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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. I'll personally give you all the dancing gifs I can lay my hands on if a CVA happens. I also have a Tower in Paris and a bridge in London you may be interested in buying...... :lol: KTID
  2. Irn Bru bottles my arse! They're boycotting NEXT year's sponsors as well.. BTW, I'm still awaiting a reply on my offer of three hubcaps off a '79 Ford Capri. KTID
  3. First off, KS obviously has such a love for the orcs that rangers' last EVER results against Killie are 1-0 home and away defeats. Secondly, the hand on our badge is portrayed in a blessing position - not something that would go down too well in Govan, methinks. We had to change to the "Ball and Finger" in the early 90s IIRC, because the Lord Lyon decided the badge we were using was too similar to the town's heraldic crest (just about identical, to be fair). One of those old traditions, or charters, or something. The squirrels ARE red, mind. The motto was changed at the same time, from "Confido" to "Confidemus" - both of which loosely translate as "Trust", Or "Confidence". Now kindly pack up your crayons and go back to your room until you can muster a decent argument. KTID
  4. Nope, Fizzy Pop badges (and they are removable, just in case reason prevails). KTID
  5. http://www.rangers.c...article/2748295 Looks like the boycott's working, then....... KTID Oh, and as for getting players on the cheap, I haven't forgiven the horrible cvnts for tapping up Boyd, Or Gordon Smith Or Tommy McLean...
  6. Aye, a clear, unbiased review.... ruined in the first line. If you want to ask calm questions, here's one: Why won't that vile organisation just DIE! KTID
  7. Not forgetting the People's front of Larkhall, The Kilwinning popular front, and the Workers' Co-operative for the Liberation of Govan..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: KTID p.s. £5 a rosette means 32000 bits of scrunchy paper to pay the fine - good luck with that, lads....
  8. "No more impartial punishment" - jeez, they really are the fuds that keep on giving, aren't they? KTID
  9. Enough of the Doomsday predictions! This is a happy thread! Hows about this for a scenario: 1. The cheating criminals get re-instated as Govan Redhands. (Boo!) 2. As a newco, all their professionals have buggered off to play for a living wage elsewhere. (Yay!) 3. Idiot trogs continue to attend ibrox in large numbers. (Boo!) 4. Opposing fans politely (and repeatedly ) remind said trogs that they are NOT rangers, and have NO history. Ensuing disturbances damage a decrepit stadium beyond viable repair. Police cells across Scotland filled with knuckledraggers, leading to a lack of demand for women's refuges.(Yay!) 5. Meanwhile, on the park, inexperienced youth players continue to ship goals and points. Govan Redhands relegated by Easter, an experience to be repeated twice more as they inexorably crumble (Double Yay!) 6. Meanwhile, across the metropolis, legions of green and grey zombies wander the streets, their brains addled by the withdrawal of their reason to live their hate-filed lives. (Yay!) There's a new dawn a-coming, folks! Spread the word! KTID
  10. Ermm, no hysteria over here. I know EBTs are a tax planning device. I know many companies use them. I know HMRC believe they were misused, and are therefore about to rip your club a new one. Also: I know that no current or former rangers employee has stated that they were not beneficiaries of this "planning". I know that rangers are appealing for help from their support, the vast majority of whom can ill-afford to bail them out in these economic times. I know that these "planning devices" are theoretically loans. I know that no current or former employee of rangers has made any public declaration of willingness to repay their "loan". I know that rangers publicly stated they wanted to leave Scottish football to play in an English league. I know that since rangers went into administration, four employees have left the payroll. They would need to be on 250k/month each to cover Duff & Duffer's costs, before any other savings were made. No such savings have become apparent. I know that two players have left rangers, NINE WEEKS into the administration process. Portsmouth got rid of nine within five days. I know that rangers are so financially bereft that they have NO credit credibility() within the Scottish game. I know that rangers are now desperate to survive. I know that the vast majority of Scottish fans want them to die. KTID
