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Everything posted by HeartsOfficialMoaner

  1. The humans will be fine, we will keep on reproducing and taking over the planet, it is the other lifeforms that are going tatty byes first. They are the ones heading for extinction., they don't really matter so everything is fine.
  2. BoJo has it sorted. He worked it out. Looks like an extension but it's the old leave but don't leave 'no deal' plan. Perfect.
  3. An exchange, a few remainers for 17.4 million then drop the DUP.
  4. BoJo had to prove to the Brexit party that Leave means Leave, he has shown he means to leave the EU so it's Nigel's turn.
  5. Instead of trying to trick people, maybe more people will vote for independence if it's said that a Scottish Republic is the goal. Plus we want to be in the Schengen Area so get ready for a hard border.
  6. It looks like IDS is going to be making a fortune if Brexit goes through. He is desperate for it.
  7. BoJo will force the EU into giving him an extension, it's quite straight forward, everyone can see that. Two more years.
  8. Have a mate that voted for Scotland to leave the UK because he says "we should run our own country" He voted for the UK to leave the EU because he says "we should run our own country" "We don't have to phone the EU up to put our bins out..." Folk just vote for their favourite catchphrase.
  9. They fail to leave on October 31st so point the finger and blame and peoples get angry. How quickly can they call a general election?
  10. https://skwawkbox.org/2019/07/23/hodge-subject-of-formal-antisemitism-complaint-by-orthodox-jewish-labour-member/ Another one.
  11. We should all share and share alike except we shouldn't share mine.
  12. People living hand to mouth have no interest in politics and just want rid of the foreigners because they see them as a threat. They don't want the little they have taken off them.
  13. My family name originates in Northumbria, it would have been good to learn a bit about my old country at school before the Scots and English took it over.
  14. The Toilet Taliban desperate to keep the men from the women.
  15. They pay their taxes so are entitled to road signs, Urdu roads signs would be cool as well.
  16. It might be good to go to a party at her house. You could go back and listen to all the rubbish you spoke about, all the great ideas you all said and forgot because you were fucked On the other hand, it would be terrible to go to a party at her house...
  17. People from "Up North" have the same complaint.
  18. I can't have a go at him. I use Bank of Scotland, they are probably up to no good.
  19. If it's true that the ERG are demanding a VOC in Theresa May then what happens next?
  20. Can May ask the HOC to vote between her deal or remain to force her deal through now that no deal is off the table? Is that not how it works?
  21. Been drinking and now trying to make sense of it. It all goes above my head but the question is... Is Mark Francois happy or sad?
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