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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. Surely you're not suggesting that someone with the username "stuloyal" isn't a paid-up bear? Not a rangers fan? On a rangers forum? The world's gone mad! Read my post, fuckwit! Oh, and BTW.... If you packed out Snake Mountain to play the green trogs, you would need some lower gates to achieve an AVERAGE of 20000+. That's basic arithmetic. You'll learn this in S2, when you get there. Or you would have, if you'd stayed on that long..... To Mods: sorry for abusing the currants, but they really do bring out the worst in me at times.
  2. Nah, he just saw some of the more "flamboyant" residents - they'll take any excuse to get dolled up! It is nice for Govan to have one good old knees-up before the fall though, bit like Ne'rday in Herculaneum in AD 79..... ETA: OK, it could have been Pompeii, but I like being a smart-arse now and again....
  3. From RM, poster joined 30/5/12. Posted Yesterday, 10:24 PM I have gave this some thought, and please don't confine me to being a tarrier, I have done three tours of NI and know the score, but having served with many fans out with Rangers or selik. they hate us both equally, they don't see the SFA as being corrupt in any way against us, in fact they see it as being corrupt in our favour, they see the transfer embargo as an injustice and think it should have been far worse, and the fact wee cry about it makes them angrier that wee are trying to bully our way of what should be a simple relegation to the third division, and as far as they are concerned nothing but expulsion is good enough. they see the whole set up as being corrupt in the old firms interest, and they also think we are a paranoid bunch of bigots, that can't see the bigger picture, they don't give one feck if we are prod or tarrier it is nothing to do with jealousy either, they just want a fair even playing field, and they don't see that at the moment ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------- Christ, he won't last long on there! ETA: he posted this just after, reckon he WANTS to be on ze list! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I get what you are saying, but every fan of the other clubs I talk to don't see it that way, they remember the early 80's when only 10 or 12 thousands were attending games, and they reckon wee bought success in the years ahead has brought nothing but glory hunters to the Rangers cause, then they talk about things that are never reported in the media but are out there if you look hard enough, I find it hard to argue with them when what they say is true ---------------------------------------------
  4. Bugger all, unfortunately - the clause only kicks in if his price is greater than what they paid for him, and I don't reckon anybody's gonna offer over 2 million to rangers while the sale's still on. If we did get anything, I wouldn't be surprised if MJ gave it to the RFFF
  5. If my club had behaved like rangers, I would expect them to have become rightfully extinct long before now - we don't have the same friends in low places, for a start. And you know what? I would accept that as just punishment. I would wash my hands of them in an instant. What is ridiculous is your refusal to accept that the original tribunal,and the appeal, tried their best to show leniency to rangers, despite their intransigence, arrogance, rabble rousing rhetoric and all-round attitude of "you can't hurt us, we're rangers". Since the original verdict, McCoist and Jardine did their best to inspire fear amongst those making what is a difficult decision with far-reaching consequences for the whole of the Game in Scotland. Since no-one connected with the club has shown any contrition, the only honourable thing for the SFA to do now is to expel this mob. If they don't, there will BE no Scottish game. Get that? In your happy place, rangers will survive, but they'll have to play with themselves, because there will no longer be a football organisation in Scotland, thanks to your club going outside FIFA rules. They could have gone to CAS (which IS, despite their protestations, allowed by FIFA andUEFA), but no - that would have taken the matter outside what rangers see as their sphere of influence. When this all shakes out, I am sure we will look back on rangers' day in the CoS as one of the most public acts of suicide ever committed. What makes it even funnier is that morons like you think it's a victory, and Gattuso is packing his bags ready to spearhead next season's Title win. Yet again, on a slow day, the trogs come out to slaver their crap. If it's not the traditional whataboutery, it's the blinkered claptrap spouted by such as yourself. If rangers or their fans had shown ONE ounce of dignity in this affair, ONE iota of contrition, accepted even a tiny bit of reponsibility for the criminal behaviour they have indulged in, they may have attracted a bit of sympathy, a bit of compromise and a willingness from the rest of Scottish football to help them survive. Not only has that not happened, but they don't want to SURVIVE, do they? No, it's "warchest" this, and "Europe" that, and "rightful place" the other. I have always hated the arrogance and bigotry associated with both of the Sisters, but accepted that some decent people may follow them for the right footballing reasons. Since the eruption of this shitstorm, I have had to revise this. There are NO decent rangers fans. No decent human being can condone criminality and injustice on this scale. Anyone with the least shadow of a conscience would have walked away when the scale of their behaviour became public - no longer deniable as a papist conspiracy or tarrier lies. Those that are left? Scum, every one of them. Hope that clears things up for you, bucko.
