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Posts posted by SimonLichtie

  1. New Highlights!
    We're delighted to have recently uploaded 70 (yes, 70!) match highlights from the 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 seasons!
    Hinchy wondersaves, George Rowe strolling it at the back, John McGlashan bossing the midfield, Stevie Mallan causing havoc up top....and much more!
    There's two playlists there that have 35 videos in each of them, and they're all in order from day 1 to day 36 of the season a side the couple that are missing..... don't say I'm not good to you ;)
    (Absolutely raging the club have announced a signing around the same time as me putting this out..... how dare they! :lol: :rolleyes:) Another promising signing at that, excellent stuff :) 
  2. There are always two sides to every story, and similar to the Ali Adams situation we'll not get the clubs side of the story on this one because, quite rightly, the club don't make public comments on club employees and their contractual situations.

    I'd simply say, as far as I am aware, several players signed contracts and at the end of them have found out that the terms of the agreement were slightly different to what they thought they were. One or more players have asked for this to be checked by the PFA to see where things stand - the 'small print' stuff can be disregarded as it was 1, said by a known and proven liar with a chip on his shoulder regarding the club, and 2, alludes to the club trying to 'trick' people in some way when contracts were signed, which is utter bollocks. I strongly suspect that players do not read every line and every in/ out of their contract prior to signing it, and therefore something they signed on the dotted line too actually comes as a surprise sometimes.

  3. 13 hours ago, SimonLichtie said:


    Coming soon :)

    Got a really good Buy One Get One Free deal on these season highlights ;) 


    Hopefully have the loose ends tidied up in the next day or two and get them available to all early next week :)

    The 2002-2003 highlights are a slightly harder 'sell' to be honest.......

    'Now I know you're all disappointed about last season, and the 10 game losing run we had to finish things off. I too was disappointed..... disappointed the season ended when it did, and we weren't able to achieve a new club record. However, I've managed to get my hands on highlights from the 2002-2003 season, and I've uploaded all of them to YouTube so we can all watch the full club record 11 game losing streak! You're welcome!'

  4. 5 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

    This made me laugh whilst lingering about the back streets of Kirkcaldy earlier today.


    None of this Tipex on a bin nonsense.

    I think I saw this last week! :lol: Dundee side of Kirkcaldy, beside the train line, maybe half a mile from the station?

  5. 22 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    But remember, Jim McIntyre won't be at the club forever.  So it doesn't matter, we shouldnt focus on Jim, its all about the medium to long term planning....oh look we've lost McKenna, a player who might just have been handy in league 1.  Can't wait to see this one spun.

    I think it's maybe time for me to take a few months off from here...... it's becoming basically impossible to have any sort of objective discussion about anything relating to the club at all. :blink: 

  6. 27 minutes ago, AFC360PUNK1320 said:

    I cannot wait to read Simon's take on this (even he would have to come up with a JFK or MLK type speech to convince me lol) and Simon is like Nimmy imo the TOP Red Lichtie fans and supporters i respect so i do always read his posts, some i agree with and some i disagree with which i am sure he does with mine.   

    Appreciate your kind words, and entirely agree regarding agreeing/ disagreeing on things, that's football :) There are plenty of people on here I've disagreed with/ argued with/ bickered with on and off all season regarding AFC, absolutely nothing personal against anyone. I'm sure there are plenty of people who think my opinions are mainly pish as well.... sometimes I think I'm one of them :D

    In terms of Jim McIntyre, I absolutely understand people wanting him gone, and have done for 6+ weeks. There are plenty of reasons to have a go at him, but there are also many things that have gone against him that he's had absolutely no control over. People have to see both sides - there is no 'McIntyre has got everything wrong' and there is no 'none of this is McIntyre's fault'. There is a combination of a million and one things that have resulted in us being where we are, and Jim McIntyre's failure are obviously one of them. I'm not making any 'he should stay' arguments, I'm more making 'he is staying' ones and instead of going round in circles I think it's much better for everyone if we put this season behind us very quickly and start looking at the coming one. I don't understand why some people are so focused on McIntyre. The way our squad shapes up for the next year/ two years is far, far more important than if he is our manager at the moment or not. If you think it's going to go badly, and it does, then he's out the door in October. We still retain the playing squad, the players we've signed etc..... Jim McIntyre will not be at the club forever, regardless of if he does well next year or not....

