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Posts posted by gorilla

  1. Things are a wee bit better for me now after the past 7 months or so. I still have the days where I can't be bothered to do much, I think I have found another good escape for me and its model making, I can lose hours from the world around me while working on a model or two it often helps me refocus on things.

    It is also helping I'm getting to see my kids more and I'm now in a better position to try and find a place of my own.

  2. This time of year always seems like a struggle and think part of it is there is such a massive focus between christmas songs, media and films about everyone being with the one they care about having a great family etc etc where that just makes you feel even more isolated. Most of my mates are coupled off so when I go on nights out etc when its everyone I kinda feel like a 5th wheel, pretty much the same when I go back to see family in Fife

    Tell me about it mate, Im currently fighting to see my kids after my ex decided she would kick me out. I'm seeing all this happy famiy stuff the now and its just doing my head in

  3. tonight I have just had the worst night ever. My wee cousin has just been took in to hospital and it has kicked me right in to feeling like shit. I havnt seen my kids since halloween and i miss them like anything. I may have my parents on my side but its not the same I had a family night an realsied how much they are there for me but just now my wee cousin is in hospital with a broken leg and its causing me to pour my heart out.

  4. I will tell you how it is Gman currently I have been found to be depressed, my full dx is depression, stress and anxiety. I can tell you right now at first I thought I was a bit sad about my situation but then realised that at times it was more than that, at times I have been unable to function like I usually do because of depression I have found it very difficult some days to get up and get out, found it hard to face up to situations and above all I have found it near impossible to get moved on with my life and start the road to rebuilding it.

    For you to come here and say people to just get on with it is offensive to me as as much as I want to get on with it I can't because of depression, as everyday I find it a struggle to justify some of the things Im doing, thankfully though I have people around me to help and guide me just now oh and some of the posts/advice from here has been good. I know this may sound odd to you Gman but actually reading how someone else is feeling with their depression helps as you can get to see it isn't just you thats ill. Tats the other thing with people with depression they sometimes feel that they are the only person feeling like they do, they feel like this it is their fault for getting ill, they feel that there is no one to help them. Its a bloody hard thing to live with and one thing I have learned it is one of the hardest things in life to accept is that you have a mental illness as no one can see it or know about it unless you tell them and telling people for me and many others is very difficult.

  5. Well feeling slightly up today, after getting some good news abut the situation that lead me to feeling depressed and that. At least now I have a goal to aim for over the coming months and hopefully with the support of friends and family as well as you guys on here I will make good progress to it.

    My depression has been triggered by my ex using our kids as weapons to get at me and also trying to fraudulently get credit in my name and also attempts to dump a load of bad credit she accumulated onto me by trying to get one of those consolidation loan things. Its not just that but the whole manner of how she started it and the fact that she has attempted to twist everything around to give some warped impression to people of what was going on and that.

    All I can say is the only thing that is keeping me going is knowing that I will get to see my kids again and I will do anything and everything to make that happen but like some people will know the ups and downs of depression can come at anytime and anything can set you off really.

    That was the big thing that just tipped me over to feeling this way and well lets say what responsibilities I have been able to dump the now I have done so, thats why I went to see my doctor to get work out the way as I had at times couldn't face it due to the stresses related to it also I have tried to dump as much of my excess baggage as possible by abandoning my idea of getting my own place just now or registering as homeless and decided it would be best to move back in with the parents until I get sorted out. So not having to worry about bills and that has helped a bit.

    Also been advised by my doctor to return to attending Binos matches and enjoy myself for a bit also use it to take out frustrations.

    Just hope someone on here can relate/understand this.

  6. Well the first counselling session went well more of a get to know each other affair than getting right down to the issues. Felt happy at that so maybe next time go a bit further and talk about how I feel down and whats causing it. Got talking about some of my likes and mentioned football and the binos that was met with a bit of a laugh and some off the cuff comments about our performance then he admited to having a soft spot for the 'shire but that he was more a rugby supporter cue my comments of egg chaser ect.

    In all it felt good and friendly think it mat work for me or at least give me somesort of out let and that.

  7. You'll be fine. If you keep in mind that you control the session as you talk about what you want to talk about then it will be alright. You can end the session when you want and you don't have to talk about everything right away. Many people find that they talk a bit about things at first then find they get more comfortable with further sessions. The counsellor is trained to listen and not judge, so don't think they ever are judging you.

    Cheers mate I just hope it helps I know it will go at my pace and that just not sure if I will talk or not.

  8. Well got a counselling session later this afternoon - my first one so feeling worried about it and all the usual stuff that goes with it. Don't know if its going to help or not. Never had to do this before for myself been there for others going through it.

  9. Speaking as someone currently suffering from Depression it is a horrible hidden illness that not many people understand how it makes you feel.

    I can go through days where I just don't know what to do and feel that getting out of bed isn't worth it. There are only a few things that get me through just now.

    The big problem that I found was asking for help as I'm not the type of person to do that I'm usually the one there trying to help others.

  10. I have recently got into whisky and am somewhat of a novice so I'm only beginning to understand and appreciate each of the components that makes a whisky. My aim is to try 25 new whiskys by the end of the year so hopefully this thread can help me track my progress as well as learn about other quality whiskys.

    I'm slightly man flu-ish so have just cracked open a bottle of Glengoyne and have been reading the 'tasting notes' card and I will break down my thoughts into each of the categories on the card as well as having a 'price', 'where you can buy it' and 'rating out of 10'.

    Name and age of whisky - Glengoyne, 10 yr

    Region - Highlands

    Where you can buy it? - Most supermarkets, it's not exactly hard to track down!

    Price - £31 ish

    Appearance - Golden yellow, exactly as a whisky 'should' look in my mind

    Nose - Nice and sweet. Fruits and light toffee.

    Mouthfeel - Warm and very comforting, like sitting by the fire or that feeling you get after half a bottle of MD 20/20

    Initial taste - Crisp, and clear. A slight hint of fruitiness and a gentle sweetness

    Finish - Sharper than you might expect although pleasantly sweet. Malty and almost a hint of smokiness, which I certainly didn't expect

    Overall rating - 8.5/10, one of my favourites so far

    Think I will be having a wee snifter t this thread over the course of 2013, I like the occasional whisky, Isle of Jura is a favourite as well as others.

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