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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Can't fucking stand Morton, mainly as everytime I've been to Cappielow it's rained, we've been in that uncovered bit and we've got beat. Every, fucking,time. Anyway, can someone find that pic of Baracus being huckled out of a stadium and Photoshop our Main Stand (Weir) into it? Thank you.
  2. Came on to post this. They trained or played at our ground in the 20's I'm sure, at a time when the board were looking to change our colours, iirc.
  3. "struggled" would imply the presence of effort. He thought he'd made it when he got to the first team and didn't realise he still had to work to develop until he was punted down a league or two. Yes I'm still irked by this.
  4. Aye, he has came back from injury, and that was admirable, but he was a younger man then. Being pictured in the gym was great to see. I don't know how he's doing right now, or how far away he is from anything close to fitness. I don't doubt his mental fortitude, but I think it's hugely optimistic to talk about him coming back to play, let alone playing at any sort of top level.
  5. While it's a nice gesture by jambos, and looking a gift horse in the mouth is indecorous, I can't help but think that the persecution narrative of "forced relegation" during COVID will be given some fresh impetus, and that this is partly the motivation behind the offer. As I said, lovely to receive a helping hand from Hearts fans, and perhaps I'm overstating this, but the cynic in me also thinks a resurrection of the "we wuz done" story can take the heat off the board a bit.
  6. I thought the North Stand couldn't have an added tier due to the flats behind it?
  7. Aye I really dont think there's any substance to the chat around Gordon taking the gloves when he comes back. He was making mistakes for Hearts before his injury and he then broke his leg in two places. Being 40 and coming back from an injury like that to even play regular fives would be impressive enough, I don't think there's any chance he'll do anything other than retire tbh.
  8. ^^^ Tom Hanks in Big found.
  9. I think you're both right to an extent. It is about meaning and perception, but the meaning comes from the larger story. The drama unfolding on the pitch is merely an episode of a greater narrative. That is what we participate in as football fans and what gives us the meaning and the emotional payoff. Winning back to back promotions in 2001 and 2002 is the best feeling I've ever had as a Jags fan. We were in the doldrums of the seaside leagues and were perilously close to liquidation, so to come back from that, with John Lambie and a few returning favourites (and some great characters) was a satisfying triumph. If we had won the First Division because of a group of faceless foreign investors, with no obvious connection with Partick Thistle then this story is less romantic and organic. I would probably do what Man City and Newcastle fans do (and also the OF up here) which is to construct a story that still makes it some sort of triumph to be celebrated. Perhaps a feeling that it is our turn (if Man City) after years of seeing your neighbours' successes, or a similar entitlement as a Newcastle fan (the story that we're a sleeping giant who have simply been unlucky or having to deal with corrupt owners). Up here the OF create stories around getting one over on their rivals, or the "authorities" or that there is an inherent uniqueness about their club to give meaning to their consecutive titles against vastly weaker opponents. Man City will win the CL, but it's the result of a Faustian pact which has denuded the club of its soul. The long time City fans will know this, but will have constructed a narrative to mitigate the cognitive dissonance caused by said pact. This will provide some solace and will even allow for joy. It will, however, forever be a joy confined.
  10. I was thinking about my reaction to it too. My lowest point as a Jags fan was the pumping by Ayr on the last day in 98 which sent us down to the seaside leagues and I genuinely thought we were done as a club. To make matters worse, Celtic had won the title for the first time in a decade and the following Monday was like VE day at my (catholic) high school. Absolute murder. We've been to the top flight and the seaside a couple of times since, and nothing will compare to that day (before admin became more common) so perhaps we have a more inbuilt equanimity in the face of such arse collapses.
  11. Quintessential compo faces these. Exemplars of the genre. The woman looks like she's been waiting for this her whole life. Her time to whine.
  12. I don't know whether to be proud or disappointed that there wasn't anything close to a heads gone by any of my fellow Harrys after our shitting of the bed on Sunday.
  13. He was also married to an IRA member iirc. Interesting life by the sounds of it.
  14. I thought the same. He's a class player and a tremendous athlete. He surely can't spend his whole career at Celtic.
  15. I honestly thought we were home and dry after our goal. County huffed and puffed, but didn't seem to create anything. Getting that lucky break with the penalty really exposed a fragility in our mentality, we fell apart quite quickly after that. We no longer seemed to have confidence in our passing game and at one point hoofed it long when we had a four man break at the edge of our box. So many wrong decisions made in the final third as well. It's probably the most ineffectual Graham has been in a wee while too. He was a pain and occupied defenders, but didn't get much change. I fucking hate the handball rule, and the VAR checks today were far too long. County played well, with Dhanda and Laidlaw being the standouts. I'm fucking miserable tonight. Fuckin boo.
  16. If you keep using it it'll become one. We can make it happen.
  17. Time to delete the thread now @jagfox. Seriously though, that pelanty shootout was our playoff in microcosm; failing to score from plenty of chances was our undoing. The penalty they got was an absolute nonsense, so I'm still a bit fizzing about it, but we blazed over from under the bar TWICE. Would rather have just got pumped in the first game instead of this. Utter shite.
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