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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. Armour at least doesn't soak up water like clothes do mind you. It may even have some buoyancy. Considering Daenerys and her army managed to cross a continent in the space of a day it doesn't require too much more of a suspension of belief to imagine Jaime surviving.
  2. Looking forward to the reply to this. Hopefully it contains more evidence than that one song.
  3. Fortunately I don't have to follow MacGhiollabhain on Twitter to know what he's saying - you Gers fans talk about him enough on here. Wish you would drop the "ill" part though - mental illness isn't really funny.
  4. Junior players (and every other player) for the most part go where the money is. If Kelty are still paying big bucks despite two failed attempts at promotion the players will be more than happy where they are.
  5. Interesting. They said that 10 years ago as well though.
  6. Completely wrong, but entirely in fitting with the tabloid sensationalism that has followed this case from the beginning.
  7. We had our back garden astroturfed a few months ago and it's fantastic. Our garden was a state, with a raised and uneven patio which dropped steeply onto a highly sloped grass area. It was always waterlogged and the drainage was terrible. If you have the money then plastic is the way to go in my opinion. The best thing about it is that half an hour of sunshine dries it out completely and my kids can roam about without any fear that they'll get filthy or soaking.
  8. I don't mean on here - on the whole the Rangers guys here are decent and I know I couldn't be bothered dealing with most of the crap they put up with. I mean in general terms - the club is run by a shyster which would be a perfect opportunity for a decent, articulate fans representative to come to the fore and project a positive image for the club. Instead we have the unhinged Sons of Struth guy as a figurehead as well as strange people like the shamed Chris Graham. There's no other club in Scotland whose fans would accept being represented by people like that.
  9. The problem is that 90% of non-Rangers fans believe this is the true mentality of 90% of Rangers fans. And instead of trying to push some positive PR all we get from you guys is denial and whataboutery. You let people like these bus singers define you as a club unfortunately.
  10. They weren't - remember the temporary licence they had to obtain to pay their first Ramsden's Cup match against Brechin.
  11. That permission thing has been on the go for at least 10 years as well I reckon.
  12. Read this thread then decided to watch the very first episode of this. It was really clichéd and fast paced. They could have stretched that storyline out for series upon series. Instead they crammed it into 43 or so minutes and it just ended up being rushed and ridiculous.
  13. Further enquires reveal its only 4G that won't work with this phone and O2 - 3G is fine. My next question, having never had a 4G phone - is there much difference between 3G and 4G? I'm not a huge downloader and only really use the internet for browsing/social media and a bit of YouTube occasionally.
  14. Has anyone bought the Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro? It looks very decent but apparently it won't work with O2 or giffgaff over here, which would mean I'd have to change networks.
  15. But if you compare him to Lampard, Lampard is much better at his position than Messi would be. Lampard's performance in the European Cup semi 2nd leg in 2012 is one of the best defensive midfielder performances you will ever see. Messi would be rubbish in that position.
  16. Messi is OK but if you asked him to shield his back 4 for the majority of a European Cup semi final like Lampard did then he'd be hopeless.
  17. Do you not have to have a criminal record before being allowed entry there? A bit like the actual Shortlees team.
  18. The rule is that when you talk about tidy burds in dresses, you have to post pictures of them.
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