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Everything posted by flyingrodent

  1. I find it almost impossible to believe that any more than one or two oddballs in Sheffield gives even the least shit whether Rangers rock or keel over and die. Furthermore, even if people in Sheffield are obsessed with Rangers' fortunes, who gives a fvck? Celtic or Aberdeen or Partick, for that matter.
  2. Very well done by St Johnstone - totally bossed the game all over the park and thoroughly deserved to win. Great game, worthy of a final, hope it's been a good night out.
  3. Rumour has it that the Fuhrer was not mad, and was in fact a terrific dancer...
  4. I'd say that Rangers' fraud and death had more in common with Juventus, Lazio and Fiorentina than it did with, say, Hearts. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006_Italian_football_scandal Although admittedly, e.g. Juventus are still the same club.
  5. IIRC, people generally laughed much longer and harder at Leeds going bust than they did when the same happened at, say, Portsmouth. Was that because people generally just had an irrational hatred of Leeds, or were there other factors involved? If you can answer that one truthfully, then the reasons why people generally think Rangers are a far worse bunch of cheats and scumbos than Hearts will become immediately apparent.
  6. These never-ending he-said-she-said press releases. Not so much tit-for-tat as tit-for-tit-for-tit-for-tit-for-tit.
  7. I may be wrong but I suspect that, had the new and ailing club performed as expected in the Ramsden's and fluked its way past Dundee United to another cup final, all would be rosy in the Rangers garden and the Union of Fannies would be toeing the line. In other words, it's not the board's behaviour per se that the Fannies don't like, so much as the fact that the team is shyte and got pumped out of two cups, with only the guarantee of further pumpings in future.
  8. So totally different that it's hardly worth doing anything round Ibrox way, it seems. I guess there's nothing to do but keep your hand in your pocket and get back to issuing statements, with maybe a bit of showing the red card to liquidation at the eleventh hour, then.
  9. Hearts fans seem to have managed to get their club back on an even keel, for now at least. Dunfermline's fans did a bang-up job too, and both rescues in the teeth of seemingly insuperable odds. Even Celtic, back in the day, managed to get a coherent campaign going that got rid of the idiots running the place. But then, those teams didn't have seventeen different fan groups that argue all the time, often about non-football issues.
  10. Well, at least the club and the fans have comported themselves with great dignity in these troubling times.
  11. They're on their way back to the top of Scottish football. Copyright Bendarroch. Edit to add: here follows a list of everything bad about Rangers being totally fucked beyond all belief. - No Old Firm rivalry. - That's it.
  12. Assuming all this administration chat isn't just scaremongering to drum up season ticket sales, I think it's highly unlikely that Rangers would be in and out of admin before the cup final.
  13. What this thread needs is more reminders of how New Rangers are going to crush everyone and show us all who's boss, with lots of these smileys :lol: :lol: You never see that much these days, but it was once all the rage.
  14. Never mind all this. The important question is, if it turns out they've been financially doping again, when are the last two seasons' titles getting stripped and handed to Peterhead and Dunfermline?
  15. I do have sympathy with players and managers in this situation - if they're asked a direct question, they have to respond, and with some they'll get grief one way or the other. If he'd said Rangers would stroll it, he'd get hassle for that too. That said, I suspect McCoist would've been better claiming that they'd skoosh it, given the nature of his team's supporters.
  16. McCoist getting his excuses in early by the looks of things http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/27104107?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter I'm sure that interview will go down a storm with the faithful, who will no doubt agree that McCoist should be worried about teams with a fraction of the budget he has to play with.
  17. Good God, my apologies - I thought you were Bennett there. The former point still stands, though.
  18. Have you considered e.g. not calling them plastic paddies all the time, or just ignoring them when they make all these terrible posts that disappoint you so? Also, IIRC you're the most prolific poster on this thread and something like 95% of your posts are basically snark or nonsense. So I'd say that you've got a bit of a hard neck complaining about anyone else.
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