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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. Zen, I know Gabby Logan probably looks cracking compared to the men on MOTD, but...no.
  2. Mind how folk used to say that certain parts of the forum were no-go areas because of Supras? That's the Politics forum and Reynard. You can't miss his seething bile dripped all over every thread. Take a gander if you fancy, but it isn't pleasant.
  3. They should just merge, TBH. Imagine the attendances a combined East Stirling Albion team could bring in!
  4. Ooh, ya fucker. I'm having chills just from the thought of it
  5. Not enough video links being posted, people. Some of us can't afford television.
  6. Do not ever refer to Notts County as 'Nottingham County' or even the old Forest abbreviation 'Nottm County' when one of their fans are around. Chairs upended, outside offered, bedlam and pandemonium everywhere.
  7. Requiem for a Dream is grim stuff. Makes Trainspotting look like a Disney film. One of those films that should only be watched late at night when you're feeling miserable anyway. Unless you're suicidal; don't watch it then FFS Pisses all over that Noah keich. π is excellent too. Ashamed to admit that I haven't seen any other Aronofsky films
  8. The least I expect for shifting furniture is that I get my hoop. Be warned, the lot of you.
  9. If you're having trouble keeping water down, pop the occasional ice cube up your arse and you'll be right as rain (no, not really) Speaking of which, did you check your arse for a garden hose?
  10. Spunk my wad all over the Cowden threads as soon as we manage to drag ourselves off the bottom of the table? You're alright, thanks
  11. Will be interesting to see how he does in the Premier. He does like to get forward, but still covers his defensive duties well. Also good for deceptive punts through keepers' legs ^^^ one of the Blyth 300 I seem to remember xbl having similar thoughts Seems like it, considering how often you're on Alloa threads to tell us how shite he is/we are.
  12. Too fucking right. Hanging's not good enough, etc. Edit: "but I'm a good person!"
  13. Just my opinion, obviously, but I can't be the only one horrified by that sentence.
  14. People who say, "I'm a good person!" Sorry, not up to you to decide. I dare say some of the perpetrators of the most inhumane acts in history would still declare themselves to be "good" people. The rest of the world will make that judgement based on your actions.
  15. I'm guessing the seethe aimed at American Football has emerged from decades of hearing Americans equate a love of soccer with homosexuality. I could be wrong; perhaps we started it. Apart from homophobia, the most common complaint about soccer seems to be the lack of goals, which demonstrates a suspicion of sporting artistry IMO. Very much get the impression that bigger goals coupled with a Wimbledon-style physical long ball game would've seen the sport become more popular with American spectators. Oh, and a lack of draws; nothing induces rage in the States more than a lack of a clear winner. Anyway, as we're doing PTTGOYN - the media's regular "why don't the Americans like football?" articles would be one. They've been banging on about this since USA '94 at least, and who gives a damn? 90% of the world loves football, but the press in the UK act like they do with film and music acts - you're nothing unless you're popular in the States, which is utterly pathetic. The Americans have their own sports; leave them to it.
  16. Huh? Wassat? Smokin' hot Muslims, you say? Get King Kebab onto this, pronto.
  17. I think that's the idea with these things. You get so sick of monotonous meals that you hardly eat anything at all.
  18. I like the way you think, sir Sadly, I had no Philpy to give him, so he wandered off into the night with his plaintive cry. Hopefully he found what he was looking for.
  19. Don't know how I missed Garry Kenneth's slide into obscurity. Wikipedia mentions injuries - is that all it's been?
  20. There's a laddie outside my house screaming for Philpy
  21. No, the batsman's willy. Keep this up and they'll rescind your invite to the traditional P&B Burns' Night Orgy.
  22. I should have expected this, but Madagascar porn is a thing, people. Run screaming and don't look back.
  23. Sounds like he's not enjoying traditional Russian cuisine - specifically, Borscht.
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