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Everything posted by Anodyne

  1. I had a ton of vinyl when I was a teenage. I just don't see the point now with all the free music to download? Plus so many different ways to listen with SD cards in mobiles and USB sticks in cars. Who wants the hassle of taking out a record and hoping you don't scratch it?Just for a better sound.
  2. Got 6 months free of Tidal. My fav now[emoji3]
  3. Brother's Nest - I thought it was a really good Aussie dark comedy
  4. Shit wrong forum Shit wrong forum ! Sorry
  5. I have noticed a few Vinyl shops opening over the last couple of years.
  6. That one is on the right side of Country music
  7. This Is The Sonics This one will blow a few cobwebs away - It's the first album of new material in nearly 50 years by a band in their seventies. The full album rocks like the opening track.
  8. I like a little free trial - I'm gonna try Napster and Tidal over the next two months. I tried Deezer for a month it was ok.
  9. I like to download music to my phone and listen outside and recently tried Spotify and Google Music. Does anyone have a fav streaming site? I reckon Spotify is hard to beat. Anyone tried the free trial with the newer one TIDAL? or do you know any better ones.
  10. Just hope it's a good game! I always go for the underdogs as a neutral on these occasions. I guess it's Hibernian for me 3:2
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