    In my opinion, the board will have analysed the situation at some point around March/ early April and knowing the plans that are in place for next season, they have decided to continue with Jim McIntyre in charge. This means that the last 4/5 games would have had absolutely no bearing on the decision that was come to at that point. If this is the case, then the decision to keep him based on the plans/ how things are shaping up for next season won't have suddenly changed so massively that the decision should be reversed. In terms of medium/ long term planning it would be completely correct that these 4/5 games would have no effect on a decision made regarding the following season. Assuming there was a 'decision' made, is it the right one? I've no idea. I'm not saying it is, I'm not saying it isn't.

    Everyone, player or manager, comes and goes, but while they represent Arbroath FC and are giving as much as they have to the club, I'll support them. As a supporter of the club, I don't really see an alternative.....!

  7. I came on here to discuss the game, even though no-one else seems interested in doing so I'll still give it a go.... I honestly find it more disheartening reading some of the stuff on here than I have watching us in the past few weeks.

    I thought Raith were excellent, and showed why they're a top end Championship team this season. Their shape and the way they move the ball was the same as always, you can see the things they spend time on the training park doing in terms of shape in the attacking third and creating space for themselves. As you'd expect we spent the evening a yard off the pace, and once again some really poor individual mistakes in the defence cost us. In terms of player performances, not much to really say, Innes Murray put several good balls into the box in the last 20 minutes and we began to get some space with the game being totally over and Leighton had a very good, self-made, chance around 30 minutes in, as well as Dabrowski pulling off a superb save in the last minute from Goldy. A side from that, as we've seen over the past few months, a side devoid of confidence, structural understanding in the defence and fitness.

    A much needed summer break. Personally I think there is more to be positive about next season than negative. I think we've done a lot off the field in the past few months in terms of preparation and squad planning and I'm excited to see further signing announcements in the coming weeks.

    I think now the seasons over I'll wait until the club announce who is staying or going and then give my opinion on the individual players this season and then draw a line under it. I don't like to have a go at contracted players, I'd prefer to support them, but when people have left the club I'm more than happy to give my full opinion and there's several people who will probably be officially leaving the club in the coming days whose behaviour, one especially, has been a fucking disgrace this year.



  8. I'd argue part of our problem in the last few years has been our poor signings from 5th/ 6th tier clubs in Scotland. Dylan Paterson, now back at tier 5 with Linlithgow Rose, Kieran Shanks back in tier 4 with Peterhead and averaging 1 goal fom open play every 5ish games and Mark Stowe, who has massively struggled with the jump from tier 6 too tier 2, as almost any player would.

    I'd much prefer to see us signing up proven L1 players, or players who have consistently proven themselves as they've gradually moved up the levels. In terms of forward options, players like Tommy Goss at Annan who has proven himself in L2, then L1, and has much more to his all round game than goals which puts him ahead of guys like Shanks and Hester for me. Asking relatively young players to jump up from tier 5/6 and be able to do a job as regular starters in tier 2/3 is a huge ask and verging on unfair on the players themselves.

    If we could get a sniff at Alfie Bavidge on loan next season that'd also be absolutely outstanding. If Alfredo Agyeman leaves Falkirk this summer I don't think he'd get a full time club, and I think he'd be an excellent addition also.

  9. 11 hours ago, Leicesterlichtie said:

    Not trying to portion blame on Boruc here, but 36 goals have been conceded during his 11 + 1 sub appearances. Constant chopping and changing of the defence has contributed to our demise.

    The scary thing is if Boruc hadn't been superb the past 4-6 weeks it'd probably have been 50 in that space of time. In his 12 games, I don't think he's played behind the same back line for two games in a row. He's got some obvious deficiences in his game but I think he'll make a good enough career out of the game.

