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Uncoiled Spring

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Posts posted by Uncoiled Spring

  1. Not sure if anyone is interested but this is the mail I hacve sent out to the footballing authorities, i am totally disgusted.

    Dear Sirs,

    A copy of this has been sent to SPL, SFL, SFA and my clubs Board of Directors.

    Today's developments as reported both by the BBC and STV regarding the former club (Rangers) and it's latest incarnation Sevco5088, if true, are the most blatant piece of corruption that our game has ever seen – and yes, I include the whole sorry saga that has brought us to this position, in fact it will make Rangers alleged cheating look like a slightly dodgy penalty decision as the custodians of our game break into the stadium and steal the trophy as the game goes on!

    I really was beginning to think that as the SPL chairmen made their various announcements last week that we were seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and Sevco5088 would be given the opportunity to build a reputation and proceed through the leagues were their team good enough to gain promotion season upon season.

    This "plan" to parachute Sevco5088 into the second tier of Scottish football is nothing short of disgraceful, the SFA has stated that the worst offence to be committed in football is match fixing, well this goes WAY beyond that, what we are talking here is wholesale league fixing and I for one will not be part of it.

    I would rather watch my team (Dundee United) playing in a public park in the Sunday Welfare league than pay money to watch them in the top tier of Scottish football if this proposal turns out to be true, whether approved by the clubs or not the very notion that SPL / SFL clubs would be complicit in such an underhand manoeuvre fills me with anger.

    UEFA states that "In everything that we do, football must always be the first and most important element that we take into consideration. Football is a game before being a product, a sport before being a market, a show before being a business." Please could someone explain which part of this proposal even comes anywhere near this sentiment?

    If this transpires then all I can say is that I am finished with Scottish senior football and this includes the national team, you have burst the ball and the game is over.

    I know that I am far from being the only fan with these feelings and wonder where your precious commercial benefits and TV deals will be as blameless teams play infront of empty or near empty stadiums next season, please think long and hard before you destroy our game completely.

    The only option is Sevco5088 in Div 3 providing they meet all criteria and are seen as the preferred option (other applications not withstanding).

    I look forward to your replies.


    (Name and address supplied)

  2. Just lifted this from Orctalk, not sure if I am being whooshed here but does this imbecile mean condescending? Also witty use of random capitals! This is in reply to the Falkirk fans topic.


    Despicable ,this is disgusting .

    I am sick now of Fans of other Clubs coming on here ,and being Con descendent, and Preaching to us about Sporting Integrity .Enough is enough no more Debating with you's ,Canabilism is alive, and well in Scottish Football.

    The Bridges have been Burned.

    Now do one ya Twat, and don't Come Back.

    We have put our points across to you people, and you have all made your Minds up, and decided to go with what the Corrupt and Unfit for Purpose SFA /SPL Dealt Rangers .

    The time will come when you all will be in the position where we are and you will see what it is like when that Day comes.

  3. Contents of my e-mail sent to Raith Rovers last night and below is the reply I received. Along with replying to me he also forwarded the mail I sent on to Eric Drysdale, amongst others. I will keep good on my promise and hopefully be partying in the streets of Raith at some point next season.:)

    I am not a Raith Rovers supporter but would like to praise the comments made publicly by Turnbull Hutton regarding the situation of Sevco5088 and the SFL.

    For once, a director has come out and stated what, in my opinion most sensible football fans are thinking. The whole debacle surrounding the football club formerly known as Rangers has dragged the reputation of Scottish Football through the mire and I can but hope that chairmen elsewhere within the SFL take the sensible and pragmatic approach as taken by your board and voiced through Mr Hutton. I would go further in requesting Mr Hutton is veciferous in defence of his position and indeed encourages others to think along the same lines. I am not looking for Sevco to be punished unduly, although I believe they should be, but only that they are treated the same way as any other club outside the Old Firm would be! As I have said I am not a Raith fan but can assure you that in some way I will make a contribution to your club in the coming season whether that be attending a game at Starks Park (my team is not in the SFL) or even by purchasing merchandise through the club shop, I will contribute financially. Well Done Raith Rovers!

    Many thanks for your support. Appreciate your comments.


    T Hutton

  4. I certainly hope this is THE END for Rankers in any shape or form, but lets assume they recover and come back as some sort of Newco :( As part of the punishment, I suggest paying back every man, woman & child in Scotland the £20 they owe them - as the club has no money then I suggest free entry to Ibrox to witness the diddy teams humping them on a fortnightly basis until every person in Scotland has attended.

    By my reckoning going with approximately 20 home games per season it will be 54 years before the Ibrox club will make any money from gate receipts - oh and ofcourse they should be liable for the policing costs of all these games!:lol:

  5. Tarrier :P

    The problem is though it is if you side with one of the OF you are immediately seen as one of 'them'.

    A club that was formed with exclusion in mind and still carries that banner should have no place in 2012. The fact that the clubs fans

    still use words like i used on the first line shows those loyalties are still deeply ingrained.

    There has been a lot of shame from Celtic in the form of unsavoury protests, banners and you name it over the years.

    The one thing i have experienced is that you never feel threatened in amongst a large Celtic support. Back in 1998 when they celebrated their title win

    it was quite an experience being at CP and every one was shaking your hand and it was a nice atmosphere. Maybe skews my view but having vowed

    never to set foot near Ibrox again after so many incidents and just a general feeling of hatred that surrounds the place.

    Wouldn't be sad at all to see that place torn down and made into flats.

    Sort of the point I was trying to make, despite being from stock that would have been able to sign for Rangers back in the daysof their "special signing policy" as I was growing up my father and more vehemtly my granfather (both Third Lanark fans) despised the sectarianism that this encouraged, maybe this factor makes me more inclined to despise Rangers more so than Celtic, however I in no way condone the Republicanism and terrorist hero worship that I have witnessed when visiting the park in the East end. Certailnly not a bhoy in disguise just wondering if you can have varying degrees of evil? In my OP I also did state that preferrable to NO Rangers would be a top flight of devoid of both the OF!

    Cue the shouts of " He doth protest too much":P

  6. Is there actually any posters on here who dont regularly attend their teams games in the SPL 'who would be tempted back if there was an SPL without Rangers next season.

    First time contributor here, although I have been watching the demise closely, with P&B being a particular source of mirth - some cracking posts on here. In response to the above question - as a diddy supporter who has recently moved to Glasgow after a number of years working abroad and have not attended any United games lately - I will certainly be back supporting my team in a league without "ra gers", the only preferrable scenario for myself would be a top flight without either of the O.F. although I must concede I see Celtic as the lesser of the two evils!

    In addition I intend to e-mail Mr Thomson and urge him to think of the fans rather than perceived short term financial losses (I must add I don't believe for one second that long term the presence of Rangers in the SPL can bring ANY benefit, financial or otherwise).

    Roll on the end, Amen!

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