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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. I was watching it on a big screen as well. Had no idea who was on the ball in most instances!
  2. Nobody with any sense will be buying a ST to get the live home streams, on the basis of this coverage.
  3. Is there any chance the club can employ someone who can work the zoom on a camera. Had to give up, it’s bloody torture watching that. The action is miles away. For most of the time I have no idea who is on the ball, that’s when the camera guy is keeping up with play. Was getting my season ticket next week but that is under threat after watching this nonsense!! Total embarrassment!!
  4. He's 100% at fault here fucked it big time. Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo....lol
  5. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/spfl-fired-hearts-partick-thistle-22325029
  6. Robson had a great end to the season so a bit surprised he has been freed. I would imagine he would have been a cheap cover option for Penrice. The rest is no surprise but why on earth are we speaking to Cardle?
  7. SPFL awarded 50% of their court costs. Und, Raith, Cove request for court costs dismissed
  8. I think it will get batted back to SFA whom I believe have Dungcaster and McLennan on their board! Best we can hope for is some form of compo!
  9. Nope and Sportsound had no inside info. Both clubs appear to be raging over the letter. Pretty sure there will be a leak about it’s contents before too long!
  10. Dungcaster mixing it before court date? https://ptfc.co.uk/ptfc-news/joint-club-statement/
  11. As usual with the Record it’s all sources, with no actual quotes. If it’s true there can only be one club that is in a position to help anyone out! https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/dundee-united-raith-cove-offered-22248147
  12. Neither am I. I believe if the courts throw it out as it’s a football matter, it goes back to SPFL which seems a bit pointless. Guess we then decide whether to take it higher sporting court.
  13. The fight is on!! https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/spfl-respond-hearts-partick-thistle-22246646
  14. Thought they only had until today. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/5733369/spfl-two-days-hearts-partick-court/
  15. I will be amazed if Doncaster hasn’t phoned round all the clubs and warned them of the consequences for every club, of losing this case. If he hasn’t, he is not doing his job. The fact that people, more in the know than anyone on this site, are saying it’s 50/50, should be sending alarm bells ringing very loudly!!
  16. If we are in it , I am sure we will. If I was you I would be more interested in the fact that if there is a whiff of compo getting paid it will probably spell the end for your club given their recent statement!
  17. Interesting!! https://www.scotsman.com/sport/football/hearts/hearts-analysis-legal-case-could-force-rethink-reconstruction-2890581
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