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Posts posted by Northsea80

  1. The World's End

    What should have been an enjoyable end to a set of films i've loved (along with Spaced) ruined by the introduction of Rosamund Pike and the wife asking "Has she got a bit of a funny eye?"

    After that it's pretty much all i could focus on every time she appeared on screen.


  2. I'm moving house tomorrow, but ill be at work whilst my wife oversees the move.

    I'll be in the slightly bizarre situation of leaving home to go to work then going home to somewhere else entirely

    Similar to this, we got keys to our house on the 24th of June. I've been away on a work trip since that morning while the wife has sorted everything out in the the new house.

    I get back on Thursday, depending on flight times i might not get in as i don't have keys.

  3. Has anyone bought the season ticket for Scotland's home internationals?

    It does give a decent discount across the next 5 games, just annoyed at them selling as a package meaning fewer tickets available to buy selectively on a game by game basis.

  4. Bloody hell guys. Some of us been married 3 times (so far), you're just so much a bunch of wet fannies "ooooh better not upset her" american sit-com-type-wet-twats!

    You're all whoever the wet c**t from Friends was that wanted to shag the one with the hair.


    Didn't the wet c**t from friends get married 3 times?

    Think that makes you more like him.

  5. First time watching that in years as it was on after the Scotland game.

    Thug life in London, vicious street gangs running wild and some whining ginger woman rattling on doors and screaming. That Bianca woman is the worst!

  6. One of the "problems" with a house we just looked at was the dining room, she didn't like that there was a step down to the dining room from the kitchen and ideally she would rather you accessed it from the main hallway rather than from the kitchen. I thought it was fine. Though what do I know? It's only my money we're spending on a house!

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