  10. There's a big difference between making a statement regarding someone outwith the club making inflammatory comments regarding the club/ professionalism of players and making public statements about currently contracted employees. See Ross Millen at Raith currently - played every week for half the campaign and then 'mysteriously' left out out of the squad entirely for the past 4 months with no comment from Raith Rovers officially at all.

  11. On This Day in 2001 we beat Berwick Rangers 2-0 at Gayfield to secure promotion from the Second Division, with John Cusick and Jim Mercer scoring our goals

    We recently got our hands on a full 30 minutes of footage from the game, and the celebrations, which is now live on our YouTube channel!



  12. 6 hours ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    So can it be changed?  If McIntyre loses 4 of the first 5 league games next season, will the board sack him?  How about if he loses 8 of the first 10?  In both cases, I highly doubt it.  Our club is seriously sack averse.  Especially if they see the support happily clapping along to the shiny new signings. McIntyre will only go if he chooses to resign.

    If McIntyre lost 8 out of his first 10 league games next season, you doubt a board who have been very open about going for promotion wouldn't sack him? :blink: That's quite simply you taking things to an extreme. In terms of the 'club being sack averse' I don't quite get this. Our board is a very different one from that we had in the 2000s, and the 2010s, the majority of the personnel have changed, the chairman has changed etc.

    The 'happy clapping' stuff and 'shiny new signing' stuff I don't get either. I've not see anyone 'happy clapping' this season. We all, to a man, woman and child, agree it's been a shit season where absolutely nothing has gone right. In terms of the new signings - this is a bewildering comment to me. Are you saying that we cannot be happy about anything, any players re-signing, any new signings we bring in, because Jim McIntyre is the manager? Essentially we all have to be angry, unhappy and think everything is shite until he's gone?

  13. 11 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    There are people who are willing to give him a chance because the club have backed him


    I totally agree with you but I'd add that I feel it's also mainly because he is staying for the summer. It's a decision that's been made. There's no point in discussing/ going round in circles on it. Why can't we look at new signings/ contract extensions/ games etc. more objectively than 'aye, but McIntyre. Shite'. I think the vast majority think he'll leave the club in October or so..... if that's the case, it's extremely important we're in the best possible 'bad' position as it were - with good players on the books. I really hope once this season is over we can discuss all the things that'll happen, positive and negative, over the summer without constantly going round in circles on McIntyre out and focus on next season as opposed to going over what is and isn't McIntyre's fault this season, which has obviously been done to death. Surely we all want to sign good players/ put together a good squad knowing that either it works under McIntyre or he's gone a quarter into the campaign and we have a good base for another manager to work with....

  14. 7 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    We haven't seen a single sign that McIntyre is the right man.  Not one single sign.  After a promising beginning, he's made things worse. 

    Less than 2 weeks ago we announced he'd signed the best part time striker in the country! You don't think that's promising at all, not a good sign at all?

    Signing the best part time striker in the country for the next 2 seasons is incredibly promising and rather exciting ahead of the new campaign. Jim McIntyre being the manager doesn't change that.

  15. One other thing I'd add - the stuff about 'losing the dressing room' etc. is complete and utter guess work/ assumptions on people part. Everything factual that has come out, key/ long term players re-signing and at least one quality player also coming in from outside the club points to the opposite.

    I also agree that, for once, the League Cup is important this season. Not in terms of results, but in terms of how we're shaping up and the performances. In previous seasons we've basically used it to give players game time and treated them as friendlies, understandably, but this time they'll be viewed much differently.

    Ultimately we'll know if we're going to stick or twist management wise after 9 or so league games. Between now and then I'll be hoping we sign well and hoping we can put together a consistent system that works for us from the start as opposed to Dick going with bizarre formations throughout June/ July in friendlies/ League Cup games a like before going with the system he was always going to go with. I don't think long term Jim McIntyre will work out for us, but I'm not going to blame him for everything that goes wrong and ignore the positives/ just react to them with 'aye, but McIntyre'.

