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  1. I wouldn't normally do this but I'll make an exception in your case. I am a Celtic supporting proddy; brought up in the west of Scotland. I went to the Church of Scotland Sunday school and even joined the Boys Brigade. I was the only Celtic supporter in a school of Rangers supporters. I have had endless grief from both sides of the divide since the very early 1960's - treated with suspicion and hatred in equal measure by fans of both clubs. I am not a bigot. Don't jump to conclusions just because you think they happen to support your own hate filled agenda.
  2. Boils down to:- Celtic - nice Rangers - dead If you really want a full translation just select the text then copy and paste it into Google translator
  3. Not strictly true have a look Celtic - An article about Celtic being much more than a football club Rangers - About the imminent bankruptcy and death of Rangers Just two examples from the regional daily Ouest France
  4. Sorry if this has been posted but it's a full time job just keeping up with this thread. Anyone seen the latest issue of Private Eye? Apparently Hughie is reported as being a one time deputy chairman of a Jersey-registered but Qatar-based company called, wait for it,..... PanCELTICa. No surprise to learn it went tits-up in 2010. The company went into liquidation and shareholders got nothing. Fit and proper person....my arse.
  5. OK, so this is my first post, not only on this thread, but on the site as a whole. Great work folks. Keep going because you are making a difference. Anyway, it looks like the guy with the nails is standing over the coffin with a hammer in his hand. The worrying thing for me is what happens next. If Rangers suffer a suspension or exclusion can you imagine the hell that is going to be unleashed, particularly in and around Glasgow? The riots in England will look like an old folks outing by comparison. If, after the axe falls, you can remember ever having looked at a Rangers fan kinda funny then get the hell outta Dodge. Seriously though, this decision may have serious public order implications and I just wonder if any pressure is being applied to the SFA to ensure that they don't light the blue touchpaper.
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