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Lyle Lanley

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Everything posted by Lyle Lanley

  1. Seems ahthinknot has a problem with me :(

  2. Evening Recently i've never felt so down in my life than i have just now. I've been getting myself so worked up in thinking i have Crohn's. I just want to fast forward to next Tuesday and find out if i have Crohn's then see what the next steps are from then Was down South last weekend playing Football and i hardly played!. Didn't start a game, was a sub every game, Played 3 games in a total of 10mins!. I worked my ass off training to play but to end up hardly playing really pissed me off. My mate's auld man said he thought it was shocking i was hardly getting a game and he said i'm better than the majority of our squad. My Confidence went from Great to sad in the space of 3 days because of this. On Saturday night down there. Someone in our complex we were staying in was taken away by paramedics in a Ambulance . I broke down in tears infront of everyone as it had bring back memories of myself getting taking away in one when i was younger fighting for my life. . I ended up packing in my Football on Wednesday Night there as i couldn't be arsed with as i have all these problems around me at the moment Was at the doctors yesterday morning and he said i could make an appointment anytime and speak to him about anything. Which made me a little bit happy Would love to post more but it's making me upset typing all of this up
  3. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?s=40b9c833b5d75e3672ead4c9fc657e91&showtopic=258248 :lol:
  4. This was apparently the Hibs side that beaten THE Rangers first team Murdoch, Clancy, Forster, McPake, Mullen, Gold, Stanton, Zoubir, Horribine, Caldwell and Heffernan
  5. In other pleasing news There were plenty of positives to emerge from Hibernian's behind closed doors practice match against Rangers at Murray Park this afternoon with new signings Abedellah Zoubir (two) and Paul Heffernan both scoring in a 3-1 win. Plus captain James McPake, recovering from a back problem, featured for 80 minutes and right-back Tim Clancy got 65 minutes under his belt - his first outing of the season after his lay-off with a groin injury. French winger Zoubir and striker Heffernan both made their mark on the friendly match - arranged because the scheduled under-20 fixture had been called off - much to the satisfaction of manager Pat Fenlon. Fenlon said: "It was a good work-out and it was exactly what we needed. The new signings got some game-time as did James and Tim plus some of the younger players got a run-out as well." http://www.hibernianfc.co.uk/news/20130903/squad-update-zoubir-scores-two_2262950_3446924
  6. Turns out me and paranoid android went to the same primary school and high school and are from the same area! Tremendous

  7. Phones 4 U can **** off. Thank you for not being able to get my new phone working

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ahthinknot


      I am starting to get sick of your pish, Ozzy. Virtually every post I make is met with abuse from yourself.

    3. peeeel


      Is it banhammer time yet?

    4. peeeel


      PS. Big Rob next time stay fucked off. In before the ban.

  8. How did hibs play today folks? Where we shit Posting this from poolside in turkey
  9. Trying to sleep is a b*****d :(

  10. Any falkirk fans want to join the Liam Craig fan club?
  11. @mainboy19 Get following for my shite patter
  12. Just downloaded the song on my iPhone
  13. Europa League Draw tomorrow - Buzzing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jamamafegan


      Mon the St. Johnhibs.

    3. ~British Patriot~

      ~British Patriot~

      We'll be in it in two seasons time.

    4. ForeverSinging


      No you won't you total cocksucker

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