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Posts posted by Claymores

  1. Rangers bosses knew about Craig Whyte's shady business dealings BEFORE Ibrox takeover


    And the 5 who knew the detail. http://www.dailyreco...t-panel-1407445

    Martin Bain, Alastair Johnston, finance director Donald McIntyre and John McClelland and John Greig.

    "The Insolvency Service have confirmed that their Investigations and Enforcement Directorate are considering the conduct of Rangers directors.

    They are looking at the actions of the board ahead of the sale to Whyte, as well as what went on after the takeover."

    This is the same John Greig who remains a trustee of the Rangers Charity Foundation. Despite the title of 'Honorary President' he is also a trustee which has many legal and ethical responsibilities. Is Greig competent to deliver these? Based on his activities as a Rangers director most would say not.

    Last annual report on their site is from 09/10. sad.gifrolleyes.gif Fundraising 'trading costs' £136k! ohmy.gif Signed off by Martin Bain so it must be ok.


    I asked/invited Cevcos yesterday to tell me where the F that Rangers legend John Greig has been hiding.........................I got no takers......................any guesses?!

  2. Congratz, you deserve yer fun, I also answered ur edit, but enough of callin me a timmy, thats going too far :(

    Must say claymores have met a few fifers who are anti rangers but your dislike seems a bit more ingrained, maybe you can share yor story sometime

    I could but it's probably boring - involves the housing estate where I grew up on which was prdominantly Prodi - grew up to hate Orcs n bigots, most of the people who I still get on with from childhood are now staunch (Celtic supporters - t*ms is a no no word apparently) cos of it. I'll buy you a beer @ EFFC social club n tell you if the Fife avoid the drop + Cevco come-up next year!

  3. Yes I know hb, we or someone like you have had this convo before

    The fact is charlie promised fsa approval, if he faails to deliver this then it will be fatal, no money from me and hey I might even start a 1 man protest at ibrox just to keep you all happy

    On a related post to my above one, I hope that is not the same day Scottish Ambulance Service decide to boycott Ibroke or you're fooked wee mate!

  4. You ever going to tell us what you did as a fan to help stop your club from dying?

    They creditors been paid yet?

    £46k to the Scottish Ambulance Service is something that nobody should forgive. SAS should DEFINITELY refuse to provide cover @ Ibroke until the dosh is recovered. Let the fat Orcs have their heart attacks.

    £46k is roughly the cost of an ambulance on station with a paramedic for 5 days - let's hope it is not one of us, our family or friends who needs that SAS Ambulance that the buns stole the money for.

  5. Listening to some classic purple, enjoying a glass or two of wine before my kip and you go and ruin my feel good factor, cheers.

    It'll go ahead, will it raise what he wants, i doubt it. The only way to stop those sort of shenanigans is to match the details of buyers with those already on the Rangers database.

    I'm sure he said he something else contradictory the other day too, you guys seem to pay more attention to his ramblings than me so you might know if i've got this right. He said he's not taking a wage from Rangers, he'll get shares once the deals done but i'm sure he said at one of fans meetings that he's on less than half the salary that Bain was on.

    Yup Benny - he said on Talksport that he's not taken one penny oot of Rangers but gets 10% of what Cevco is worth. No reason to doubt him. fat Sal gets 5% remember - they were selling-off 10% to yon agent for £10 million ish. We've no Idea what notional percentages are from the original Mysterons but the're starting to add-up and when it hits 150% please as a fan hit the red alert button.

    I didn't know the Bain salary comment from Chuckie. You are a decent bloke so not point-scoring against you.

  6. A bit of a no win situation here, nice to see you covering all bases as they say.

    I respect that you're not wasting your childrens' inheritance on it Benny the Ball. Do you think it will even go ahead? If he has only got £21 mill committed, I know or am responible for getting £1m committed, guess KDS have done many millions,

    What Chucky Cheese has said is quite contradictory - he's flush, doesn't need the money and Cevco is rising in value - exactly the time you don't have a floater.

  7. If Chucky gets more actual cash than Minty's floatation I'll be fucking amazed :lol: we all know they orcs are mean fuckers.

    He told us there is £21 mill committed so that's an easy £11 mill in his back pocket no bother even if we only give half - I took an excerpt of that bit of the radio interview as a soundbite and relayed it to his 'investors from Germany' - they all fell about laughing!

    More seriously is Chuckie or the Mysterons promising to underwrite the disaster waiting to happen?

  8. Nope ! You just don't go , gives you more time to think all things Rangers .

    How many Euros are you in for Mason? The impending floater I mean? I know that some mates from Aachen, Duess, Wiesbaden, Frankfurt Krefeld and Duisburg have all committed the maximum to Chas for a laugh in multis (that's beyond my personal £160k commitment). They await their prospectuses.

    I've almost floated Chuckie Cheese for you.

  9. Use your own log in ya lazy fucker

    Ye what? I know of KDS of course which I'm not a member of. I AM a raging bun on CevcoMedja to wind-up the troopers but still biding my time to drop-in the "Cheerio Cevco" final nail - hence why I know Devlin quite well!

    My German burd thought this Selfish tune was quite romantic and shared it all over Germany who now sing "Bye bye Let the Rangers Die" back at me when I visit (a bit oot o date I know cos they're deid already).


  10. NAH ! we'll be thinking about all things about a dead club and also it's clone offspring that seems to have more hate than it's predecessor.

    Can you please get one of your cohorts via KDS or wherever to recast the song to "We're Having a Party When Cevco Die". The original version worked and is still one of my faves................many on P&B would appreciate the sequal release I'm sure even if not Seltik-minded ;)

  11. I believe you are correct and it is now built more than hatred than before , as you say every SPL club is the focus of their bile.

    All they did was apply the rules it was the SPL management that brought the whole let them stay in.

    No matter how the decision came about we have to live with it I wasn't happy they were allowed in the 3rd do I vent my spline towards every SFL club including my own no it was a compromise.

    The desire by some to turn back the club to an age of shame is again reason why they needed to start again.

    From a SFL perspective too, I've vented at my Chairman that Cevco were allowed to waltz into the vacancy in SFL3 that tumbled-down after the demise of the former Rangers. Our huge percentage vote (90+%) was that Secvo should be rejected ANY parachute and that Cevco could apply for the vacancy in accordance with the established procedure. We now have the sad situation that the Cevco Loyal think they're entitled again and that they chose their position............the bile and open sectarianism is palpable n unhealthy for the SFL - I never wanted those scumbugs near us.

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