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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. You're not fucking sharing with us again, that's for sure. Our pitch looked like a lush oasis on Tuesday night. On the topic of your team, looking back it did feel like there was a lack of leadership and nasty b*****dness once things began to go awry. You've got a nice team, with some nice players, but need a couple of absolute cvnts in your team if you want to stay in the league next season, never mind challenge for the title.
  2. Och f**k off the pair of you.
  3. Just the 12 goals in the last three games against this rabble.
  4. Did Danny Mullen run to Ochilview from Firhill? He looks knackered already.
  5. I definitely heard "Airdrie b*****d". I fucking hate him mainly because of his time at Airdrie. But then again, he scored in the playoff in 96 for Dundee Utd, but we're a bit too decorous to call him an Arab b*****d.
  6. Honestly thought that Tiff was about to score the best goal I've ever seen there. An absolute tease of a camera angle. We're going to absolutely skoosh this by the way.
  7. They count double, as usual. That's the most attacking Jags line-up I've seen in ages. Maryhill Magyars indeed.
  8. I was going to say precisely this. I was genuinely gutted when he died (a week or so after McIlvanney too) as I knew there was nobody who'd be able to fill his erudite communist shoes. I bought the herald on a Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday for his column alone. Hell, back then you had MacWhirter on form and a bunch of readable Tories too (Andrew McKie was a personal favourite). Now it's beyond shite. Even during the referendum they were fairly balanced. The paper itself erred on the side of a no vote, but allowed many of its columnists to bang the independence drum. I feel like there isn't a newspaper that reflects my values at all now.
  9. In case anyone here doesn't venture to the "Misc" section, this lad just popped up with this cracker of a thread.
  10. I was disagreeing with "a leopard never changes its spots", not "a leopard generally won't change their spots".
  11. Ach I only really started watching it after about 25 mins, but as you said we didn't give them any real clear cut chances. The goals they scored were, as far as I'm concerned, two GK howlers and a ludicrous deflection.
  12. My cousin goes to games regularly and assures me that Mitchell is a decent goalie. I can only remember him flinging goals in and he looked awful last night. Mitchell aside I thought our defence was excellent last night. Queens didn't have many chances and their three goals came from shite goalkeeping and a jammie flukey deflection.
  13. From what I know of Sussex I imagine these people have these outfits hanging up in their hallway, ever ready for some flag shagging pageantry. Lovely place, of course, and lovely people. Definite forelock-tugging country though.
  14. According to an article in Nature (2010) this isn't true. The pattern on their coats responds to changes in environment and can do so reasonably quickly.
  15. They eat insects in certain parts of Malaysia mate.....
  16. Are you the one that put that spyware on my phone?
  17. I didn't take it that you were. I wasn't responding defensively.
  18. Who cares what is common or not? If she's experiencing mid-coital hypo-glycaemia (ken, I'm a silver-tongued bassa) then that's a circumstance that requires a solution. I'm not suggesting you permanently keep fruit there, but if you know she's coming over it might be a nice thing to have. I wasn't implying you were inconsiderate, but there's always ways in which we can be more caring. Behaviour is broadly designed to either bring things towards us or push things away. Complaining is often a bringing in behaviour in which the person frames themselves as the victim in order to elicit sympathy and attention. I'm just offering an interpretation. It could be shite. Food and sex are often closely linked. Perhaps you can find foods that are also aphrodisiacs (grapes and figs are particularly erotic) so you could do a bit of research on that. She's Malaysian so that gives you lychees, which are lovely and sweet, but also papaya. Melted dark chocolate with its magnesium and theobroma (which increases blood flow and dopamine production, increasing the sense of pleasure) can make it a bit of a playground (by dipping fruit into it and perhaps feeding each other) as well as keeping her blood sugar at the right level. So aye, it might not be familiar territory, but it could be a playful way of addressing her concerns and increasing the intimate connection between the two of you. Enjoy.
  19. Have a basket of fruit next to the bed and some other tasty diabetes friendly snacks. She likes to take care of you, but often complaining about stuff is an indicator of a desire to be cared for. Having some luxury snacks next to the bed (or making her something as a prelude to said pumping) would help her feel heard and cared for. I dare say it will increase the quality of your sex life too.
  20. First Bus pricing. They don't give change, so instead of £3 the price is £3.05. Who the f**k has a 5p on them? Had to put in £4. I honestly don't know how it's legal to demand exact fare and refuse to give change. And aye, I ken I could use my card, but the contactless doesn't work. Sitting here absolutely fizzing.
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