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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. Fans will vote with their feet if Rennie is kept on.
  2. The pitch has looked completely done for at least 2 seasons now. It was said when it was installed in 2013 than the uppermost limit of its lifespan was 8 years. I have no idea why it hasn't been replaced; I'd imagine monetary reasons, but it's causing us problems now.
  3. New BoD would destroy a lot of goodwill by keeping Rennie on despite all the evidence indicating he’s not up to it.
  4. Holistically, Houston was a very good manager for us - I'd argue he's our only successful appointment since Yogi, which tells you absolutely everything. His first season wasn't great, but he was given somewhat of a free pass because of the big three, while the cup run largely deflected league campaign criticism. His 15/16 team thoughThey were a real shining light in the last 10+ years. What a team that was - the complete antithesis of the bunch of jokers we have now. They never knew when they were beaten; the last Falkirk team that was a pure joy to watch every week. He was, again, a victim of circumstance with Rangers and Hibs still in the league. Any 'normal' season in the Championship, that team would have run away with it. The next season we finished 2nd, we were a lot more more stuffy while still managing to get results, but the cracks began to show in terms of recruitment. He should have left after the Dundee United play-off, and was rightly dismissed after a dreadful start. People who retrospectively say we sacked him too quickly forget how clear it was that his heart wasn't in management anymore, and that was coming up 5 years ago. He's also got his safe number at Celtic back again, so there is absolutely zero chance of him returning. It is nice to sit back and remember when we had a team that actually gave a f**k and looked proud to wear the jersey, though. While Houston's teams were never world-beaters, the charlatans we have now wouldn't lace their boots.
  5. Because he was a total fucking charlatan who was booted weeks later. Unless his removal simply came out of nowhere and wasn't planned in advance?
  6. Anyone who goes to this meeting; please give us some updates x
  7. Yep. Agreed, but so is the buffoon coaching them during the week and setting them up on the park.
  8. A Morton fan gets it more than some of our own support. Some laugh.
  9. Even the thought of Lewis Connolly's voice asking him the oh so predictable, soft as shite questions as Rennie positively slavers his way through another post-match interview is enough to get me raging. Please don't.
  10. Aye, also save the stuff about keeping Cones. Just cause Rennie is even worse doesn't mean he wasn't fucking hopeless. We keep appointing clowns - expect the circus.
  11. Looking forward to the mental acrobatics of the Rennie Defenders™ and those who blame the fans for not being supportive enough tonight! Come on guys!!!! Just get behind the team!!!!
  12. Get them all to f**k - Rennie on the first flight back to the States and Miller a taxi to Ibrox. Fucking hate all of them.
  13. Maybe we should use the last decade as evidence to whip ourselves up into a state of hope and optimism. Also, the current season finished weeks ago. We're done.
  14. On what basis could the BoD justify keeping Rennie, though? He's quite literally failed on everything you could possibly measure him on.
  15. I 100% agree with this. With the good weather in the summer, you could even do it in the manner they had that meeting in the stadium a decade ago (when all the fans sat in the stand and said Pressley should go and they kept him anyway). Market it as proper 'clear the air' talks - set out exactly what the situation was when they took over, where the club is at now and what needs to be done to get back on track. I suspect you'd get a lot of fans willing to listen to that kind of openness. Although, I suspect you're right we wouldn't get everything - it wouldn't surprise me if people like Holt signed NDA's. Hartley allegedly did the same; he's barely mentioned his time with us since he left.
  16. The new BoD would be absolutely mad to keep Rennie on. In order to rebuild trust, they are going to have to be totally transparent; the second it is mathematically confirmed that we cannot reach the play-offs and our season is officially over, they should be making it clear that Rennie and Miller will leave upon the expiration of their contracts and that the search for a new manager will begin immediately.
  17. Don't a number of other clubs schemes have a starting rate of £5 a month? Whether you like it or not, £10 a month - factoring in the well-documented rising cost of living, as well as the other costs associated with supporting the club; season tickets, away tickets, travelling to/from matches, buying stuff on matchdays, merchandise if you have kids, etc - would be a significant additional outgoing for an increasing number of people. This is especially the case when it is for something with very little immediate, tangible return. Maybe something for the FSS to look into.
  18. The thing is, it doesn’t take a Klopp to win this league. Look at some of the managers that have built a team to win this division in the past. The quality of the teams are, on the whole, pretty poor. With the resources we have (yes, resources are very important), it really shouldn’t take a tactical genius to build a Falkirk side that either wins League One, or at the very least challenges for the title. I think we obviously are in a bad place now, but I don’t buy the argument that it will take years to turn it around. We just keep appointing diddies who make a complete arse of it. In two of our three years in this league, it looks like we won’t even reach the play-offs. It’s fucking criminal.
  19. An impatient fanbase that still gets 2500-3000 at home games despite being absolutely fucking gantin for over a decade.
  20. Ffs. Absolutely no-one expected Rennie to completely 'turn things around' in six months. You'd think Falkirk fans had expectations that he'd come in and go unbeaten for the rest of the season to win the league the way some folk are going on on here. The position the club is in is not a quick fix - everyone is aware of this, it's hard not to be. However, Sheerin was sacked after 16 league games; we sat 4th, 3 points off 4th and 9 points off 1st. By the time Rennie came in after 17 games, we were 12 points off 1st and 4 points off 4th. Undoubtedly a very poor position to be in, but far from unsalvageable, given over half the season was left to play. Indeed, the reason Sheerin was booted was to bring someone in to try to 'salvage' the season. Rennie came in in December, when reaching the play-offs was more than achievable. As others have said, he was appointed on six-month deal, not to fix every single ill at the club, but to get an immediate reaction out of the players. He has brought in some of his own players (including someone on what will likely be the highest wage we've had in years) and also benefited from the return of Dowds. Despite this, from being 12 points off 1st when Rennie came in, it's now 26 points. Queen's Park have also been incredibly inconsistent and there for the taking by any half-competent team, but we've never even looked like overtaking them, and It's highly unlikely we're even going to make the play-offs. Performances have arguably been worse than under Cones (which is a disgrace in itself), and even the teams that he managed to beat (eg. Peterhead, Clyde) are now turning us over. Whatever metric you measure Rennie on, he has failed miserably. I've said it 1000000x times and I'll keep repeating it until people get it - 'stability' isn't an argument to keep someone who obviously isn't up to it. To even be considering the prospect of keeping him on is lunacy, despite the campaign that one or two on here will continue to propagate in his favour.
  21. I didn't watch the game today - because was I f**k paying to watch that - but I am not exaggerating when I say that, bar one or two exceptions, I fucking hate this group of players. They are absolute charlatans. The majority of Hartley's lot were about 17 levels out of their depth, but at least some of them looked a little bit bothered. Catapult the majority of them, including the clueless Rennie and his part-time assistant/Sevco pundit.
  22. Can't wait for Rennie to inevitably be kept on for next season and for the propaganda campaign on here to go full steam ahead.
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