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Everything posted by flyingrodent

  1. I don't think any of the Pope/King Billy crap really counts as "politics". If it does, then David Icke is a politician - his stuff about Donald Trump being a seven-foot tall lizard in a disguise is on about the same level.
  2. I think I've worked this out... Andy Cameron must be a Bun from the year 2039, where he's lying in a coma after being shot at the post-match dinner after Rangers' fourth Champions League triumph. Now he's woken up in 2012 to a strange and backward world in which people somehow believe that Rangers have died after perpetrating the worst criminal scandal in the history of British sport. Nobody believes Andy's wild theories about his team's innocence; Mark Daly keeps popping up on the TV talking about fraud and theft worst of all, Rangers are playing in the third division. Is Andy dead or dreaming? What is this strange and horrible place? And, will the Rangers ever cough up a penny of the cash that they stole from clubs all over Europe? Spoilers - Andy is a tool, this is reality and Ally McCoist is more likely to become a supermodel than Undead Rangers are to return any of the cash they stole.
  3. I've no idea. I struggle to believe that Undead Rangers were his best or even only option, but I'm not the lad's agent. Certainly, if I was a professional player, I'd avoid I Can't Believe It's Not Rangers like the plague.
  4. Can't understand why any player with any ambition at all would want to play for the Buns in division three. Who looks at that toxic pile of corruption and thinks, Yup, that's the club for me? Well, obviously Ian Black does, but you know what I mean.
  5. I don't doubt that's true - God knows, the football authorities have fumbled and fudged throughout. It's utterly bizarre that they're negotiating with RFC on their punishment. That doesn't excuse the hysterics, of course. As various pronouncements from our own manager have shown this year, that kind of boo-hoo, woe-is-us stuff makes things much worse, rather than better.
  6. Idiotic stuff from McCoist, playing to the gallery. He knows the score fine on what's a punishment and what's a consequence of liquidation, but seems happy to rile up the club's loonier supporters. Pretty shameful stuff, but hardly unexpected. Clearly, feeding the RFC supporters' unwarranted victim complex has been his first priority throughout.
  7. It's right and just that the Buns be stripped of any honours they won via fraud and theft. Ben Johnson had his Olympic gold taken from him for cheating with drugs; Marseilles' triumphs were annulled when they were caught cheating by bribery. RFC's offences are more serious, if anything, since they took place over a far longer period and harmed many, many more competitors. Nonetheless, those titles and trophies shouldn't be passed on to other teams. Let the record show "No award due to title winners' cheating". That avoids a lot of conspiratorial boo-hoo; leaves a permanent reminder of their shameful behaviour and will be an example to everyone that cheating won't be tolerated. Much better all round, I reckon.
  8. Oh, how the mighty have fallen on their arses. I've spoken to a couple of Celtic fans recently who worry a bit of the spice might go out of the game, without the Buns around. On the contrary, I reckon the next few years could be some of the most entertaining we'll ever see in our lifetimes... Only partly because of articles like Hately's, too.
  9. Regan just told Good Morning Scotland that "There is no viable alternative" to Rangers playing in the first division next year. Does that phrase sound familiar to anyone? I'm sure that "There is no alternative" has some form of political pedigree. Certainly, it's been employed to defend the corruption of high finance - there is no alternative to multi-million pound bonus culture; there is no alternative to allowing the super-wealthy to pay tax at a fraction of the rate that the rest of us do. Any attempts to force the richest among us to abide by the same rules that the British public do will ruin the entire nation. There is no alternative to allowing the press to cheat, lie and steal; no alternative to cracking down on heavy industry and leaving the population to the tender mercies of the markets; no alternative to ripping up the rulebook to allow the wealthiest clubs to survive at everybody else's expense; no alternatives at all, no matter how blatant the corruption of most of our institutions becomes. Call me a Commie if you will, but you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out exactly cui is bonofitting from all of these scams, and who's getting the shaft.
  10. We'd be better off with a WWF wrestling system than this pish. At least that way, nobody would mind that it was a sham and there's a good chance that somebody might clobber Traynor with a fold-up chair.
  11. Turnbull Hutton is spot on here. Ignoring laws and wrongdoing for personal benefit - especially financial benefit - is well within the dictionary definition of "corruption". When he calls the clubs and organisantions pushing this attempt to save RFC "corrupt", he's not exaggerating for effect.
