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Everything posted by WhiteRoseKillie

  1. The BBC - a broadcasting corporation reporting news - you know, facts. Most newspapers - bit of a joke, considering the easy ride rangers have had from the Scots press up til now. Radio Clyde - Another broadcaster who will employ lawyers to ensure they're not telling lies about rangers. Jim Traynor - having a proper laugh now... The SFA - Could possibly be aggrieved at a member club's behaviour casting doubt on their own integrity, with the attendant scrutiny. The SPL - See SFA. Alex Salmond - Actually defended this mob before he realised a)That would lose him votes, and b) they're indefensible The SNP - Can't see the Union Flag mentality being too popular here, to be honest Glasgow City Council - pretty sure the club DO owe money here. The Roman Catholic Church - Bitch Please! Talk Sport - Are they telling lies about rangers? Nah, didn't think so. Real Radio - Lies from here? Get Duff & Duffer to sue, then... Alan Green - Probably had to Google "glasgow bigots" before commenting. The guy who usually commentates on Sky - Great - an imaginary enemy. Not paranoid, much? Anthony Stoke's father - which side of the Sisters does he follow? Want to guess? So he'd be supportive of rangers - why? The Labour Party - For not suggesting a bail-out a la Greece, or what? Phil Whatever his name is - Given his surname (and I'm not going to try spelling it either), not one of rangers' core demographic, methinks. The Church of Scotland - Eh? Not praying hard enough for a miracle, or what? Oh, and you can add to your list every club, every fan and every working person in the entire UK who pays the taxes they are obliged to, and continue to do their best for themselves and their loved ones in these straitened times without resorting to criminality to purchase meaningless baubles and shore up a vile, bigoted "institution". That, by the way, includes the servicemen and women that the "Queen's club" love to wheel out when they're on leave before returning to fight for this country with substandard equipment because the taxpayer can't fund THEM. Horrible, horrible people. Why won't this vile collection of shysters just admit they're irrelevant in the 21st century, that they've been caught bang to rights, and just get the feck out of our game, our country, and our lives. Die, rangers, die. KTID
  2. rangersmedia should do it - have a browse and wallow in your fellow bears' self-pity. As for the Arabs, I get the feeling from rangersmedia it's because they're perceived as being a "kafflick" club - but without the special business partner status of their green Sisters, who may end up being their only allies in this shitstorm. KTID
  3. I reckon that's the only basis anyone will deal with these crooks for quite some time to come...... KTID
  4. I'm still awaiting a reply on my bid of three hubcaps off a 1979 Capri - mebbes they're holding out for a set.... KTID
  5. If this Bill Ng character is as rich as he seems (mebbes get keevins to check on Google - quick, before the bad boys erase his history!), then it woud suggest he's got a bit of savvy, so he must know that 12m would be like pissing on an oil-well fire. It doesn't even cover the PAYE/NIC debt from this year. Then there's the EBTs, Big Tax Case, a list of creditors as long as the queue for the subway at half four.... (Standard P&B Disclaimer) I'm no expert, but it appears to me that rangers are proper rubber ducked. Any survival plan appears to draw on the assets which made them an "institution", and to rely on some pretty optimistic thinking. They won't be challenging for any major success for years, if ever, and we all know how "loyal" the bears are in those circumstances. Revenue will drop through the floor, ibrox will have to be maintained, players have to be paid....and there's Sally's pie bill at Greggs to sort out (will THEY have to pay VAT?). As they've sold off the catering, the merchandising, and anything else they can, how can they get back to where they were before they were found out? I don't claim to know what Ng has in mind, but if he was interested in this mob as a going concern, surely he'd have been around last year? KTID
  6. They moved the jobs, not the staff. Kilmarnock careers advice: Fancy Uni? didnae get the grades. A call centre? Nah, I get more on benefits. Minimum wage in a pound shop? See above. OK, pal, it's the heroin wholesale, retail and consumption sector for you. You'll find your own level. See, my hometown's dying on its arse. To contrast the slow decay of Kilmarnock (and many other similar towns) to the (hopefully) death of a bigoted and criminal organisation would be vile. Please tell me that's not where we're going with the "save the tea-lady" pish. KTID
  7. Fair enough. I do wish we hadn't got that FF story just after your post though - even it was a spoof, it's too close for comfort to the way these eedjits think. (and a lot of your eedjits, as well, tbf ). KTID
  8. Just a link would do, mate. I get accused of posting novellas, but at least they're mine.... KTID
  9. Aye, that'll be why the Johnnie Walker plant is taking on will it? Thousands of jobs gone, not the couple of hundred employed by the crooks in Govan. Spare me the tears. Over the years, rangers cheated and prospered. Now they've been caught. Hell mend them. KTID
  10. My God, Captain, a succinct, reasonable and entirely accurate post! Well done, Sir! The only team with an interest in keeping this criminal enterprise going is the one that has a long-running habit of joint sponsorship deals. They both wanted to p*ss off to england/atlantic/anyone who would have them, leaving Scottish football to go hang, TOGETHER because the OF matches are the be all and end all. Not for footballing reasons, but for the "different atmosphere" this fixture produces. Aye, different is one word for it... If (when, please God) rangers die, a massive part of celtic will die with them. And d'ye know what? Good. They've carved up our game for their own benefit for too long. There's a new dawn coming, and if celtic don't want to accept that, they can feck off too. They won't be missed. All our clubs, SPL, SFL, members of the SFA, have a once in a lifetime chance to save our game. Let these crooks back in with a slap on the wrist and a cosmetic sanction to appease UEFA and many fans (including myself and, by the looks, other P&Bers) will simply turn our backs on what was, for me at least, my first and most enduring love. KTID
