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Everything posted by 18BAIRN76

  1. Will never have to see that imposter in a Falkirk shirt again. Glad Ray has seen right through him. I for one am delighted.
  2. completely forgot about brough lolz lets just pretend last summer didnt happen yeah x
  3. Looked on his twitter and that tweet isn't there.
  4. Hippolyte scored, was playing well in his last appearance against QOS in a 3-2 win in December 2017 - I remember I was surprised at how much he looked up for it that day - until he got injured, taken off and was never seen again after he was shipped out by Hartley. The idea he 'downed tools' is a myth.
  5. All I care about is getting another striker in. Rudden needs help, and if he gets injured/suspended we are so, so fucked. I will genuinely be apoplectic with rage if we don't sign another forward. Whilst the right-back issue is crucial and it is baffling it hasn't been sorted yet, if we are going to sign one of the two, it has to be a striker.
  6. Didn't Edibairn say Muirhead was a key part of Ray's plans?
  7. Great podcast, and comes across like a decent bloke who cared about the club and enjoyed his time here. As a side note, does anyone else notice how many of the ex-players in these types of interview manage to allude one way or another to how many fans we have? Total #crowdwank champions; we are so fucking blockbuster.
  8. Edibairn obviously got done the dirty from a burd from Sunderland and has been raging ever since. Surely the only explanation for him despising Robson and Nelson as much as he does.
  9. Obviously desperate these signings work and that they can dig us out the shit, but colour me a little unconvinced with a couple of them. Hope I'm wrong though.
  10. Just realised that McShane has squad number 26, held by Mark Russell. Not even giving these wasters the publicity of a statement of release showing their availability to help them find new clubs, just silently punting them out the door. Delicious.
  11. Given the shit we are in , don't think we could do much better than this. Good signing.
  12. He's not great but Danny Rogers is fucking Buffon compared to Fasan. Get it done Ray xxx
  14. On the very, very off chance Morton ever make it to the Premiership (unlikely, when was the last time?), no Falkirk player would ever choose to move to Greenock of their own volition. A pointless step down.
  15. Quoting people saying Haber would be a good signing means f**k all, because on paper he was. It wasn't his ability, it is that from his first start against Inverness he looked as though he would rather be anywhere else than on the pitch playing for Falkirk, and he carried that attitude throughout his entire time here. Good riddance, absolute wage thief and definitely in the black book of my most hated Falkirk players. More please.
  16. Has Robson genuinely shagged your other half? A completely irrational hatred.
  17. Ray frequenting P&B and making a comment like that with the sole intention of riling Edibairn gets my greatest respect.
  18. From here on in , everybody just patch the roaster. Leave and it will eventually go away x
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