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Posts posted by huckleberry

  1. Give me strength!

    For the umpteenth time to the umpteenth individual coming out with these "wishful thinking" rumours, where does the money for this takeover come from, never mind the cost of rebranding, paying of redundancies to surplus staff at "certain West Fife club", etc, etc - never mind they cannot run away from the debt even if they do put it in an incubator (all that will buy them is a few months at best?

    Well Mr Kennedy has a few quid. Buying Dunfermline is not that expensive compared to buying out Rangers. A few years as Dunfermline Rangers then a move to Glasgow. 12000 every home game and the whole thing becomes more managable.

    Greens Rangers wont last if it even happens.

  2. Rumour has it that a certain west Fife club is up for grabs as the owner is "retiring".

    Given the open letter to their fans distancing the board from the chairmans rantings its

    fair to say that the chairman, (who is not a Rangers man unlike the owner), wont be an impediment to a

    newco takeover.

    Makes sense as the stadium is SPL standard and cheaper to run for a few years than costly Ibrox.

    Given the level of Rangers support eminating from Fife it could be a shrewd move by the Blue Knights.

  3. HMRC has failed in its attempt to over turn the football creditor rule under which English FA members pay their football debts before any other creditors, the BBC reported on Friday 25 May.



    Yes, and UEFA want all football debts paid in full. Its a catch 22 for the Rangers CVA. Pay everyone 3p in the £ and they cant get a license or pay the football debts in full and stuff the rest.

  4. Why was he supposed to hand over money? Usually a buyer wouldn't pay out money until a cva is agreed or is it security for the assets if a cva goes tits up.

    Not sure exactly. It was in the Daily Mail yesterday. Think it was to provide working capital till the end of the month.

    Remember D&P cant use any season ticket money that they might get as that money will have to get returned.

  5. Agreed totally. The last time we saw sh*t stirring of this nature was from Windy Miller's camp right before he legged it.

    Not sure sure where I read it over the last few days but Green has only stumped up £200k. No money for wages, no £8.5m in a holding account. So, D & P will have pocketed another couple of weeks of fees, but they are running on empty now.

    He was supposed to hand over £2.7m last week but failed to do so. Nobody in their right mind would lend them money after the

    ticketus fiasco even Green ! They cant go to the bank for a sub either. Keep saying this but ill say it again. They are goners.

  6. If there are enough sanctioned glamour ties paying the players what they would receive during a normal season and add in the fact these glamour ties exceed what the SPL can offer in competition will you turn down the chance to play against possibly the worlds best players ?.

    Ibrox is a 5 star venue and safety is guaranteed by the Strathclyde masonic police lodge 8).

    EDITED TO ADD safe ! as long as McCoist scores a last minute goal again.

    Ibrox is in need of an overhaul/repair. Might look shiny on the outside but the inside isnt so bonnie.

    Gretna and Livi got back to back championships with expensive seasoned pros. Think the Rangers kids

    who are used to nice smooth pitches etc might find some of the 3rd division parks a little challenging.

    If the Rangers fans loved the club so much then why was only £500k raised for the RFFF?

    Remember Lehman. It was too big to fail but it fail it did.

  7. Do you think the SFA would say no if the gers were to be joining the SPL next season ?.FFS they are already lubing our anuses for a newco next year so why not ?.

    The SFA would be making a mockery of their own punishment and FIFA would get involved again.

    Pretty sure there are other licenses or permits needed as well like a safety certificate etc.

    No self respecting professional player would want to wait a year for a game.

  8. Friday, 01 June 2012 21:52

    The Rangers Supporters Trust Board is calling on Stewart Regan to resign after he favoured a tweet which threatened Rangers Midfielder Lee McCulloch:

    "In the image provided you will see a rival fan post "I might try to find a vid to painstakingly review again...& I'd cheerfully see him hung" in conversation that started off with another fan gleefully state he would like Lee McCulloch sent off where Regan has been tweeted in.

    Stewart Regan subsequently hit favourite on this tweet: http://i49.tinypic.com/2v9r7mh.jpg

    This is a disgraceful gesture from Stewart Regan which exposes his real attitude towards Rangers Football Club.

    It really smacks of incompetence for the SFA Chief Executive to encourage threatening tweets at the same time the authorities are trying to clamp down on threatening behaviour online.

    Stewart Regan should be leading by example rather than being a cheer leader for threatening and intimidating behaviour and his position is now untenable.

    Rangers supporters' confidence in Stewart Regan has been diminishing for some time given his failure to address the constant singling out of referees in the final third of last season and the obstructive and difficult position he has taken during Rangers current administration process. But this is the last straw and Stewart Regan must pack his bags and go."

    Aye really terrible. Think mibbee the RFFF should take the CEO of the SFA to court over this.

  9. From what i can make out with the BoS stuff if true then not just Rangers but Scottish football is in danger of being finished off.

    How can a financial institution be such a heavy creditor to one company that they have to coerce/ "put the squeeze" on others to ensure the debter "wins" enough money to repay them. This surely cant be true. :o

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