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Everything posted by HeartsOfficialMoaner

  1. I think you take the bait more than anyone else. Stop biting.
  2. Scary! That's 14 days isolation plus 2 days so 16 days before the virus shows itself. They'll have to keep them in quarantine for a bit long in future.
  3. Better being on the safe side. You'll handle prison better than your dad.
  4. Is that what Salmond wants at the end of the day.
  5. That's stuff that has just been chopped but aye, I do need a new one.
  6. Cavani can come on and change the game for Utd, I don't know if Liverpool have an option as good as him. I don't see it.
  7. We are in the shitstorm, it can't be avoided. DfT is a devolved matter?
  8. I remember reading something about this before. The mothers and baby homes story coming from Ireland. 9,000 dead children, 15% of the kids that were in these places. I don't know how a country deals with something as bad as that. I thought the statement from Micheál Martin was pretty good. I'm now reading that the victims aren't happy, they say it's not good enough. The comments here are quite hard hitting. https://www.thejournal.ie/catherine-corless-mother-and-baby-homes-legislation-half-hearted-response-5323550-Jan2021/
  9. I don't think it is revenge. He might think someone else should lead the party though.
  10. Its difficult to argue why it should continue at the moment, imo Do Hearts get promoted?
  11. No, I disagree. The authorities can put him in prison and brag that nobody is untouchable in a democracy. They can sell it how they want.
  12. He's totally fucked up. He keeps on digging a hole for himself. DIG THAT HOLE! DIG THAT HOLE!
  13. That was quite funny. Peaceful but boisterous protest. No bombs or machine guns.
  14. HIm, his wife have just started up some medical company with their children named as directors. SOmething like that. Looks like they are at it.
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