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Jambo Stu

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Everything posted by Jambo Stu

  1. This was the first Wednesday I made no roster moves. Made me quite sad
  2. I'll do my very best as always! Top two make the playoffs I presume?
  3. Looking like egg on my face releasing Doug Martin! He's been the only one of many I've ditched so far to look that way though which I guess is promising.
  4. I was waiting on green bay - 6.5 for a coupon win as well so I was cheering on Rogers and Co. Was a horrible situation. I did laugh though when Khun scored the TD.
  5. Congratulations. It was a tighter battle than i anticipated after such a slow start. Can't grumble after scraping two wins in previous weeks.
  6. That cardinals defence has dug me out two weeks running. Freeman is single handled giving me half a chance.
  7. This week's already looking pretty doomed. The tinkerman has outdone himself
  8. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=utsHE5xWges You're welcome.
  9. Beat Jimmy Goat by 0.6pts. Pleasing!
  10. Yes perhaps I was a little premature after a big day for Murray(Oak) and more big cardinals D
  11. Jimmy Grap will take some stopping in division 2. Big Ben down injured only compounds my misery.
  12. Excellent news. Just before a couple of winnable home games to get our season off and running.
  13. Excellent work on first post Stewbo. Be superb when it's finished.
  14. 179.1 last week. Bring on week 3!
  15. Big Ben to Brown could be extremely lucrative for me.
  16. Dez out till December. Testicles.
  17. I'm new to this bidding thing. Can't see me spending much overall anyway.
  18. I hadn't even been on to check. Wasn't sure when the deadline was. Cost me $41. Anyone else in for him?
  19. Way ahead of you boys didn't want to post on here too early to alert other owners
  20. 3rd strip launched today. Looks quite basic from pictures.
  21. Dez has been cut in our league....
  22. Funny how you watch hard knocks and it convinces you the Texans are going to be really good this season (I know, they still might), yet you tend to forget 31 other teams are doing the same thing if not better off camera.
  23. Late TD from steelers definitely a boost for me with Big Ben and AB in my lineup. Ditched Pats D for Cards D at 1am last night. Hoping it doesn't prove to be a mistake.
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