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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Mate how you feel if you just split up with your other half (if you have one ) then she goes and sleeps with another laddie. Someone that plays in the same team as you?
  2. Not that close mate . She can do what she wants but it's the fact we've only split up last Tuesday and she then goes and sleep with another laddie. I wouldn't go and pump some lassie when i've just split up with someone She admitted to me she didn't sleep with him when we were dating. Which is good. I just want to fast forward to Wednesday. Get it done and over with and move on .
  3. i was jealous of those two when i was going out with her a few weeks ago and we managed to sort things out 2 weeks ago. Fair enough we aren't together anymore but when you've just split up with someone then go and sleep with someone else a few days later. It is a bit suspicious. Thank f**k it's the last training session on Wednesday for the year. This gives me time to sort myself head out and decide what to do. As it stands i'am gonna pack in my football and find another club because if i'm on the same part of the pitch of him on Wednesday i will likely say something to him .
  4. I'm just gonna go in the changing rooms and just act normal. Pretend i don't know nothing.
  5. I'm gonna play him along on Wednesday. It's our last training session until after the new year.
  6. I'm gonna pretend i don't know. But everyone at training is gonna go mental on Wednesday when they find out
  7. Did manage to chat up a bird on twitter last night talking about our game yesteday She asked me if i was okay, i said i'am but really i'm not. How can face him on Wednesday at Training when i know he slept with my ex?
  8. Just found out something else today. This laddie and my ex slept together last night Fucking knew something was going on between them
  9. Feeling really happy tonight after the last few days. Gonna move on and forget my ex and enjoy Christmas and the New Year
  10. Cheers mate. Apologies to anyone who has taken offense of my posts. I was really upset last night ;(
  11. I'm fucking raging Basically my ex has fucking lied to me and taken the piss out of me Know what don't come back running to me when your upset. Cheers for making my life wonderful then destroying it in the space of 2months you fucking cow That's me done with relationships Rant over
  12. Just had a massive argument with my ex there If anyone warns to hear about it ill add you all in a pm
  13. What's up bud I take back what i said earlier in the thread my ex hanging about with this another laddie
  14. As Matty said you're guaranteed some fun
  15. Hive >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fat Sams . f**k it i'm heading up to Dundee for my next night out About 2months mate. If it does happen i don't know if i could be on the same pitch as him. Just seeing him there would make me angry . I'm not that type of guy that's starts fights etc but i would just get my head down, ignore them and get on with it
  16. Would live to say a massive thanks to those who have talked to me these last few days about how I'm feeling. Really appreciate it :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. FollowWeWill


      Why would I deny who I am?

    3. Addie


      To avoid a ban. You are not very bright are you? Cheerio!!

    4. Lyle Lanley
  17. Feeling a bit better now. Maybe getting paranoid here but i have a feeling she will end up going out with this another laddie from my team. If that does happen. I will not be happy and i would have to pack in training because of it
  18. I'll be making an appearance in their soon
  19. Evening lads. Met my ex before training. She told me the reason she split up with me was because of her ex which i understand. But she keeps hanging about withthis another laddie at the same training despite telling me a few weeks ago she hated him:(. Many others at training said to me that they think my ex and him are going out. I didn't break down when i spoke to her thankfully but i felt upset more than i thought i would be. When i was training earlier. Many of my mates noticed i felt a bit off. I misplaced a couple of passes but thankfully i ran 20yards to score and took out all of my emotion on the ball and smashed the ball into the net from 9yards out I saw her after training for about 30seconds and she knew i was upset . But she went and met this another laddie after training too. Since then i feel like crap and really cba speaking to my mates . I might as well go and have a night out in Dundee with Matty and peeeel. . Time to move on i think and start looking again
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