  6. They could have accepted their punishment and oh, I dunno, apologised for their behaviour or something?
  7. Yes, I've been making sure that the currants' woes are still being reported "in the back". Obviously this thread is more current than the fortnightly "Eye", but for those who feel these crooks may slither out of this, it's good to know that "Slicker" is doing some digging. He's brought a hell of a lot of skullduggery to light over the years, and this fustercluck is just the kind of thing he likes to get his teeth into. Happy days, indeed!
  8. It was rejected when the SFA believed they could use discretion.The suicidal race to the CoS has removed that possibility, so the choice is either "gaunnae no' dae that" or "Get yersels' tae f**k". With FIFA now taking an interest, which way do YOU think they'll jump?
  9. No offence meant - sorry if it came over that way. It was more of an "If anyone can tell me why these b*****ds deserve anything other than an extremely painful death..." kinda thing. Mea culpa.
  10. AAAAWWWWWWWWW!!!!! (And no, you can't play at TTOP when Somerset falls down - we might let you come and have a look at the trophy room if you ask nice...) Seriously, This thread proves the saying "adversity makes for strange bedfellows" (easy, Cutty!). Except it's not adversity, is it? It's the most entertainment (other than cup wins) I've had out of Scottish football for years! Kill them! Kill them with fire!
  11. Against who, though? If they aren't members of the SFA, and by extension under the UEFA and FIFA umbrella, no club which IS so affiliated would be ALLOWED to play them. This is one of the reasons so many charity/commemorative matches feature "Man Utd Legends" or "Celtic XI". Or so I believe, anyway - feel free to correct me. Oh, and feel free to explain to me which clubs would find the slightest soupcon of "glamour" in a match against a proudly sectarian club which has cheated its home association and fellow clubs for decades? Whose attitude since their behaviour became known has shown not an iota of regret or intention to atone for their crimes, but have shown a breathtaking sense of entitlement at every opportunity. Oh yes, and whose "fans" will sing songs of religious and racial hatred, use public streets as urinals, and visit extreme physical violence on anyone who dares to suggest that "The Peepul" should behave like human beings?
  12. Sorry, but I've had to rise to our pet menstruating sow. Obvious but too simplistic is: It's only since this CoS decision that No. 8's true inner turmoil is laid bare as he appears to truly believes that the second scenario is happening, when the rest of us can see that the first is actually the case. To address a few of his points, it has taken multiple posters to show him pictures of the Pope wearing a big hat or a bear having a crap in a forest before he will stop spouting his pish. Not admitting to being wrong, note. Just moving on to lash out in another direction. A few nuggets for him to pick over.... 1. It is extremely rich for anyone following a club with over 100 years of discriminatory employment policy to accuse anyone else of this, especially as in this case no discrimination is evident towards the employees. 2. With every piece of evidence uncovered against rangers, claims are made that it was him, him or them, never rangers. As the SFA tribunal noted, knowledge of malpractice and inaction concerning same damns directors over decades with implicit guilt. 3. Any other club in rangers' situation would be scrabbling like hell to make friends, pull in favours, do anything to SURVIVE, at any level of the game. This mob expect all other clubs to weaken their own position to help them COMPETE FOR THE TITLE. Arrogance is never attractive. In this case it is completely repulsive. 4. Had rangers accepted the - basically irrelevant - registration ban, they would have been able to start rebuilding and look to the future. By refusing to accept the SFA's decision, they brought this affair to the attention of UEFA and FIFA. In so doing, they have put the whole of Scottish football at risk, with the attendant damage to communities and loss of jobs throughout the country. Their attitude is we don't care - we are rangers and we don't need the diddies". So..... who will they be playing against? 5. Perusal of the timeline of this thread will show a gradual deterioration in the sympathy and support rangers are receiving from their peers. The rest of football is losing patience with these arrogant criminals, and SPL chairmen are beginning to speak in terms of doing the right thing. (One glaring omission, BTW, MJ - might be time to jump on the bandwagon and join the new order). In summary, then, I would suggest to No. 8 that he bugger off to RM or FF, where he would no doubt find greenies (bluies?) for his hatstand statements. As a favour to the rest of us, could I suggest that cammy35, Kincardine, bearwithme, and bennett join him. Five of the rangers posters try their best to be "reasonable", or five examples of how important it is to cleanse Scottish football, and Scottish society, of this vile institution? No longer are sanctions enough. This cancer in our midst must be cut out and disposed of. Full remission, no newco" zombie club rising like a new tumour for the trogs to rally round. Scotland owes it to itself to take this opportunity and rid itself of these horrible people. Forever.
