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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Just rented Top Secret! by the same laddies, which I'm surprised I've never seen. I recommend following Airplane! up with The Kentucky Fried Movie, which has to be one of my favourite films of all time. Although it absolutely ruins Enter the Dragon.
  2. Huh. Right enough, I'd never noticed that. Haven't tried it myself, but maybe this would help? http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3043161 Edit: yeah, works a treat. Give it a try.
  3. There are some quality Doom mods around. It's a game that never gets old.
  4. There are still exceptions to VAT? Nice job pointing that out; it'll be stamped out pronto. Not sure that's quite what the petitioners had in mind, though.
  5. Never seen the point of wallet photos either. You ken what they look like, and nobody else in the whole world wants to have your weans inflicted on them. Unless it's a picture of your wife. And she's naked.
  6. Glad I checked before posting 'Ibrox' Maybe the point is: Ibrox, when there aren't enough bears to belt out intimidating sectarian anthems.
  7. The book's well worth a read too. Even deeper plummets from hilarity to utter depravity.
  8. The BBC's themes for most sports were things of beauty. The people they employed to write those did tremendous jobs of encapsulating each sport, even those I'd never have watched in a million years.
  9. iPhone boy's a p***k with too much money. Also, "I forgot to turn the camera on" What a tosser; genuinely seems surprised that a train would destroy a mobile. Get him done for criminal trespass.
  10. No idea; haven't read it. I'm sure someone thinks it's homosexual, however. Seems to be all the rage with the weans these days. I blame South Park.
  11. That's the norm for Internet threads on American gun laws, surely? Surprised nobody referred to your "gay" argument, frankly.
  12. No idea; to continue the American theme, I could care less. Ask our Stalinist mod overlords.
  13. Aye, that's ever happened. I doubt even American tourists would get confused about which sport Scots meant by 'football'. Suddenly having flashbacks to the forgotten years I spent referring to 'soccer' when in the States. Banning imminent, I fear.
  14. Poor trolling, Joe. Nowhere near your work in the Great Purge.
  15. Christ, I think I may have used the term 'soccer' once. You've got to hide me, WB. I'm too young old and fat to be banned!
  16. For saying rugby is entertaining? "First they came for the Socialists..."
  17. Cool. And if global warming melts all the ice, I keep hearing stirring things about the beach volleyball.
  18. La Caramella Fondente? Or, given the reputation of Italian politics, Truffare. Yours, Grande Grasso Soriano Davide.
  19. Most adverts leave me scratching my head, to be honest. The idea that anyone would watch them and think, "yes, I need this product!" is absolutely mystifying, and the people making them often don't seem to give a shit that they're supposed to be selling something anyway. Just shows how clueless execs at big companies are when they spooge money away on useless nonsense.
  20. Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Enjoy! ^^^ "Guns aren't just for killing" thread for this pish
  21. Maybe she realised that men can spooge without having an orgasm? Nice of her to give a shit TBH; absolutely infuriating when that happens.
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