  16. I guess the thing I'd put to everyone who wants McIntyre to leave now/ should have left in the previous months, I see the two paths as follows:

    1 - Continue with him with the plans that have been building since January, in terms of players signing from outwith the club and from the current squad

    2 - Rip it up, bring in a new manager and leave him 5 months behind everyone else in teams of preparation

    So, lets say we start next season poorly and are having issues come October. People want the manager out. I'd much, much rather be in the position of having a squad that's been put in place over a period of time/ the manager has been given the amount of time needed and has failed than be in a position where we want a manager who's been in the door 3 months to be sacked when he's not been given a fair crack at it.

    Manager leaves in October - one we've given a year and has been given more than enough time and has failed or one who has been given 3 months and not given a fair crack at it?

    Personally I think it's much better this way, and I think people massively underestimate the planning that goes into a new season between January and June.

  17. 22 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

    I’d be interested to see if you could go back into your extensive database and find such an abject season/part of a season because I can’t remember anything this bad in 45+ years.

    I already know that - the second half of the 2003-03 season. We were basically fielding a youth team and getting battered every week.... it was very painful :(

    22 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

    If we didn’t have that purple patch in September we would be sitting on 11 fucking points. That’s almost Brechin level of embarrassment.

    See the thing is, you've taken 4 games out of season that we won. If you took Brechin's four best results out of their season they'd have finished with literally 0 points. ;) 

    22 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

    Simon, I know you’re the voice of reason and level headedness on here but even you must be well and truly scunnered by this.

    These performances haven’t been like this since the games have become “dead rubbers”, it’s been like this for months. There is not one single iota of improvement - even when we still had a chance to stay up, we were getting humiliated week in week out.

    I don't know why people think Jim McIntyre can make players who aren't Championship level quality better though? I also don't remember us being humiliated 'week in week out' this season at all. Half of them have been games we've lost by the odd goal because we dont have the level of quality in the team that other teams in this league do.

    Last week, todays game, and next week literally mean nothing. That's why we tried a different formation today, why we have Ricky a start as captain in his last home game and why we haven't been playing our best striker for the last few weeks. There's no point in playing people who are definitely leaving, and because we've been pish over the last few months it's well worth trying things in terms of shape etc. and seeing how people cope with an eye to if they can do a job there next year.

    I genuinely don't get why people would be complaining about things in these games. Of course, by all means entirely understandable in the months prior when we were pish and lost all of the games against the teams 'near' us, but how can today affect anyones opinion considering the above?

    Ultimately people who wanted McIntyre out last week, want him out still, and will want him out next week. That's totally fine and obviously an extremely justifiable opinion, but that has to be based on the games prior to the irrelevant ones in which we're trying things/ giving players game time and playing a team in which it's their biggest game of the season?

    I mean, last week he was getting blamed for using the term 'punter', and this week he's being blamed for Aaron Steele running like Robbie Raeside in a pool of treacle. That's nothing to do with tactics, training or anything else, that's to do with Aaron Steele being slow for starters, and coming back from a 4/5 month injury on top of that. There's plenty of issues, plenty of poor decisions and performances by players and managers a like, but we can't just sit about blaming Jim McIntyre for things that are quite clearly not his fault/ things that aren't really relevant.

  18. 2 minutes ago, glasgowlichtie23 said:

    Are you serious? Has every game since the end of september been a dead rubber just cause we’ve got spanked? Surely we want to go out and win these “dead rubber” games to get a bit of confidence in us for the next season. 

    Yes - today was a dead rubber for us and a huge game for Queen's.

    No - every game since September has not been a dead rubber.


  19. I for one will be taking absolutely nothing out of a dead rubber end of season game with a team full of players who won't be here next year in the starting 11.

    I also find it utterly bizarre people are complaining about McIntyre/ tactics when it comes to the 3 goals conceded in the first half..... All 3 of them individual errors by players who won't be playing for the club next season. How on earth can you have seen those goals and blame McIntyre over Steele/ teale/ Ricky I do not know :blink:

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