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Everything posted by GLESGABOY

  1. You could take some time to read through the utter pish that you posted previously under your other user names and that will give you a decent base-line for assessing and comparing poor posts. Take a week or two to read through the voluminous threads on the pyramid which are full of the same ass-clown characters vilifying anyone who dares to hold anything even resembling an opposing view to their pro-pyramid stance and then come back and talk to me about infantile retorts ,obscene language or bully boy style nonsense. If you think that any club makes a decision about it`s future based in any way shape or form on what`s written on this forum then you need to stay off the glue..........
  2. Look at you getting your pyramidpanties in a knot. I`m well aware of the content. The future of the Junior game (on the thread that you started.....really?) is now out of your hands and nothing more than an interesting distraction from your impending move to Utopia. Frankly I`m surprised you`ve got so much time to spare to pour scorn all over anyone else`s opinion if they appear to waver from your party line. I thought you would be filling out application forms for all the cash that`s coming your way for being in the pyramid?? For the avoidance of any doubt I`ll post where and when I see fit and if that irritates you (and it clearly does) then so much the better. You`re actually a bigger ass-clown than I gave you credit for if you think I`m involved in "running the Junior game" I`ve no need to sell anything, lets see how it plays out and then see who has the last laugh........... Now I`m going to apply the pigeon rule to you so feel free to howl away. I won`t be listening to anymore of your over inflated , self important bullshit musings............
  3. So the reason that the East is imploding (with the exception of the big clubs) is because I`ve outed you and Hamish for having wet dreams about the pyramid??? It`s an interesting opinion but like most of the other stuff you write it`s utter bollocks.......
  4. Bingo!!.....Is Pro Pyramid Gansta the same as Wanka?? Asking for a friend................. between you and Hamish you must be getting through some amount of bed sheets with all these pyramid wet dreams that you`re having. You have now left the building so why are you persisting with your barrage of pyramidpish? I see you were catching farts on another thread about your move to Utopia and if things are so bad why the f**k do you care what happens, you`ve left. Be a good chap and let the door hit your arse on the way out..cheerio noooo...
  5. Not required because the sun will be shining every Saturday and every midweek when the games are being played as well. They will also be getting an extra Bank Holiday and discounts at Nandos and Greggs.
  6. If they issue an official figure then the appropriate level of detail in terms of the number of responses they received etc would need to be published as well before it could be viewed objectively
  7. And yet you have a figure of 95% with zero substance to it referring to "a first indication of a likely result".......
  8. I believe the grade can prosper. It`s been imperfect for a number of reasons for a number of years but that doesn`t mean that it should be forced into accepting a half arsed solution that`s been cobbled together with practically zero consideration for all the member clubs and offered up as some sort of after thought....the grade needs to evolve of that there`s no doubt but it needs to be inclusive and take along the Royal Alberts as well as the Auchinleck Talbots and I believe there`s enough good people within the Clubs to help the game evolve into something that people fifty years from now can get nostalgic about......... I`m going to run a seperate thread on this at some point over the weekend and see where it goes.
  9. The posting style adopted or otherwise is suited perfectly to the people it`s directed at. There`s multiple threads on here about how shite the juniors is and its full of dinosaurs and it needs to integrate or just find it`s level (which basically means f**k off and die in a corner quietly because any club that doesn`t integrate is dragging all the good clubs down etc etc) It doesn`t even cross the minds of these people that there is an alternative viewpoint and they have thus far been assuming that the lack of any vocal opposition of their position means that they must be right. Well in my humble opinion they are wrong and I`ll continue to share that opinion with them in the appropriate manner.........
  10. Breaking my heart into the last of the brandy from today....that`s the meeting finished now as well so it`s off to the Savoy in the taxi`s that will be claimed back on expenses......Looks as though the East Region won`t be able to finish the season as a result of all the teams deserting in their droves...
  11. Food was great, brandy and cigars were exceptional as always and the lap-dancers....well they were totally arousing..................oh and if you`re bored then you don`t need to read it. You can tune into Kelty TV or Blackburn TV to get the latest Integration Update but you will of course have to reward them for the service they provide....
