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Everything posted by flyingrodent

  1. Can I be the first to note the tasty, tasty irony that 67 players are taking legal action against Rangers over wages?
  2. Didn't bother them when it was Murray and his goons looting the club for every penny they could get - too busy jeering everyone their team beat and blaming their woes on everyone except their owner. Why would they bother now?
  3. Partly because there's a propaganda line to be pushed. You've got a problem - if the issue of Rangers' history was left up to the public to decide for themselves, they'd put two and two together and decide that you're a new club. Which is why we're being treated to all this nonsense about continuation and licences. The lengths you're all willing to go to to convince the world that two and two make five are impressive, though. I'll give you that.
  4. Who knows? You might even be right about this - there's a first time for everything, after all. But a couple of points - Celtic fans could no more "kill Rangers" than they could kill the guy out of Nirvana. They couldn't kill him, because he already killed himself, see? Just like your club killed itself with wanton financial irresponsibility, without any assistance from outside. And on that "Oh no, Rangers are winning!" point - of course you're winning, ya walloper, you're in the third division! With a team that cost more than the all the other teams combined! But it's going to be a long, long time before your mob of mediocrities are in any position challenge for anything bigger than lower league titles. As that trouncing off ICT showed, you don't have the quality to compete with the top teams in the country, and your owner is already talking about cutting the wage bill. Which means that, every time your team meets mine firths next ten years at least, they're going to get beaten like a red-headed stepchild. Four-nils and five-nils all the way, and all the attendance stats in the world wont change it. And because your club and fans have gone out of their way to be total dicks about absolutely everything recently, every non-Rangers fan in the country is going to find it hilarious and rub it right in.
  5. Because they're fannies, and because they've clearly got too much spare time on their hands?
  6. Your old club kicked the bucket and your new one is going to get a vicious walloping every time it plays mine in the next ten years. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I will. It's going to be hilarious.
  7. I'll go further - they're in full-on bulshitter mode at the moment. When it was convenient to say that liquidation meant death and the end of Rangers, they all said it - directors, staff, fans' groups, it was all Show Liquidation The Red Card, Rangers must not be allowed to die etc etc. Now that it's convenient to pretend that liquidation *didn't* mean death and the end of Rangers, they won't shut up about continuation and licences etc and so on. None of this has anything to do with whether liquidation meant death. The Teds aren't interested in the reality of that situation at all. If it's now convenient to deny reality, then they'll all deny reality 24/7 until everybody gets bored with the argument. Which makes this argument pretty redundant, IMO. If one party in a discussion is blatantly bullshitting for personal gain, you should disregard 100% of their points as too tainted to be reliable.
  8. I don't remember taking guesses at your attendances this year, but it's not like it's impossible - I'm not shy of the odd rash and wrong prediction here and there. I just think it's a bit odd that nobody ever responds to these "we've got millions of fans WATP" posts by pointing out that the main reason you get them is - your club came within a bawhair of never kicking a ball again and you know you all *have* to go, if you're going to make it back to anything like your former status. I think it's an admirable performance by your fans so far, and I salute them for it. Like I say though, we all know what's going on there, and it isn't IanBlackMania, is it?
  9. Any idea why Hearts are getting full houses just now, Bennett? And assuming you do know why, any idea why Hearts-related threads aren't bulging with Jambos G'ing IRFU everyone else over their capacity crowds?
  10. More like - if a man's carefully-constructed outrage wholly depends upon him not understanding simple facts, he'll probably find a way to misunderstand it.
  11. Oh, come *on* mate - you know fine well that Charlie has previously stated that you're just best buds with Motherwell, no hard feelings. Not only that, but you know that I and *everyone on P&B* knows this as well! Seriously, what do you imagine there is to be gained by the pretence that you don't know this? The fact that you're pretending not to understand perfectly obvious points makes it *even more* obvious that you're at it, not less. And the fact that you and your fellow Teds can't even agree on why you're boycotting the game and keep offering contradictory rationales means that it's already pretty obvious that you're at it. I actually prefer Bendarroch's mental supremacist approach of declaring that Rangers are the true rulers of the universe, then issuing fatwas upon everyone who has ever had the temerity to disrespect the club. At least his "logic" is internally consistent and isn't quite so utterly reliant on pretending that we've all been afflicted with amnesia after a nasty bonk on the head. He's straight enough to plain act like a man who's boiling with rage because his club is dead, and just make it clear that he wants revenge on all the other clubs out of nothing more than sheer seething spite. It's direct, at least.
