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Everything posted by HeartsOfficialMoaner

  1. Maybe not but maybe the girls were asked to keep a lid on the allegations for the time being as it would have been bad for the party. Maybe they just felt that way themselves.
  2. This is it, he needs to do it now. His 5 years are up at the end of the season. I think we have been patient, we have watched some amount of rubbish. Good luck Craig Levein.
  3. Do you know the names of the individuals given responsibility for looking after this money and making sure it is used to it's best effect. The way that money is wasted in Edinburgh, it always seems like we have some boys from the bowling club and ladies from the local bingo being told they can spend it how they see fit. It would be better if clever people were put in charge.
  4. It could be a lot worse, with England being independent and Scotland in the EU we will not have frictionless trade.
  5. Boris has been chatting. Imagine Trump doing Brexit... He’d go in bloody hard… There’d be all sorts of breakdowns, all sorts of chaos. Everyone would think he’d gone mad. But actually you might get somewhere. It’s a very, very good thought. https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexspence/boris-johnson-trump-brexit-leaked-recording?utm_term=.ocj7OjWP8&bftwnews#.qy2M8Pz54
  6. The fear of short-term disruption has become so huge in people’s minds that they’ve turned into a quivering wreck. Unless you make the change, unless you have the guts to go for the independent policy, you’re never going to get the economic benefits of Brexit. You’ll never get the political benefits of Brexit.
  7. After we leave the UK Andrew Wilson wants us to have a frictionless free trade with the UK as well as us being a member of the EU? This sounds like the cake and eat it thing, I did not think that this was possible, this is what the Tories are asking for? Am I reading it wrong? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-44271370
  8. And they wants to keep the pound for the frictionless trade and market access with the UK.
  9. You read this? http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2018/05/25/the-scottish-growth-commission-gets-its-economics-very-badly-wrong/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+org%2FlWWh+(Tax+Research+UK+2)
  10. The English voted for their independence from the EU and foreigners in England voted against separation? The English need to go all the way and have a vote for independence from the UK.
  11. What if you buy your bevvy online from somewhere outside Scotland?
  12. Silver linings you mean? We'll all be rich because we are free to trade with the rest of the world. £350 million a week extra for the NHS.
  13. The ones that needed the subsides would surely have wanted to stay in the EU. Too much of the land is farmed anyway but where the farms going to disappear to? Will the rich farmers buy out the ones who are going out of business, they now have a chance to make a bit cash from the needy ones.
  14. I like this quote... "They were in with a load of opt-outs. Now they are out and they want load of opt-ins." When they were in they were out and when they were out they were in and when they were only half way out..
  15. Sinn Fein and DUP want a hard border so Theresa has lots of support. Lucky her. https://twitter.com/Open_Britain ...if we are out the EU with tariffs on exporting goods in to the EU, there would have to be something to recognise that between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. And if you pull out of the EU and came out of free movement then how could you have a situation where there was a open border with a country that was in the EU and had access to free movement.
  16. David Davis getting the party started. https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/david-davis-threatens-withdraw-39-091624640.html
  17. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/why-brexit-at-all-costs-really-is-dispiriting-5rnfd6rff A fairly big percentage of people think Brexit more important than keeping the UK together. They ready to bin the GFA, nothing else matters.
  18. Yes; and in my opinion they are also hoping for a hard border as a result of Brexit... of course they won't say that. Where else can it be? I united island is a nice idea but they don't want that just now.
  19. I like the Home Office idea of vigilantes/volunteers guarding the UK borders.
  20. You could try something other than intimidating and bullying the locals. You have 10,000 fans that think it is okay to have a football park in the neighbourhood so you only need a few hundred of them to buy up the properties from the locals and then everybody will be happy. It can't be hard to organise, Aberdeen fans can offer to buy the properties for 20% over the value and everyone is a winner.
  21. If the local people don't want the stadium then it shouldn't be built, they need no reason. It's their place. Has Milne offered to buy their houses from them and give them somewhere else to live?
  22. If Scotland can pocket £1 billion, retain regulatory alignment with EU and effectively stay in the single market the SNP can take the place of the DUP and back the Tories.
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