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Everything posted by Sting777

  1. Yes! More likely he is worried about the threat of court action by Hearts and the costs involved. Did he not mention the infamous 2012 word Armageddon in regards to the possibility of Hearts doing this!! https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/5689204/hearts-expert-help-spfl-court-landmark-ruling-belgium/
  2. Thistle relegated for being 2 points behind a team with a game in hand and 8 games to go. FFS!!
  3. Haha haha! My sides are splitting. Sadly I don’t think Shotts Bon Accord (hoho) will be eligible for any help!
  4. You are obviously upset that you got things wrong. I understand that. You mentioned a blank cheque and it was an obvious lie. Multi millions ARE available and it’s about 10 days after she said this. According to the programme she told Doncaster about the investor and he said he would get back to her. When she was interviewed she gave the impression he wasn’t very quick in getting back to her and he then told her to do a paper which obviously annoyed her given his initial delay in getting back to her. Doncaster was invited on but refused. That’s about it as far as I can remember. I have made my point and it’s time to move on!
  5. I was saying what was being reported on the programme. You got it wrong! Where is the “blank cheque” comment? You made it up!! Hearts are still in the Championship at this moment, as far as I can see
  6. Money is available to clubs and it might help them with testing which in turn could allow them to start the season albeit later on in the year. The cynicism from certain people about Hearts conspiracies when it was clear they hadn’t even listened to the programme and clear that neither Hearts or any other clubs would be saved was ridiculous. That was my only point! The fact the money is there now, to help clubs, backs this up and as of this moment in time Hearts are in the Championship
  7. Reality?......where was it ever portrayed as a blank cheque?? In your head only, by the looks of it
  8. Don’t talk nonsense. The story when it was broken that afternoon stated Budge knew of people that were willing to put a considerable amount of money in to Scottish Football, with no strings attached, that would help clubs during this crisis. You and others thought otherwise. £3m is a substantial amount for Scottish football. Nobody mentioned “blank cheques” You are making things up now. You got it wrong and you obviously ain’t going to admit it. I will move on! Going round in circles here
  9. SPFL chief Neil Doncaster says the donation will 'protect clubs from the worst effects' of the pandemic. The valuable money is available to the clubs now and as it turns out it wasn’t a big Hearts conspiracy. You got it wrong!
  10. You got it wrong! Get over it! https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/5685805/spfl-trust-agreement-james-anderson-3m-donation/
  11. So you got it wrong! I am not sure what attempted bribe you are referring to. As stated at the time of the programme there was no conditions attached that would save Hearts or any other club!
  12. I said what was getting said on the programme live, at the time. It was you and others that clearly weren’t listening to the programme that said it was all a big Hearts conspiracy. You got it wrong! The money is available! Move on!
  13. Looks like the money is getting paid or maybe you two know better.
  14. Well U.K. appears out of line with rest of Europe. Am certain Hearts will go all the way with this. We just need to sit back, see what happens and hope for the best!
  15. If it’s illegal it’s illegal. Hearts will take it to court so let’s just hang on and see where it all goes. I have accepted Div 1 football for next season so anything better will be a bonus!
  16. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/ligue-1-relegation-ruled-illegal-22163798
  17. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/5683479/hearts-partick-thistle-ligue-1-relegation-amiens-toulouse-unlawful/
  18. I might be wrong but does this not just leave Scotland as the only country in Europe to be relegating teams when the league is incomplete. If so and again I emphasise I don’t know, we have got to fight our corner along with Hearts and Stranraer
  19. Interesting development. Think Hearts will now take this to court! https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/sport/football/hearts/hearts-watching-closely-french-court-blocks-relegation-and-belgians-rule-it-illegal-2879315
  20. If he is prancing about our midfield next season that’s me finished!!
  21. Well if we have Graham, Rudden, Brownlie and Lyons all staying I for one will be delighted!
  22. Not sure what Killie are thinking of!! https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/5677595/kilmarnock-lead-race-scott-fox/
  23. I assume the club has put some sort of deadline on the players that have relegation release clauses in their contracts because, in this climate, it makes no sense for Fox or Zanatta to leave. They could go months before getting another club and as a result will have no wages until they get signed up again
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