  11. Quoting your earlier post: The loans weren't from the club. They were from a trust. Can't say I'm bothered about which particular individuals used EBTs. It was the club's and Murray Group's scheme and it seems to have been pretty common practice at the club. So it was the club's scheme (or the club was at least involved), but the loans weren't from the club? You really are messing with your own head here. Let me help: 1. Rangers used EBTs as a way of paying employees for many years. This may or may not be illegal. 2. Many of the players they have registered this way wouldn't have gone to ibrox if their remuneration (look it up) had been less. 3. Not only players were paid this way - certainly Martin Bain was in receipt of funds in this manner. 4. Even the thickest player must have realised that most employees at most companies only get paid from one source. Certainly senior managers at ANY company would be aware of the methods of payment, both to employees and to themselves. 5. While no-one has asked the awkward question of any of your "legends" (including a knight of the realm (like fred goodwin)), surely the best PR they could gain would be from Sally and other rangers "greats" to categorically state they did not participate in this scheme. Alternatively, to say "Yes, I got one of these 'loans', and in the club's hour of need I am repaying it in full". 6. Whatever spin rangers, their media pals and their supporters put on it, HMRC clearly believe that rangers have not paid the requisite amount of tax for a number of years. I would be surprised if these guys were totally ignorant when it comes to tax matters. Oh, and sorry to piss on your chips, but rangers traditions and history don't matter to HMRC - these lads just want what's due. Summing up, your club has been run dishonestly for decades. They are liars, cheats, bigots, and tacit acceptors of sectarian hatred (a characteristic they share with their Ugly Sisters across the city). They benefited (and continue to benefit) from a supine media and cronyism at the highest level of the Scottish game, and have profited, both in sporting and financial terms, to the detriment of the Scottish game and Scotland's international image as a Nation. They deserve to die. Had Kilmarnock or any other club behaved like this, I would expect to see them expelled from the Scottish game immediately, and rightly so. Why should anyone wish to preserve a club which has repeatedly shown its disdain for the country which sustained it, to the extent of repeatedly declaring their intention to leave? They didn't want Scotland. Well, Scotland doesn't want them! KTID
  12. It's finally happened - you've managed to call yourself a liar in your own post. And common practice it must have been, because not ONE former or current employee of the club has come out and said they DIDN'T have one of these. OK, they haven't been asked the question, but in their position I'd be pretty quick to establish some distance from any perceived wrongdoing..... So, Sally, Wattie, Smudger, all those innocent victims of "somebody"'s wrongdoing - how was your pay made up? One cheque or two? And if you received one of these "loans", why not, oh I dunno, consider paying it back to help save the club you claim to love? Or would you rather continue to accept the sacrifices of your deluded fans who can ill-afford the expense of their tiny contributions which, let's be honest, won't matter a damn in the long run? Just die, for God's sake. KTID
  13. Quite agree. In the examples you give, Wimbledon fans had the experience of going from bottom to top in recent memory (although HOW they won that Cup Final I'll never know!), so they're off on the same journey, and loving it, especially as they'll probably be comfortably ensconced above MK Dons in a couple of years. Even Man U (and I'm no fan) had their bad years, including relegation to Division 2 in the 70s - coincidentally, spending that season in the same league as York City for the only time. Man U in a league game at Bootham Crescent - we won't see that again! rangers, on the other hand, have been, especially in the last three decades, at or near the top of the Scottish game, and have pulled away (with their business partners) while weakening the competition. They talk about the "wilderness" years of only being third or fourth in the league, while winning the odd cup. The rest of us ("diddies" if you like) would love to have a run like that. I honestly believe that OF "fans" are a different species, with no knowledge of the pain, anguish, and occasional ecstasy which the rest of us experience over the years - it's like being married to your team, ferchrissake! An OF fan's relations with their side is more hooker/john - They'll pay their money while the trophies keep coming, then melt away when the orgasms stop coming. Hang on, that reads like I'm comparing the OF to a couple of raddled old whores only interested in money, makeup plastered over their imperfections, with no passion for the beautiful event that their service is a sad parody of. Hey Ho, if the cap fits..... KTID