  12. I`m not. You mentioned finance and rewards............
  13. Ok thanks for clearing that up because i was really worried there for a second........................if you take a picture of that and keep it on your phone then it might be relevant it to you sooner than you would like if you don`t manage to increase the population of your home support but I`m sure your investor(s) aren`t worried in the slightest about that...............
  14. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Kelty have taken the leap because they think they should be rewarded
  15. I dragged myself away from the post meeting lap-dancers for this................zzzzzzzzzzz You really are deluded if you think I`m anything to do with the SJFA but I think you doth protest toooo much about your own position within your club but we`ll leave that there shall we.... If the Junior grade is as bad as you say it is then I look forward to your next post confirming that your club are doing "a Kelty" and trotting off to the land of milk and honey. Make sure you don`t get your stilletos caught in between the cobbles made of gold on your way over and whatever you do, please make sure you take at least 4 other members of your committee with you when you`re going to pick up your BIG BAGS OF HANDOUT MONEY......... as for the rest of it, I can see I`m actually playing chess with a pigeon......
  16. How do you know what the actual meeting agenda is? How do you know he isn`t at the meeting to be informed of some development or material change in the offering that he will then be required to present to the members? How do you know he`s actually offering any sort of opinion that`s supposed to be representative of the members (although 20 from 120 using your figures is not a mandate for any sort of change) I`m going to put something up just shortly which will deal with the issue ,in my opinion anyway. Because clubs don`t share the same view as you in relation to integrating with another far from perfect system/organisation doesn`t make them parochial dinosaurs. The short answer is NO. I don`t believe the Juniors should be part of one overall league system under the jurisdiction of one governing body. Which single entity are you referring to? The SFA or SPFL or any of the other acronyms that currently deal with funding etc from within. So the Juniors don`t integrate as you call it do your club have a working plan to jump over the fence to the field where the grass is greener OR do you stand and look over the fence whilst staying where you are and pouring scorn on the organisation that you`re a member of OR do you stay where you are and try and work with the other member clubs and produce something that makes the grass in the other field look a lot less green.............
  17. So why do you need the SJFA to integrate en-masse if the offering is that good and your club is in favour? Interesting also that you`ve used the word RISK...
  18. The minutes are....... the lunch was superb as always. When the meetings over we`ll be retiring for cigars, no time for minutes...
  19. Sorry for the delay in replying there......me and the guys were just necking some brandy to wash down our working lunch...............
  20. If I had the answers I wouldn`t be asking. That`s interesting though that you are at pains to point out you aren`t involved in your own club and yet there you are filling in surveys.... notwithstanding that the answer is you actually can`t or wont give a direct answer to my question. According to you, from circa 120 Junior clubs that received the survey you think that"20-30" replied they were interested in joining the pyramid. Given that you indicated on behalf of your own club that you would be interested in joining the pyramid it really begs the question , why haven`t your club done just that?
  21. Can you put up a summary of the evidence/results that you are referring to so that everyone can see what you`re using as the basis for your response?
  22. If these clubs are as ambitious as some on here would lead you to believe then why are they not leaving for the greener grass just now? I`ve no problem with ambition if that`s what you want to call it and clubs (office bearers, custodians etc ) can choose as they see fit but why the clamour to dismantle the junior grade (imperfect as it is and there`s already a thread running to cover it and how it could be improved) in the process. There`s a pathway there so why don`t they take it? If they are that confident then make the step/jump like Kelty already have.
  23. I`ve read it. They consulted with their fans and asked a direct question. So does that then mean that they should be told to go and play Amateur
  24. Obviously he has certain clubs in mind. He didn`t pluck the statement from his arse. We know what your opinion is, interestingly it flies in the face of the majority at your own club (if I`ve understood the threads on it) who if they were asked to vote on it would more than likely refuse to join the current offering ............
  25. Feel free to name the clubs that you feel aren`t of the stature required then or that in your opinion "bleat about travelling beyond the cosy confines of their own locality" don`t be shy about it as you`ve clearly got some names in mind.........
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