  12. Right, so now you're boycotting Dundee United because the SPL chairmen tried to shoehorn you into division one, for selfish reasons. But your outrage doesn't apply to fellow-SPL outfit Motherwell, for reasons that make no damn sense whatsoever, because none of the excuses your club and its supporters's wheel out to justify their countless vendettas and grudges makes any damn sense whatsoever. It's actually embarrassing, watching the "reasoning" behind this boycott being rehashed, rejigged and redeployed every time one of them gets a trampling. The tone is starting to sound like the excuses you'd get from one of those blokes who shows up at Accident and Emergency with the nozzle of a hoover stuck in his arse. "I was cleaning up in Division Three, right, and I pure tripped and fell over and before I knew what had happened, okay, I'd boycotted the Cup game against Dundee United... Up my arse". Man up and admit it, FFS - you're boycotting Dundee United because you're all seething that your club died, and you're all far too cowardly to admit to yourselves that you have no-one to blame for its demise apart from your former directors and, by extension, yourselves.
  13. There are two options here - Either 1) Bendarroch genuinely doesn't understand the difference between "Fans of many clubs threatening to boycott their own clubs if their own directors refuse to uphold the league's rules" and "One club actually boycotting conveniently-chosen clubs out of spite because other supporters forced their clubs into refusing to break the rules", or 2) He's pretending that he doesn't understand*. Neither of these possibilities are enticing, from a conversation standpoint. *About half of the Rangers fans' posts on this board are basically their authors pretending not to understand things that they do actually understand perfectly well. Fact.
  14. Yes, nothing says "We are acting out of spite and malice" quite so clearly as the fact that Rangers fans can't keep their excuses consistent from one day to the next.
  15. I don't mean this personally, but collectively - most people learn that, if you act like petulant cvnts, you'll be treated like petulant cvnts when they're at primary school. How come so many folk on here have never learned this lesson? If you deliberately go out of your way to deliver a totally unmerited F*ck You to innocent punters who have done you no wrong - and remember, it was your owners that killed your club, not the SPL - then everyone in the entire country is going to conclude that you're spiteful and not a little dense. If your club and fans also follow up that F*ck You with a series of extended lectures about how The Rangers Will Wreak Vengeance On All Who Have Wronged Them* and so on, people will conclude that you are even more spiteful and dense than they had previously suspected. And it's the going out of your way to be dicks part that's especially hilarious. Most folk will forgive people for acting like dicks, since we all have our foibles. Nobody likes people who go out of their way to act like dicks, though, and will avoid them if they have the chance. *The only people who have wronged them are their former owners, but they're conspicuously quiet about that - almost as if they'd rather gang up on some innocent punter than face up to their personal responsibilities. There's a few word sin the dictionary to describe that kind of behaviour.
  16. Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that I thought "thiose scumbags" were awesome and I was *totally* cheering them on. You understand the difference between "a bunch of self-righteous fannies" organising a boycott for no sane reason, and "the owners and directors" doing the same, right? It's like how some clubs have a lot of muppets on the terraces, but others are run by muppets, for the entertainment of muppets. Remember that old saying, "the lunatics have taken over the asylum"? Well, Ibrox right now is like that, except it's more like "the bullshitter has taken over the asylum and is milking all the grateful lunatics for money". And you're all singing his praises for it, as if the names "Murray" or "Whyte" had never been heard down Govan way. It's fascinating to watch you lot fall for this stuff for the third time in, what, ten years? Magic, do keep it up.
  17. (deep sigh) Yes, I know you do - you all do, by the looks of things. Where once you dreamed of Champions League glory, now you all take a kind of retarded, spiteful joy in what is basically... Trolling. So, once again - I don't find this action *annoying*. I find it hilarious and pitiful and I hope you keep it up for a thousand years, because it makes you look like the most childish, ludicrous fannies in the game, to every football fan in Britain. Don't let that assessment discourage you, though. You're really sticking it to thise plastics and diddies and boy, are we ever annoyed. I'm clutching my little handbag with rage and pure *seething*, so I am.
  18. Because deliberately carrying on like spiteful children = bad sportsmanship, which tends to be frowned on by sporting authorities from athletics to wrestling, not to mention all decent human beings?
  19. Rangers International Football Club, you mean? Only heard of them for the first time about twenty minutes ago. I assume they're some Third Lanark/Bon Accord type team from yesteryear.
  20. Jonathan Sutherland @BBCjsutherland Rangers hope to raise £27million in AIM share issue. Club will be floated as 'Rangers International Football Club'. #bbcsport Rangers International Football Club! Must mean they're the same club as the dead one, I reckon...
  21. But they do commonly refer to themselves as "the Rangers", don't they? Which would mean that Bennett is beeling over the use of a capital "T", rather than a lower case one, surely.
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