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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. On a personal level, I have enjoyed this particular part of the journey.
  2. Ajax, wanting it more, bridge the gap, wise investment and so forth.
  3. I mean how will we even be able to play Her Majesty's British football now that the Lionesses have brought it home?
  4. They are all horrific but Jacob Rees-Mogg as Minister for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy is way out in front.
  5. I'd still want a chunk of that considering the set cost more than the entire BBC Shortbread channel.
  6. He is such a fucking headcase. An absolute liability to himself and his employers which of course makes him perfect for what's left of the Glasgow Herald. Ugh.
  7. Better question. Why should an independent Scotland be concerned with how rUK funds its liabilities?
  8. If only Celtic had invested their European money more wisely they could have bridged the gap a bit.
  9. Didn't see her there and would have thought she'd be away seething, and back to making coats out of puppies.
  10. We'll just keep them empty and not make any revenue at all while the costs to us stay the same or increase. Hahahaha ha ha ha.
  11. ABZ closed due to fog, her private jet currently doing wee circles above Inverurie
  12. The endless bullshit, the enormous lies, bluff and bluster about his imaginary achievements and the tongue in cheek classical references, all pretty standard BawJaws. But the reference to changing the rules reveals he's still fucking seething at being booted out of office in disgrace. Which is nice.
  13. Boris is admired from Kyiv to Carlisle. Unintentionally honest there.
  14. It's got all the warmth and sincerity of a school prize giving except instead of book tokens and a shitty cup, you get a country.
  15. the winner had to immediately travel to someone's grans holiday home in Deeside in order to ask permission to form a government.
  16. quid quid praecipies esto brevis? A commendable if surprisingly from Cowdenbeath bit of Horace there. It was all very very odd/shit. The presumably sarcastic whooping and cheering after Truss's interview, just fell flat.
  17. The new look Sunday Politics, Laura Kuensburg wandering aimlessly around a minimalist set drawn by Quentin Blake and with a panel reviewing the news consisting of miscellaneous tory hackette, Basil Brush and Emily Thornberry.
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