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Posts posted by Claymores

  1. ?

    My reference was that in administration and with a packed Ibroke and with manager taking no wages/players on 75% discount that Haudit & Daudit managed to report a £3.4mill loss whilst operating under admin.

    My further thought was that altho Chuckie Cheese has reduced the player bill significantly, his income has gone down the toilet too - with no rationalisation @ planet Orc

    The only way I can see Cevco surviving is making a share issue an annual event!

  2. Up til half-time it was looking good, but we can quite easily snatch defeat from the jaws, etc......sad.gif

    Still, another two Standfree bonuses (laugh.gif) from Killie-Ann.

    Oh, and back on topic - whaur's ma perspective? If Leggo can get wan, ma investors demand wan an aw!

    "Oh bollox" as my auld Presbyterian granniy used to say every time she had £50 snatched from her by the Arabs :angry:

    At least I was cheered to see that Chas is still counting on the £21mill he's been promised by his Loyal - made my private consortium of 17 "pwoud, very pwoud" that we've shown our backing for the flagship Club that is Sevco - our enemies at Arsenal must be quaking in their boots after Sir Charles Green told them they're just a diddy wee bunch of nobodies who probably all went to wan ae thei left-footer schouls

  3. Not at all. Our demise had been on the cards for year - long before Whyte. Also, Celtic's PLC was on the brink of bankruptcy before The Bunnet did such a brilliant job.

    I agree, though, that it's perfectly OK for folk to post about us and haven't a single issue with that.

    However, the sheer number of posts is disproportionate. Not only that but when we are playing - especially in midweek - we have can have dozens of posters logged on just to follow The Rangers.

    My point is a serious one. Football fans should try and take an interest in their own team rather than giving my team such attention.

    Have you an issue with this?

    I think you'll just have to accept that the scandal which led to the demise of the former Rangers was so unparalleled in Scotland either within or outwith sport that it naturally lead to an unparalleled level of interest (7,000,000 views of this thread seem to suggest that)

    After the death of the former Rangers, there was still a huge amount of disattisfaction as to how the situation was mismanaged by the fitba bodies and others in that Sevco slipped the net and dodged the debt to the public of up to £94,000,000 whilst proclaiming "We Are Rangers" and threatening hellfire and thunder on anyone who crossed them.

    I personally was not overly miffed that people like yourself ended up with a new wee team to support, albeit I was upset by the manner in which your newco was parachuted into the SFL contary to the established application procedure. HOWEVER, and as someone else quite eloquently summed it up:

    "Charles Green and his fellow board members and unknown investors missed a golden opportunity to actively encourage a different culture and mindset at the new Rangers - but instead of condemning the Protestant supremacy, bigoted chanting and singing, and lack of contrition among their fans - he instead chose the path of follow, following the ethos of the old Rangers, becoming infected (to use his words) with Rangersitis. The medical use of the suffix "itis",means inflammation…..Well Charles Green certainly inflamed the situation."

    Whilst your new wee team hasn't necessarily done anything wrong (in fact, Sal's ham-fisted attempts at management have amused us enourmously), the same ugly h*n mindset remains and indeed has become more pronounced. This is what I despise and why I have now taken an active interest in seeing the demise of Sevco to follow follow it's despicable predecessor into oblivion.

    In other words, and to sum-up less eloquently:


  4. There maybe some bad news for P&B favourite and allround hero Paul McConville.

    Rangers Supporters @rangersfctrust Poor Paul McCovnville's been served an injunction by the club. I believe more could follow due to their lies driven by hate.

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    You'd think that a real, proper lawyer would have known better.

    More pish from you I see Benny the Ball - and how sweet, Tedi even gave you a greenie for it, poor naiive sod!

    Above it was suggested that the Sevco lads would be foaming at the mouth at yer pish, but we all know that creaming in yer pants is more your style.

    Keep the pish coming - how to make a complete dick of yersel Lesson 1.0.1 by Benny the Ball

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