  11. It's not the player budget that would shaft them, it's the rising cost of match officials. Seriously, for the last few years both Sisters have benefited from some outrageous decisions. They're not that much better than the rest of the SPL (witness their recent European adventures), but having 50 thousand neds screaming at you has to have an effect. Not to mention death threats, vile abuse and the rest....that kind of thing is going to tip a few 50/50 decisions over the season, and makes Willie Collum's decision in the LC Final all the more admirable. It wasn't a penalty, but I wouldn't have blamed any ref (given Collum's view) for giving it. When even the Sisters' representatives are at you in the media, being a Scottish ref is not a job I'd take for a gold pig. KTID
  12. Without rangers, celtic have no reason to exist. Business partners, two cheeks, Ugly Sisters, Bigot Brothers..... Inextricably entwined and everyone knows it. KTID
  13. If there's a sell-on clause, let's make sure we get paid before the cash disappears into H&D's money pit...... KTID
  14. I salute you and your unfettered tirade. Sounds like me on a grumpy day, but fully agree. KTID
  15. So - 7-2 and I live amongst the heathen NOW but we're talking utter shite based on your memories of over twenty years ago? I suppose we'd better bow to your superior knowledge, then. KTID
  16. That has just set the delusion bar at a new record () level! Is there some kind of press competition to print the most mental story before they die? KTID
  17. Too true. There's folk down here don't even know rangers are on life-support. It's weird.... Mind you, the same folk let me get great prices at the bookies when EPL teams play in Europe or England play in Finals competitions, so it's not all bad! (Germany 7/4 in the WC2010 - paid for the WRK family holiday!) KTID
  18. This. I also have extremely limited knowledge of this whole admin/liquidation/reforming malarkey, but a lot of my mates are Leeds fans and went through a hell of a time when their excrement/ventilation interface happened. The upshot appeared to be that Chairman Ken stayed one step ahead of League/FA regulations to maintain continuity and limit damage to the club, and Leeds got a double points deduction, some say as a punishment for Ken being smarter than the authorities. I assume, then, that rangers should be OK as long as they've got somebody as bright as that onboard...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: KTID
  19. So what do you call deducting NIC and PAYE from their employees and then... keeping it? That's just the bit they're admitting to - there's another two tax cases, the possibility/likelihood that they're trading while insolvent, the non-payment of debts to fellow SPL clubs, many other clubs and a massive list of other businesses..... The legal terms aren't important, they have been behaving in a fraudulent manner for years, possibly decades. KTID
  20. With the possible exception of Leeds - not the only club to suffer from Ridsdales dreams - none of the above were engaged in chicanery like rangers. The clearest connection between Leeds' situation and rangers' current dire straits is financial incompetence, not fraud. As to your unspoken question - "is it cause we is rangers?" - If you read my post properly you'd see that I said if my own club behaved like this I would walk away. It's frankly unacceptable, and no team who carried on like this (and got caught) would expect to be given the easy ride which rangers are being given. Finally, what on earth has Gary Speed's death got to do with this thread? Unless you mean Leeds going the admin/rebirth route which, as Ken Bates is a smarter operator than most in the game, they navigated with their identity (as far as the FA was concerned) intact. KTID
  21. Fair play to No 8, he does come on here and talk a lot of sense, much more than the ostrich bluenoses and green 'n' grey trolls who have started to infest this thread. I do feel, though, No8, that you're still doing a wee bit of denial as to how deep in the cack your club are. If rangers end up liquidated, that's it, gemme's a bogie, baw's oan the slates, etc. Never mind what the replacements are called (Given the MSM's "Scotland needs the OF", perhaps "The Bear Necessities"?), rangers are as dead as a Norwegian Blue. That means that whatever entity takes over ibrox (and probably an SPL slot) will have NO tradition, NO history, NO honours. Any rangers fans who try to deny this will be met with howls of derision until they accept the inevitable. Which is fair enough - a proportion of rangers' titles have been won unfairly, so in the spirit of "punitive damages" the remainder of their Roll Of "Honour" should also be expunged. They cheated, they stole, they embezzled, they've been caught. No sectarian angle, no special bigotry allowance, no whataboutery defence. There are many reasons to despise both Uglies, but in this case we can stick to the straightforward cheating, lying and dishonesty on a scale for which any other club would expect the death sentence (and yes, if Killie had been behaving like this, I WOULD do walking away - because it would be equally shameful) ETA: Anybody want to come in as a partner in my new tattoo removal business? Star removal a speciality - get rid of four, get rid of another free! KTID
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