  14. There's bloke with wee scabby dugs squatting next to cash machines all over the country in a better financial situation than rangers have been in for years. And, losers in the game of life they may be, they wouldn't have spent £12m on Flo.... KTID
  15. Jim's looking the happiest I've seen him for weeks, to be honest. Probably because the big story on SSN is a serious "real-life" case, so he doesn't have to try putting a positive spin on the Govan meltdown. Still(knowing SSN's priorities), a minor league player getting jailed for rape won't keep them going for long, and the rangers story isn't going away (unlike the blue knights, Bill Ng, Kennedy, and, soon, Bill Murray Miller). I have to say, Jim's inevitable breakdown on air is the part of this story that I'm most looking forward to. I'd prefer if it was wee Chico, to be honest, but that horrible little creature will have disappeared long before the cameras get to him (probably up SDM's arse). KTID
  16. I complained to BBC SCOTLAND about remarks made by presenter Richard Gordon while interviewing outgoing Hamilton Chairman, in which Richard Gordon compared the plight of The Rangers Football Club to a terminal illness. Here is the BBC SCOTLAND reply. Reference CAS-1401437-F2BC1C Thank you for your correspondence regarding BBC Radio Scotland's 'Sportsound', broadcast on 14 April 2012. Your comments were passed to the Editor of 'Sportsound', who has asked that I forward his response as follows: “Thank you for your comments regarding Richard Gordon’s interview with Ronnie MacDonald on Sportsound, broadcast on Saturday, 14th April. I’m sorry you were unhappy with the comments made on the programme. As you know, this was at the end of an interview with the outgoing Hamilton chairman. The transcript reads: Richard Gordon: "So what happens for you now Ronnie, do you move and start elsewhere with another club, what do you..." Ronnie MacDonald: "I've had a lot of theories this week; I've had everything from terminal illness to taking over Rangers." Richard: “Which of the two would you prefer?” This was intended to be a light hearted remark but, having spoken to Richard Gordon, he accepts that it may have caused offence to those who have relatives in such a state and regrets the comment, which was made in a live broadcast. Thank you, once again, for taking the time to contact us.” Details of the BBC complaints process are available online at http://www.bbc.co.uk...ts/handle.shtml I'd like to assure you that I’ve registered your concerns about this matter on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that's made available to many BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, programme makers, channel controllers and other senior managers. The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content. Thanks again for taking the time to contact us. Kind Regards Neil Carnduff BBC Complaints "Relatives in such a state"? Now does that mean those reduced to rattling buckets to raise the busfare to Tynecastle, or......? :lol: :lol: :lol: This was getting a wee bit boring and drawn out, but with "bidders" melting away like snaw aff a dyke and the gradual dawning of realisation from (a few) rangers fans, today's breathing life back into everybody's favourite soap. Popcorn at the ready for next week, I reckon - some major cracks are showing, even the MSM are starting to question rangers' survival. KTID
  17. Ermm, yeah, I did. Did you understand mine, or has your IQ dropped to rangersmedia or swallow swallow levels? All I was trying to do was to point out the inherent paranoia of believing the likes of the BBC are "out to get" rangers, along with the usual knee-jerk suspects such as the Catholic Church and anyone with an Irish-sounding name, or connections to rangers' green business partners. Of course, this probably marks me in the average rangers fan's mind as a tattie-munching kafflik cellic fan, but the weird thing is, it's not just them who hate rangers and all they stand for. just for a minute, ask yourself : is it possible that the people who run your club have cheated and lied their way to success over the years, failed to pay their dues and have now been caught out by their worst nightmare - a government which doesn't care about their "tradition", which isn't bothered which lodge anyone goes to, and adheres to only one religion - money? * KTID * A clue - the answer is "Yes". Happy To Help.
  18. Think we'll have to find a new term for what Duff & Duffer have been getting up to, 'cos it don't resemble any administration I've ever heard of. KTID
  19. Enemies everywhere, and they STILL don't get it.....Mebbes they DO care, after all. KTID
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