  12. Exactly. Wearing a football shirt was enough to earn Trish Godman a nailbomb in the post. Any action Celtic take risks looking like dancing on the Buns' grave, so I wholly endorse their current strategy of keeping quiet.
  13. Get a grip, son. If you're looking for "Rangers apologists", there are more obvious candidates for that role.
  14. Oh, come on. Everyone involved in this mess has sat on their hands until the moment they were forced to take a stance on it. The idea that Celtic's behaviour is especially reprehensible is cracked and mental. Every club and agency involved has acted in the hope that someone else - the SFA, UEFA, HMRC - would grasp the nettle. Nobody wants to be the one to put the final nail(bomb) in Sevco's coffin. Credit to the clubs who explicitly stated they were voting no, but it's not an act of astonishing bravery if you're forced to speak out by financial circumstances. All of this is basically bollix - boo hoo hoo, there's a problem in Scottish football and Rangers are dead, so it must be Celtic's fault. Stands to reason, dunnit.
  15. This can be easily achieved. If all the other SPL clubs destroy Celtic 4-0 I every game next season, Celtic will be relegated and totally boned That's the only way you're getting rid of us. Good luck.
  16. Killie have been deep-throating Rangers from the start of this bullshit, and Celtic should apologise? I think not.
  17. And, if you're looking for a SPL club who have sucked up Newco's hole throughout this whole farrago, it certainly isn't Celtic, I think we all know which club has, though.
  18. No evidence whatsoever. Blind prejudice speaking, loony assumption that Celtic are controlling everything with their incredible, mind-controlling bigot-beams. Celtic's money men are certainly enough of a bunch of dicks to back all of this. No evidence, tho. All of this is farts and bullshit.
  19. I love this. The paranoids at Sevco Media think the death of Rangers is some JFK-esque assassination plot by the SFA, Peter Lawell, Glasgow City Council, Fidel Castro and the Pope, orchestrated by Celtic. Half of P&B think the latest doomed bid to save Zombie Rangers is some kind of Scottish football assassination plot by Peter Lawell, the SFA, Charles Green and Neil Doncaster, orchestrated by Celtic. All of this seems to be based on the fact that Celtic... Haven't said or done anything. I'm not saying that Celtic wouldn't try to save I Can't Believe It's Not Rangers. It's a cynical business, and the men who run Celtic are nothing if not cynical. But, you know, there's a certain symmetry in this Illuminati of the Learned Green 'n' White Elders of Parkhead chat. It's quite funny, really.
  20. Captain S - like it or not, Celtic are going to be playing football in the top flight of Scottish football long after you and I have kicked the bucket. Advise that you do your GP a favour and get used to it, and bring your blood pressure down a bit.
  21. This is like the bit at the end of the zombie movie where everyone starts arguing and pointing guns at each other, and then the fat guy who everybody hates says "screw you guys, I'm getting out of here"... Then opens the door with all the zombies behind it. Except, of course, the Buns aren't zombies. They're a bunch of fuds clinging to a dead team.
  22. Post mortem corpse twitches followed by onset of rigor mortis thread for this pish. Predict deafening silence from these bams when Div 1 proposals are laughed out, Rangers are liquidated, Newco can't find a league to play in and Green sells Ibrox off brick by brick, down to the last stapler and teacup.
  23. Oh, aye. I imagine Peter Lawell fixed the chairmen of Killie, United and the rest in his hypnotic gaze then used his magical bigot-beams to control their minds. "Look into my eyes and repeat after me...", he'll have said. "We will save The Rangers... We will save the Rangers..." And then, he flew back to Parkhead on a pillar of flame shooting out of his erse.
  24. Plenty of succulent hacks would *love* to turn the death of Rangers into an RFC v Celtic fight - they'd shift truckloads of papers to raging Buns. It's up to yourselves whether you want to push that line, of course. My take is that Celtic think they've had more than enough bullets and bombs in the post recently, so they're keen to keep their fingerprints off the corpse.
  25. It gets worse - if you 1) go to the BBC Sport Scotland website 2) download the SPL highlights on the iPlayer and then 3) watch the Rangers games backwards ...all the Bears' goals are disallowed and every single game finishes 0-0! Are there no depths to which the BBC won't stoop?
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