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Posts posted by huckleberry

  1. Time for the SFA to step up again. Tell the bully to withdraw the appeal or they are expelled. Simple. The SFA have to look after the interests of their other member clubs now. They are also safe in the knowledge that by making this threat (our even better acting on it) they will have full support from uefa/fifa. God i hate these cheating b*****ds, pull the trigger ffs!

    They will be finished next week when the money runs out. There are no money streams open to them.......especially the bank..........or the SFA

  2. they have all bought into this "restriction of trade" stuff they are banding about aswell

    i dont think they realise they arent the first team to have had a transfer embargo placed upon them nor the fact that it was quite lenient to allow u18's to be able to sign so they would be able to put a team out etc

    They are a big team in a nation of 5m souls. In the big European scheme of things they are nowt as has been shown by only £500k

    being raised for the RFF. Thats is a tenner from every attendee at Ibrox. There are no rich North Americans, Australians or Mongolians

    out there that are gonna throw good money after bad. The mindset of the fans is centred in the 1970s when there were issues outside

    football that affected many lives and for many the only way to express themselves was through football. Times and people have moved

    on but they havent.

    We are still in a "credit crunch" and banks wont lend to business so they sure as hell wont lend to buy a b***** football club. The club

    is a loss maker. The only reason any rich guy would buy it is to offset profits. ie SDM and we can all see where that landed them.

  3. as entertaining as it is reading rainjurz mhedia

    its quite scary how brainwashed the masses are to anything that comes from castle greyskull even in the face of evidence that would be to the contrary

    Most still believe someone is waiting in the background ready to save them at the last minute.

    Even when the place is bulldozed and turned into a ALDI they'll still no get it. A bit like Comical Ali

    saying theres no American tanks in Baghdad.

  4. Another thing to remember is Ibrox is not in a great state of repair and whoever buys it, (assuming its going to be used for football),

    will need to fork out to get it back in shape. The longer the "gates are padlocked" the worse it will get. The place needs heated and

    theres no gas/electricity then the place will start to rot. Being a listed building wont prevent it from being bulldozed if it becomes


  5. As entertaining and funny as it is, this whole thing is way beyond the world of football.

    I think everyone now realises that the games up and everyone who can finish the job

    is too afraid to do it. Maybe thats why the court action was started today. Get FIFA to finish

    off Rangers so no one can get the blame.

    H&D know theres no chance of selling the club. Greens going to walk and the money is

    pretty much gone. Can see Strathclydes finest being very busy next week.

  6. The Fixture list is due out in less than a months time. it will be at least two months before a CVA could be agreed and set up( thats if one is agreed) so even if Doncaster gets his way and the SPL ignores years of cheating there still going to have to face allowing a club in admin to compete Next season? do they start with another ten point deduction?

    Bit difficult to field a team when theres no money to pay the rates, leccy and gas bills as well as wages.

  7. The prize for most ludicrous piece of tripe of the day has to go (again) to the Daily Record.

    Instead of focusing all their efforts solely on the the issues and fallout surrounding the BBC prog., they chose to publish an article:

    "Rangers are going through hell but top stars still want to sign for us, says chief scout John Brown"


    INCREDIBLE journalism on so many levels. I think the only worthy comment is: :guns

    Top stars that are under 18 i suppose?

  8. The names of the players are important, particularly if they are the same ones who have been shouting loudest about how it's all a conspiracy, like Hately, Goram McCoist, "we need clarity and total transparency", remember, Ally, be careful what you wish for, LOL.

    Should be very interesting if its the entire list of EBTers thats aired tonight. Was there not something also about the Bunnets phoned getting taped as well?

    Unfortuately, all this will add fuel to the other half of the OF conspiracy against them.

  9. Ha! They believe enough in their boycott to cancel their subscription but are still carrying on watching until it runs out. They must be sh*tting themselves that there are no Rainjurs matches before the screen goes blank.

    Wonder how many wives will be having a sex boycott over losing their favourite channels? :lol:

    Just wait and see what happens when UEFA punish them for the double contracts. Itll be volcanic!!

  10. The EBTs case seems to be the big problem for Rangers. Doing the dirty on the creditors is one thing and theyll just start a newco and act as if nowt has happened. However,

    getting proved and found guilty of double contracts is another ball game altogether. If the SFA fail in their duty to turf them out then UEFA, (who lets be honest here dont show mercy and already had run ins with Rangers recently), will force the SFAs hand.

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