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Everything posted by Christophe

  1. The first thing he said in his review was that he hadn't seen In Bruges.
  2. I think someone has said on here already...but he HAS to fight him surely?! I can understand team mates not fighting each other down the card or whatever, but it has to be different for the title. If MacDonald's end game isn't the title then what the hell is he doing it for.
  3. £20 on Brighton pre-match £20 on Brighton next goal at half-time
  4. Hendricks, MacDonald and one of Kampmann/Ellenberger (whichever bounces back best and stakes a claim) is a years worth of fights, throw in a Silva fight and you're giving the division 15/16 months to develop again, don't think it's possible to wear out a division completely. MW doesn't look anywhere like as deep currently, but anything could happen.
  5. Yeah i go with a Bisping win here, think he finally steps up here and grabs his title shot (is this an eliminator) if not it should be. Here what you're saying about credible fights for Silva but at the same time a year is a long time for a weight class to develop. I mean look at welter. That division was done when GSP went out injured and by the time he's come back it's stacked with new credible contenders. Someone could easily step up hy the time he's faced the two or three immediate contenders that there are now.
  6. LOL! Cain would ground and pound that joker in about 5 seconds flat. Pure publicity stunt.
  7. I saw the beggining of Blade Runner whilst it was on during Christmas, I vagely remember seeing it once before but this time it really hooked me in, I got uop to the bit where the bloke in glasses has dared Harrison to test his theories on the very pretty replicant with the quiff, and how it took him much longer than usual, to catch her out BECAUSE not even she knew she was one. I'm definatley going to DVD this in the New Year.
  8. This is going to live up i reckon.
  9. Van Gerwen Nation Army/Taylor Wonderland back and forward pre-match.
  10. Taylor cleary pumped his fists while staring at Barneveld twice before going around the officials, also appeared to shout something too. What a nonsense claiming he's done no wrong here. Can't get my head around that viewpoint.
  11. I'll forgive them having a comic book episode on a pre-taped xmas eve raw, surely they won't go so far again though?
  12. Not looking at that, but i assume it's not going to be something that makes you think "oh well, no point watching that then". Therefore the answer to your question is ratings...always ratings.
  13. Pitch Perfect - probably asking for trouble since it's a Bridesmaids meets Glee bollocks but this movie annoyed the shit out of me. So many things that pissed me off about it, especially the lazy stereotypes of the misfit all girl vocal group, e.g. Anna Kendrick's alt-girl who seems to like Miley Cyrus and David Guetta, the stuck up group leader who believes only in HER plan that blatantly sucks, Rebel Wilson playing a boorish Aussie, you get the picture. This film especially features loads of examples of POINTLESS THINGS THE THROW INTO THE MOVIE AND NEVER REFERENCE AGAIN/DOESN'T HAVE ANY POINT TO THE PLOT. Rubbish.
  14. Shite! Just turned this back on for the first time since 5-1...
  15. Yeah Overeem gets his shot if he beats Silva, no doubt. Dos Santos v Cormier next would be nice too. Not sure where Jim Miller goes next, he was dominated by Benderson and Diaz so he can't exactly be back in the title hunt really. Cerrone/Pettis winner? Would like to see Lauzon v Diaz next in that division to build one of those guys up again... I'd like to see Phillipou get the loser of Belfort/Bisping, big step up but f**k it Boetsch would've been in there so let's see what he's got. Okami might be more realistic right enough, maybe put those two together after their wins and see who gets the real push afterwards. I'd love to see Phillipou/Sonnen down the line, just seems like a pretty good match to me.
  16. Only gave Holloway the first myself.
  17. That's what the end of a third should be.....two guys exhausted who still really, really want it. THAT DECISION IS HORSESHIT!
  18. Holloway might have to finish this one too
  19. Yeah, that one might have been running away from Moraga, done well to take it out of the judges hands there.
  20. Heads up for the Facebook prelims starting at 11.30 tonight folk. FX prelims showing on ESPN again from 1, good job ESPN.
  21. Anyway besides that.... looking forward to seeing Erik Perez again, he's on an excellent little run. And Pickett vs. Wineland will be a war. Good night in store.
  22. Had a weird dream last night where they switched this at the last minute from the MGM Grand Garden to some tiny bar elsewhere in the MGM Grand.... put Dos Santos/Velasquez on first and then cancelled the rest of the card through lack of ticket sales...... dunno what it all means!
  23. Brodie was the last to speak to him but it was never clear who gave him the razor. Saul spoke to him before Brodie.
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