  13. Must sleeep.... NO! EMAILS COMING! Sooo tired... MARK DALY EMAILS! Please - eyes getting heavy.. STAY WITH THE PROGRAM! .............. Sorry, can't do it - see you all tomorrow, and remember: Bright it may be but the Future is NOT orange!
  14. "Hateley refused the bribe, but went on to miss the Marseille game anyway after being controversially sent off in the preceeding game against Club Brugge, a decision that he suspected may have been influenced by Taipe."
  15. At least you had a good reason. I saw this shitstorm on the horizon and thought: "I'll need an alternative news source on this. I'll just check up every couple of days to see if there's any news on them. It will be easier than hunting through the Beeb and SSN. It's not like there isn't a load of other stuff to do. I mean, I could do with losing a few pounds, so the odd missed meal isn't a problem. Loads of people survive on less than six hours sleep a night. " So, yeah, it's going good. I still post regularly, but it's a social thing, innit? I could do other stuff, I could leave this forum alone if I wanted to. I just don't want to right now, alright? "P&B is bad, m'kay?"
  16. As I read it, any suspension or exclusion from ANY competition gives Green the right to walk away. The way things are going, I reckon he might well beat Bungalow Bill's record when he gets half a chance - the revelations just in the last few days have really upped the stakes. There must be a million more lucrative business opportunities out there without all the baggage that this festering hulk of a club is carrying. Carrying at the moment, I might say, without further Daly revelations, BTC outcome, fan boycotts/protests, possible heavyweight pissing contest with the SFA and the rest of the SPL.... Even their long-term business partners can't overtly support them without alienating their own followers! Popcorn will be popped, jelly and ice-cream scoffed, and much ale quaffed - but patience, little ones. Enjoy the ride for failure, like success, is a journey not a destination. p.s. Johnston is still a twat.
  17. Objctive you are, sir, and I applaud you for it. The problem celtic have is that is they no longer have a big bully mate with them to push their anti-competition agenda. For too many years these two have been operating hand in hand for their own ends, using the rest of us as training fodder while they ascended to their rightful place among Europe's elite. All I, and I hope most fans, are saying is that celtic will have to accept they are no longer a special case in Scottish Football. Remember, they were just as willng to drop the rest of us in the shite while they took "the biggest derby in the world" to the English leagues (at whatever level), or the Atlantic league, or whoever would have them both. And the point is - BOTH. They are business partners, who love money and couldn't give a shite about Killie, A*r, Morton, or anyone else in the game in THIS country. f**k them, f**k their mates, and f**k the arseholes who could never understand the sheer visceral feelings that this game inspires in us. You only have to look at he scenes after non-old firm cup wins to see what really caring about the game means. Neither of them ever have a parade- they just wave the latest bauble at their next home game, because it matters THAT MUCH.
  18. Aye, both clubs have done this, except for one... ETA: I know you're taking the piss, but there may be some RM or FF users around who believe that kind of bollocks - you know, irony bypasses, realitiectomies, that sort of thing....
  19. Aye, and now it's Fiend. Singular. Yer mates are dying. Thought everyone was against you before? Brace yerselves....
  20. Still am, mate, if nobody grows a set and punts the currants. Seems like that MAY be happening now. I'm not Johnston, and he doesn't speak for Killie fans. If those involved in running our game start making the right moves, I'm on board. Not convinced yet. And that oily b*****d Johnston has gone awfy quiet....
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