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Araminta Moonbeam QC

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Posts posted by Araminta Moonbeam QC

  1. While being in no way knowledgeable in this field, I can 'accept the technicalities of what you say

    but could that realistically happen after all this time?

    I presume there are precedents but only for lower profile, less 'people-involved' businesses I

    would imagine. Chaos on several fronts if it happened. I'd like to see it :ph34r:

    'after all this time?' 10 weeks?

    They can unwind transactions within the last 5 years.

  2. There really was no need for D & P to spend money on advertising the availability of the whole or parts of the business, it was on the front page of every paper for months. Every businessman knows that if a company is in administration the administrators will listen to any offer.

    It's simply not credible to suggest that there were willing buyers for the assets (or for the whole business) who missed out because they didn't know, or were waiting to be "invited".

    No, that's not the point. All that D & P were interested in was selling 'the club'. They did not sell off assets (players, property). Anyone taking on the club was saddled with the mess. The admins role was to secure the best deal for the creditors. Lord Hodge and BDO will both be taking a view as to whether they did that. It is not inconceivable that the sale to Green could be viewed as gratuitous alienation and unwound.

  3. Not actually the case, they were sold to the highest bidder prior to the CVA being rejected. A higher offer was made subsequently but the administrators had already a binding agreement in place with Sevco regardless of the outcome (£8.5m with / £5.5 without). I think we will possibly see D & P losing their insolvency licence over their mishandling of this case.

    Furthermore, the assets themselves were never offered for sale without the business (complete with toxic debt).

  4. More ear tickling of the SevCo fans today in the media.

    First up is the DR (shock horror) with this gem....

    Gers eye Faure. A 21 year old former Lyon defender.

    Ohhhhh that sounds good for the SevCo fans. But hang on a second. Is this the same Faure that was released on a free by Lyon after never having played a single league game? Is he the same player that played as a trialist for Leeds last month but they decided to pass on him? Aye, he sounds better than the home grown talent coming out of Murray Park.

    Craig Beattie hints Green ko'd move to Rangers.

    Craig says he wasn't holding out for more money and that Ally tried to sign him but Green text his agent saying thanks, but no thanks. Hmmmmm I thought we were told yesterday that Sally and Green were singing from the same hymn sheet, and that Green fully backed Sally, as Sally did Green. Strange blink.gif

    And last but by no means least is the SevCo official website.....

    Season Sales reach 25K.

    There have been huge queues at the Rangers Ticket Centre over the last few days as Gers followers have turned up in great numbers to back the team. And their phenomenal support is summed up by a landmark figure which McCoist would love to see get even bigger.

    Hawd on a sec. How is it a "landmark figure"? huh.gif

    So according to the 'ficial website, by friday (today) at noon there has been 25000 season tickets sold, and this was due in no small part to the "huge queues" over the last few days.

    Hmmmmm I must have missed something because I am pretty sure that on tuesday night when he was interviewed by El Chico, Green stated quite clearly that there had been 20000 season tickets sold up until then but that another 5000 were pending because they hadn't gotten around to processing them yet. So I make that in effect by tuesday they had effectively 25000 season ticket holders according to 'ficial reports.

    So what were the "huge crowds" queuing for this week????? It couldn't have been season tickets because Sally had said that the sales have reached 25k now. Does that means that Green wasn't being entirely truthful on tuesday night about the figures? (really??? Nooooo, I'm shocked)

    Billionaires set to invest.

    But as usual Green doesn't want to say who. shutup.gif

    Although as someone in work mentioned this morning, saying a billionaire is interested doesn't necessarily mean he will put billions in. It's been said that billionaire Mike Ashley is buying a 10% stake in the club at a cost of £1 million. But I guess the blue tinted media think the word billionaire looks better to the SevCo fans and it will get them all moist at the thought of all this money pouring in so they can win the CL in 5 years time.

    Wait!!!! Sorry, got a touch of deja vu there. All seemed very familiar. Hmmmmmmm

    Blues will fuel interest.

    Seems Dave Longmuir is getting in on the act and saying that SevCo being in the 3rd division is now GOOD for Scottish football and will peak people's interest. All those SevCo fans that live in the back of beyond where only diddy teams play can then go along and see SevCo play their local team. Well, you know as opposed to supporting their local team. dry.gif

    And yet more drivel from Longmuir.........

    "If you're a young Scottish talented footballer who is trying to make it, you've a chance to show what you can do on and probably on television when Rangers come to town.

    "There's a chance to show others in Scottish football that we've got talent here as well which is worthy of note.

    "When I was growing up, some of the biggest transfers took place within the game and bigger clubs such as Rangers looked in their own back yard for the next crop of talent.

    "I hope we get back to seeing something like that and if I was in the lower divisions at the moment, I'd be upping my game and showing what I've got."

    So it looks like he is suggesting that we go back (not that far mind) to the days when a player would play well against rangers, they would buy the player for pennies, and we would never hear from him again.

