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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. The hilarious stuff is that Kinky and his ilk will be watching the FM, Blackford, the SNP and all the little Labour cretins like a hawk to see if there are any microscopic imagined infractions or disrespect that they can hystericallly splurt all over the news. SEDITIOUS NAT bitch STURGEON seen EATING A TWIX and LEFTY CRETIN STARMER SMILING JUST 300 YARDS from THE COFFIN of our BELOVED blah di blah blah fucking BLAH.
  2. Like he forgot the young woman he was groping was his daughter or he forgot that he wasn't supposed to be groping young women?
  3. For the police to get involved it must have been some that awful illegal booing you hear about. In tinpot nonsense shitehole backwater countries that demonstrably have yet to crawl out of the fucking dark ages.
  4. And it was good to see you seemingly well and still up to your old bush bothering antics
  5. sotto voce "and now she's passing the fishmonger, the butcher, the baker, Janice's nail salon, the bookies, Greggs, one of six public dog shit bins, a tramp solemnly wanking into a bush"
  6. I think we all just need to hunker down and accept that there won't be anything that isn't force 9, category A fucking mental/sycophantic/craven/deeply cynical said or written in traditional and popular media for at least a month. Thank Christ for Pie and Bovril.
  7. I rather hope someone took the time to explain to the girl that's not how any of this works.
  8. This is in retrospect an utterly terrible week to be switching to gigafast broadband. Which won't be up and running until Wednesday.
  9. For Scotland, there is a far larger fish to fry. There's just no need and no advantage to be gained by discussing a republic when there's independence to be squared away first. The fact that it's the only way Scotland will ever be able to ditch the grifting touchers and have an elected head of state is almost moot. Sequencing.
  10. "Continuity across the centuries"(apart from the 3 days she pretended not to exist following the death of Diana, we're all supposed to have forgotten about).
  11. I reckon most top flight football clubs will end up observing at least 3
  12. Far more likely she was kept going by a vast quantity of steroids and the occasional bump of atropine.
  13. More evidence if it was necessary that this guy, a backroom but very influential news producer previously at the BBC and now global, is one of the nations foremost cretins.
  14. How? Did he do a fucking dance? How does the "I hate to tell you this lads, but the Queen has snuffed it" dance go? And how do you differentiate between their Queen the bee, and the Queen the not a bee in dance form? And how is the performance of a "the Queen is dead" dance not likely to result in imprisonment?
  15. Err um excuse me a minute, I must study this group in more detail, the Corrs you say? In the water closet. Excuse me.
  16. I am sorry but I am now going to have to turn my back on you. The Corrs. JFC.
  17. Scott Hutchison was the lead singer/song writer of Frightened Rabbit. I'd question your measurement of the cranberries and Dolores fame and influence based solely on 2 singles, in the UK chart. For starters I never cracked one out to Her Maj (until yesterday of course @welldaft ).
  18. No, you are of course entitled to your view but you fail to see things from the other perspective. Feel free to be sad, feel free to support others who are sad, but there's no need to halt the world for the death of a divisive figure who had a thoroughly good innings, way in excess of the life expectancy of her subjects. I'm not the sort of person who would deliberately seek to antagonise those who are actually mourning but there absolutely is an imposition here way in excess of the importance of the event. And which completely disregards the views of those who are at best ambivalent about the passing of a hereditary head of state who despite the oceans of fucking nonsense said and written about her, was as remote and divorced from her subjects as it is possible to be without leaving orbit. Objectively the losses of Iain Banks, Scott Hutchison and Dolores O'Riordon were both more tragic and more culturally significant for Scotland than the passing of the magic baton from one anachronism past retirement age and seemingly not quite all there, to another. The need for competitive sorrowful genuflecting at her death is clearly designed to reinforce the myth of her "service" and "dedication" to obscure any debate and suppress any dissent about whether in 2022 having a dynastic hereditary head of state with actual constitutional responsibilities is in fact fucking mental. There's absolutely nothing VILE FRANKLY about pointing out and deriding what a complete nonsense all of this is.
  19. Donald Sutherland too. I'll never enjoy the cooky antics of Hawkeye Pearce in the same way again.
  20. Swear to god the commercial radio station we have on in the office must be running out of quite pensive saddo pop soon. By 5pm it will just be an old man groaning into a bucket.
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