of the email and have there been any discussions between BSC, the clubs in receipt of the email and the SJFA/SFA regarding the proposal?
  8. I assume you are talking about in a league match. Otherwise Celtic's 0-5 loss to PSG will be one, assuming they will win the league again this season. Another I was thinking about was Newcastle beating Man Utd in '96 but that was at St James' Park.
  9. Since this emailed proposal was sent from BSC Glasgow to an number of junior clubs, have any of the clubs identified themselves or entered any discussions with fans regarding the idea?
  10. Where exactly was Kirkstyle cricket ground? A search suggests it was where the Powerleague is now but that site doesn't appear big enough to have housed a cricket pitch. Did part of it verge onto where the post office depot is as well?
  11. The BBC match report from the Admin Day defeat to Kilmarnock contains this nugget from top troller Kenny Shiels:- "Kilmarnock manager Shiels had in midweek spoken sympathetically of the SPL champions' predicament, suggesting having McCoist at the helm was "like the man from above when he sends Jesus down".
  12. The genesis of The Banter Years is the Keith Jackson article on Craig Whyte.
  13. No, because the legislation explicitly states the messages/images/videos/meeting arrangements have to be sent to a child or an undercover police officer. At best in Scotland you might get an indecent communication offence out of it.
  14. The question of the juniors being absorbed into a national senior setup isn't going away. The best thing is for a group of the bigger clubs in the West to get together and discuss it properly between themselves, without any input from the SJFA, and decide exactly what they want. I have no idea where clubs stand on this issue and have never heard of any supporters being asked their opinion either. While Talbot fans quite rightly rejected the idea (on here anyway) of joining the SOS league to gain a licence, I wonder if attitudes would change if 4 or 5 of the bigger Ayrshire teams expressed a willingness to apply alongside them?
  15. Two points - the Scottish cup is the only national competition at this level and the final is a day out as opposed to a league title which might be won when the champions aren't even playing, as a consequence of a competitor losing.
  16. Any controllers/keypads available for sale that people would recommend? The remote control that came with my M8S is crap and the kids broke my original keypad.
  17. Just saw this. Sam had re-written the High Septon's diary so Gilly was reading his version. Sam already knew what Gilly was trying to tell him - it was mentioned by her for our benefit.
  18. Great story in the end and glad it worked out for you. It must have been terrible. I can't imagine.
  19. Let me know. I'm waiting on a Redmi 4X arriving from Gearbest. Ordered on 10th August and still hadn't heard anything 10 days later so sent them an e-mail indicating I would be cancelling the order if there was going to be a significant hold-up. Lo and behold I received an e-mail back about an hour later telling me it was being shipped immediately.
  20. They could have extended the episode by 10 minutes of dialogue to link certain parts, for example including a conversation between the party about bringing the dragon glass and showing the passing of a few nights and days with them stranded on the island. Cersei mentioned in an earlier episode that there were around 1000 miles between King's Landing and Winterfell so it would take several days for the message to reach Danaerys at Dragonstone. It wouldn't have taken (or cost) much to have quickly shown a few day/night scenes to give the impression that time was passing. I watched the behind the scenes video on YouTube and it honestly amazed me how much goes into filming and producing the scenes.
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