    As for players "upping" their game, oh I can definitely see some of the SevCo players getting "upped" into the front row of a stand this season. laugh.gif

    Yeah, they can 'put themselves in the shop window' and hope to attract the attention of The Rangers, who will be banned from signing them. Logically, a very sound argument. rolleyes.gif

    The bullshit-o-meter appears to have been cranked up to 11 at Ibrokes today, 3 billionaires 'hopefully' investing (we all know how often Charlie's hopes are dashed). Season tickets flying off the shelves. I only need to hear the term 'warchest' for a full house on Sevco Bullshit Bingo.

    Its like the good old days of the bold Craig Whyte's tenure at the Big Hoose. So, they'll probably be in admin by next Friday.

  5. By tomorrow the official crowd will be ten thousand, and all filled seats were actually inflatables etc

    This whole debacle fucking stinks. They must have the highest wage output apart from Celtic in Scotland - not bad for a club with no business plan, accounts, sponsors etc

    If pics bear out the attendance under reporting, then the SFA should (and I use that word advisedly) ban them from any pay on gate games going forward.

    Course, we all know that will never happen.

  6. Siege mentality. With Celtic announced as winning the SPL by at least 30 points, Sally has to win SFL3 by at least 40 points or he will be the laughing stock of Scotland. Even though they are not in the same division it will all come down to the winning margin. If Ra'Peepul can win by 11 points more than the Sellick then they can claim that they would have won the SPL even with a 10-point penalty. It's all just mind games.

    Likelihood of them still being in business by the end of the season = minimal.

    Likelihood of a few Peepul being in the big hoose wi' the wee windaes = looks to be increasing.

  7. "The problems at Rangers have brought no credit to Scottish football and are a tragedy for the Club and for all those connected with it and who support it. They cannot be condoned and it is appropriate that there should be a proportionate penalty for the Club for the events over the last year."

    It wiznae me.........

    Oh wait..................

    you mean it really WAS all the fault of the bold Craigy Whyte?


  8. Has anyone read the Craig Burley column? He's changed his bloody tune...

    (edit: will post his ramblings, so you don't have to go onto the DR webshite)


    Charles Green must stop talking nonsense and get on with rescuing Rangers

    CHARLES GREEN'S comments do Rangers no favours as they try to rebuild their brand which at this stage is lower than a caterpillar’s belly.

    Charles Green doesn’t seem able to stop spouting ludicrous statements that make him sound like a fool.

    His comments also do Rangers no favours as they try to rebuild their brand which at this stage is lower than a caterpillar’s belly.

    His recent remarks about decisions made against Rangers being based on bigotry are disgraceful.

    I’d love to hear his definition of what West of Scotland bigotry is. For him to also claim his club will have a better balance sheet than Celtic a year from now is ridiculous. It smacks of the infamous Sir David Murray taunt of the fiver and tenner scenario that came back to haunt him.

    And Green capped all that by clapping along to supporters’ chants about SFA chief Stewart Regan – a gesture designed to win over the fans but which were infantile for a man in his position.

    Make no mistake, Rangers don’t need to bring added pressure on themselves.

    The club are a million miles behind Celtic and must concentrate on trying to make up ground. They should do it quietly and focus on their own affairs.

    Ally McCoist should also choose his words more carefully. He has to stop blaming others and getting involved in off-field matters.

    The season is under way and he now has to be a full-time football manager.

    The time has arrived for McCoist to give his players his full attention to make sure the club get up the leagues and into the SPL as quickly as possible.

    It’s also time for Green and McCoist to show a united front. I don’t think their relationship is good but no-one is bigger than the club and they must put any issues aside for the good of Rangers.

    Why have we yet to see them stand side by side for a public photo ahead of the new league campaign?

    Whether Ally and most Rangers fans like it or not, Green and his consortium are in charge and must be given the chance to take the club forward.

    There was no knight in shining armour riding in to save the Ibrox outfit.

    The rich Gers fans didn’t do enough to rescue their club so the moaning has to stop.

    For the past six months Rangers have hogged the news – from administration to liquidation, oldco to newco. We’ve had redundancies, sleepless nights, Walter Mitty characters and Sir David Murray.

    At first the whole country was intrigued but now we’re just bored. Decisions have been made and the season has started ... and thank goodness for that.

    There is one outcome still to come – the independent commission’s inquiry into Rangers’ alleged EBT payments to players between 2000 and 2011.

    The commission has the authority to decide what sanctions, if any, to impose.

    There will be a clamour for the club to be stripped of titles but don’t include me in that groundswell of opinion. I have no desire to join the lunatics. Players are the victims in all this – they don’t deserve to have medals taken away and happy memories tarnished.

    That issue may occupy the minds of many in the weeks ahead but I’m more concerned with what happens to our game in the next decade, not the previous one.

    With that in mind I hope the SFA, SPL and SFL are looking at ways to restructure and revitalise Scottish football.

    They must come up with a plan to make the product more exciting and more valuable. That surely can’t be too difficult.

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